Be The Match On Campus Club
Description: Be the Match on Campus is an extension of the national nonprofit, Be the Match. The goal of the organization is to expand the bone marrow registry for people with blood cancers. Most of what we do is tabling trying to get people on campus and in the community to join the bone marrow registry. As our club does not use very much money, a lot of the funds that we raise get donated to local nonprofits that help cancer patients and their families.
Be The Match Club Officers:
- President:
- Vice President:
- Secretary:
- Marketing Coordinator:
- Advisor: Scott Taylor
How to get involved: Send an email to the address below to be added to the mailing list. There is not set amount you must participate in the club, but with any amount of time, we can get more people signed up for the registry!
For more information, contact: [email protected]
Social Media: Instagram: @bethematchmsu