PREREQUISITECHMY 141 and CHMY 143, and BIOB 260; at least junior standing, GPA >3.0 and consent of instructor. This shadowing experience will provide students with the opportunity to observe providers in a clinical setting and position them to meet, in part, the requirements for application to health professional school. 

Please note: Students that have sucessfully completed BIOB 160 are eligible and do not need to take BIOB 260 for this course.

The HPA office coordinates the clinical placements and oversees the academic components to this course for students interested in shadowing in the following areas of healthcare: medicine, dentistry, pharmacy, optometry, PA, physical therapy, occuptational therapy, chiropractics, athletic training (not fitness), cardiac/pulmonary rehab, SLP, etc. Students should refrain from setting up their own placement. Students who set-up their own placement will be disqualified from enrolling in the course due to the priority list and waitlist for the course.

Students enrolled in the course will be required to observe for 40 hours, complete assignments on goals, reflections, and a final paper. 


Students who are interested in this course should complete the application and submit before the deadline. The application for spring semesters will be available starting August 1st, the application for summer and fall will be available January 1st. After submitting the application, students should make an appointment and meet with HPA in the semester before they plan to enroll in this course.


Application Due Dates:

Due date for Spring semester enrollment: October 8th 

Due date for Summer AND Fall semester enrollment: March 1st


Acceptance and Enrollment:

Enrollment space is limited and therefore, not all student who apply will be accepted to enroll. Applications will be scored based on the students current academic standing (Junior, Senior, Graduating Senior, Post-bacc, Grad Student), Overall GPA, and Total Observation hours to-date. From the scores, a priority list is created to determine who is accepted, waitlisted, and not accepted. Students will receive an email before priority registration about the status of their application. 


Students with questions should e-mail Holly Horner at [email protected].









Created 02/2021

Updated 10/2024