Authors P - Z
Suggested Readings

Patterson, G. M. 2009.
The mosquito crusades: a history of the American anti-mosquito movement from the Reed Commission to the first Earth Day. Rutgers University Press. New Brunswick, New Jersey.

Preston, R. 1994. The hot zone. Random House. New York.
Review: "The Hot Zone is scary in deep and unsettling ways, because it is clearly an early chapter in a deadly saga that will play itself out for decades to come." --Bill McKibben

Shah, S. 2010. The fever: how malaria has ruled humankind for 500,000 years. Farrar, Straus, and Giroux. New York.

Spielman, A. and M. D'Antonio. 2001. Mosquito: A natural history of our most persistent and deadly foe. Hyperion. New York.

Williams, P. and D. Wallace. 1989. Unit 731: Japan's secret biological warfare in World War II. Free Press, New York.
Review: "A chilling account of how a totalitarian state utilized human subjects to develop biological weapons, and how cold war politics led American authorities to utilize and cover-up their work in Occupied Japan. As nations still debate the morality of chemical and germ warfare, this book dramatically demonstrates the horrors such weaponry portends." --Michael Schaller

Ziegler, P. 1969. The black death. Harper & Row, New York.
Review: "Ziegler tells the story with ample but not stifling documentation and with an engaging balance of detached statement and illustration....He builds a most credible, restrained account." --Joshua Lederberg, Book World

Zinsser, H. 1934. Rats, lice and history. Routledge, London.
Being a Study in Biography, which, after Twelve Preliminary Chapters Indispensable for the Preparation of the Lay Reader, Deals With the Life History of TYPHUS FEVER
Back Cover of the 1963 Edition: "Rats, Lice and History--enthusiastically hailed on its original publication by scientists and laymen alike who accurately predicted it would take its place with the classics Arrowsmith by Sinclair Lewis and Microbe Hunters by Paul De Kruif."
Review: "The book assumes at once a place among the classics of scientific writing...." --Morris Fishbein, M.D., Hygeia