We look forward to welcoming the Montana International Educators Conference to Bozeman and Montana State University's campus. 

Below you will find the schedule of events, and to the right are links to additional information on what to do & see while you're here in the Bozeman area.

If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to ask. Organizers can be contacted at [email protected] or by phone at (406) 994-7418.


Strand Union Building (SUB), Room 266 (Alumni Lounge)

1:00PM - Welcome 

1:15PM - Tour of American Indian Hall

2:00PM - Mental Health Supports for International Students

2:30PM - Break

2:45PM - LEAP participant introductions

3:15PM - Roundtable Session 1

4:00PM - Multi-Campus Collaborative Faculty-Led Study Abroad

5:00PM - Dinner

7:00AM - 8:30AM Optional outing to Pete's Hill (departing from Hyalite Hall Dormitory, )

Strand Union Building (SUB), Room 266 (Alumni Lounge)

8:30AM - 9:00AM Breakfast

9:00AM - Roundtable Session 2

9:50AM - Roundtable Session 3

10:40AM - Roundtable Session 4

11:30AM - Roundtable Session 5

12:20PM - Roundtable Session 6

1:05PM - Working Lunch

2:15PM - Wrap-Up & Farewell




2023 MIEC


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