Authors A - G
Suggested Readings

Alexander, J. T. 2003. Bubonic plague in early modern Russia: public health and urban disaster. Oxford University Press. New York.

Bell, A. M. 2010. Mosquito soldiers: malaria, yellow fever, and the course of the American Civil War. Louisiana State University Press. Baton Rouge, Louisiana.

Cartwright, F. F. 1972. Disease and history. Dorset. New York.

Cloudsley-Thompson. J. R. 1976. Insects and history. St. Martin's Press. New York.

Cushing, E. C. 1957. History of entomology in World War II. Smithsonian Institution. Washington, D.C.
Desowitz, R. S. 1991. The malaria capers: tales of parasites and people. Norton & Co., New York.

Desowitz, R. S. 2002. Federal bodysnatchers and the New Guinea virus: peoples, parasites, and politics. Norton & Co., New York.

Diamond, J. 1997. Guns, germs, and steel: the fates of human societies. Norton. New York.