Honors College Internal Advisory Council
Durward Sobek
Interim Dean, Honors College
Ryan Anderson
Chemical and Biological Engineering
Shelley Banta
College of Nursing
Ann Bertagnolli
Montana INBRE and Honors College
Richard Broome
Jake Jabs College of Business and Honors College
David Cherry
Associate Dean, College of Letters and Science
Steven Davis
Assistant Dean, Honors College; Chemical and Biological Engineering
Katie Delker
Student Representative
Jeffrey Heys
Chemical and Biological Engineering
Josie Kaufman
Student Representative
Ben Leubner
Department of English and Honors College
Scott Powell
College of Agriculture
Vanessa Simonds
Health and Human Development
Samantha Snow
Student Representative
Shannon Willoughby
University Seminar CORE Committee, Department of Physics
Jacob Zink
ASMSU President

About the Honors College Internal Advisor Council:


The Honors College Internal Advisory Council serve as an advisory committee to the Dean of the Honors College on all matters pertaining to the Honors College, including the selection of Honors courses and seminars, policies, and graduation requirements.


The Honors College Internal Advisory Council shall be free to establish by-laws and procedures as appropriate to its charge and responsibilities. Meetings shall occur consistent with these policies, at least once per semester.


The members of the Honors College Internal Advisory Council will be comprised of the following:

Eight faculty members representing the academic colleges of the university, (Agriculture, Arts and Architecture, Business, Education, Health and Human Development, Engineering, Honors, Letters and Science, and Nursing); three to five Honors students in the Honors College as well as a student representing the students in the Directed Interdisciplinary Major; the Dean and Assistant Dean of the Honors College, as well as the ASMSU President or Vice President.  Members will be invited to serve on the council by the Dean of the Honors College, in consultation with the deans of the respective colleges. Students are encouraged to send letters of interest to the Honors Dean.

Non-voting, Ex -officio members:

Honors Dean

Honors Assistant Dean

ASMSU President or Vice-President

Length of term:

The length of term is variable, in consultation with the council member, their supervisor and the Honors Dean. Student terms will be limited to no more than two years of service.


Honors Dean

Advisory to:

The Council advises the Dean of the Honors College on issues pertaining to the procedures and policies governing the Honors college.


As requested by the Dean or the Provost

Honors College External Advisory Council
Mr. Ryan Archer
MSU Presidential Scholar and Senior Litigation Counsel, Boeing
Mr. Steve Barrett
Honors Alumnus and Former Chair of the Montana Board of Regents
Mr. Bruce Campbell
Perkins Coie LLP
Dr. Kay Chafey
Professor Emeritus of Nursing
Dr. Jennifer DeVoe
MSU Presidential, Rhodes and Goldwater Scholar
Ms. Hilary Fabich
MSU Presidential and Gates-Cambridge Scholar
Mr. Devin Gray
CTO at Brightvine and Honors Alumnus
Ms. Katy Hansen
MSU Presidential and Rhodes Scholar
Dr. James Huffman
Honors Alumnus and Dean Emeritus, Lewis and Clark Law School
Ms. Jane Indreland
First Honors Graduating Class of 1969
Mr. John Heminway
Visiting Professor, School of Film and Photography
Mr. Sal Lalani
Friend of the Honors College and International Financier, London and Bozeman
Mr. Bryan Robertus
Honors Alumnus and Founder of Advanced Electronic Designs
Ms. Tracie Roeder
Friend of the Honors College
Dr. Mark Rosolowsky
Retired Executive, Bristol-Myers Squibb and Merck & Company
Mr. Michael Sanderson
President of Sanderson Stewart
Mr. Michael Spencer
Honors College and MSU Alumnus
Mr. Joseph Thiel
MSU Presidential and Rhodes Scholar
Mr. Bryan Vadheim
MSU Presidential and Marshall Scholar
Mr. Dennis Wentz
Friend of the Honors College
Ms. Kathryn Wilmerding-Heminway
Developmental Advisor, Sotheby's New York

Please contact the Honors College for contact info of External Advisory Council members. The External Advisory Council members are invited to serve by the Dean of the Honors College and length of term is variable.