True Bugs
Hemiptera (hemi = half; ptera = wings)
An adult conenose bug which vectors Chagas' Disease. The bugs are also called kissing bugs and reduviid bugs.

An adult conenose bug which vectors Chagas' Disease. The bugs are also called kissing bugs and reduviid bugs. US Navy Disease Vector Ecology and Control Center.
Metamorphosis: gradual (egg to nymph to adult).
Immature: like adult, but wingless, or with wing pads
Adult: sucking mouthparts, four or no wings, forewings thickened at base and membranous at tip, mouthparts form a beak arising from the head
Habitat: Most true bugs feed on vegetation. Some are aquatic. Other species are predators of other insects. A few species are ectoparasites of birds and mammals.
Classification and Groups: 44 families and 4,600 species in North America.
Medically Important Families:
- Reduviidae - assassin and conenose or kissing bugs. About 2,500 species worldwide (subfamily Triatominae vectors Chagas' disease)
- Cimicidae - bed bugs. At least 75 species worldwide.