Lab Alumni

Kira Falaschi
Undergraduate Researcher
In the lab I am collaborating with Dr. Jennifer Lachowiec and Dr. Veronika Strnadova-Neeley on programming ways to analyze DNA sequences to determine if they control robustness or consistency in gene expression.
Outside of the lab I enjoy cooking, exploring new places, making art, and taking care of my plants.

Anapaula Astorga
I am a freshman pursuing a degree in biotechnology with a concentration in Animal System. I enjoy research and working in fields related to science. My current role in the Lachowiec Lab is to work in conjunction to Aishwarya Kothari and Dr. Lachowiec to study the effects of heat stress on durum wheat from Montana.
Outside of lab, I enjoy painting, drawing and outdoor activities.

Fernando Correr
Assistant Research Professor
B.S. in Biotechnology, Federal University of São Carlos 2014M.S. in Genetics and Plant Breeding, Luiz de Queiroz College of Agriculture - University of São Paulo 2017
Ph.D. in Genetics and Plant Breeding, Luiz de Queiroz College of Agriculture - University of São Paulo 2021
I have a Bachelor's degree in Biotechnology from the Federal University of São Carlos, a master's and a Ph.D. in Genetics and Plant Breeding from the University of São Paulo. Since my master's, I have studied gene expression in polyploid plants. As a postdoctoral fellow at Lachowiec's lab, my main objective is to evaluate genes potentially involved with camelina's resilience.

Gillian Reynolds
PhD Student
B.S. in Biology, University of Worchester
M.S. in Research, Bioinformatics, University of Worcheseter 2017
I am an individual interdisciplinary PhD student in computer science and plant genetics at Montana State University, where my supervisors are Dr. Veronika Strnadova-Neeley and Dr. Jennifer Lachowiec. My current research is focusing on developing computational methods that will facilitate large-scale identification of functional regions of grass genomes. My previous research has focused on a wide range of subjects including RNA-seq algorithm design, biological natural language processing, protein-function annotation and phylogenetics. My previous degrees, Bsc (hons) Biology and MRes Biology, were obtained from the University of Worcester, U.K. where I also developed my skills in teaching and student research supervision through several guest lecturing opportunities and a position as an associate lecturer.

Dakota Rygh
Undergraduate Researcher
I am a sophomore studying Fish and Wildlife Ecology Management. In lab, I am helping to determine trait robustness in camelina, examining biomass and gene expression.
Outside of lab, I snowboard, backpack, run and do virtually anything else outside.

Burak Avci
Master's Student
I came to Bozeman in 2017 from Istanbul, Turkey, and I earned my bachelor’s degree in Environmental Horticulture at MSU. I am excited to be here for a little bit longer to work with Dr. Lachowiec and complete my Master’s degree in Plant Sciences. My goal is to better understand and contribute to the science of plant genetics and development. I am also interested in medicinal and psychoactive plants as well as philosophy.

Aishwarya Kothari
Master's Student
I study the effects of heat stress on durum wheat, an important crop in Montana. I focus on understanding the dynamics of the molecular mechanisms responding to heat stress. I graduated from Montana State University with a Bachelor of Science degree in Biotechnology, with a concentration in Plant Sciences.

Elizabeth Simmons
Undergraduate Researcher
I am a senior working toward a degree in Biotechnology with an emphasis in plant systems. I am an undergraduate researcher working with Dr. Lachowiec building a high-throughput phenotyping platform for use in MSU's Plant Growth Center.
When I am not in lab, I enjoy caring for my succulent garden and playing Dungeons and Dragons with friends.

Seamus Hoolahan
Undergraduate Researcher
I am a sophomore pursuing a dual degree in Chemical and Biological Engineering. I am an undergraduate researcher working with Dr. Lachowiec to study the effects of specific gene mutations on the robustness of Arabidopsis species.
Outside of the lab, I enjoy reading science fiction, spending time with friends, enjoying the outdoors, and traveling.

Chester Sears
Undergraduate Researcher
I am a senior pursuing an undergraduate degree in Biotechnology with a concentration in Plant Systems. My role in the Lachowiec Lab is to study mechanisms of targeted hyper-mutagenesis on Arabidopsis thaliana.

Meng Liang
Undergraduate Researcher
I am a senior majoring in horticulture and hope to continue post-graduate studies in this field. My project in Dr. Lachowiec's laboratory is to study the robustness in domesticated species over time.

Gavin Glatte
Undergraduate Researcher
I am a first year pursuing a degree in Biotechnology in microbial systems! I'm working as an undergraduate researcher with Dr. Lachowiec to study the effects of heat stress on durum wheat.
Meriwether Schroeer-Smith
Undergraduate Researcher
I am a sophomore studying Environmental Sciences. I work as a general helper.
Outside of the lab, I enjoy skiing, backpacking, riding mules, and I also play trumpet for the Spirit of the West Marching Band.

Gayathri Murali
Undergraduate Researcher

Carly Hamilton
Undergraduate Researcher
I am an undergraduate student here at MSU working in the Lachowiec Lab as a lab technician. My current project is working on a system for introducing random mutations at targeted genes in the plant genome. I am a member of the honors college and currently working towards getting a degree in biotechnology.
Outside of lab, I enjoy spending time outdoors hiking, camping, and when I’m home in Seattle, paddle boarding.

Hannah Shuman
Lab Manager/Research Technician
I am excited to be working closely with Dr. Lachowiec to help organize and explore the factors surrounding genetic and environmental robustness. I recently received a Bachelor of Science from the University of Michigan, where I majored in Biomolecular Science and German. Having worked with Dr. Lachowiec during her post-doctoral work in Ann Arbor, I'm excited to work with her once more and look forward to getting to know the rest of the Plant Science department at MSU!
My hobbies include singing and playing the piano, hiking, skiing, and running. Having never lived in the mountains before, I'm excited to explore!

Shelby Constenius
Undergraduate Researcher
I am a lab technician in the Lachowiec lab at Montana State University (MSU), where I am working with Dr. Lachowiec in researching epistasis in Arabidopsis thaliana.
I am currently finishing my Bachelors of Science in Nursing and Microbiology at MSU.
Before coming to MSU, I was enlisted in the Navy in San Diego for four years. After completing my contract with the military, I worked as a dog trainer in the Middle East.
My hobbies include paddle boarding, mountain biking, road cycling, rock climbing, painting, and hiking/trail running with my two dogs.

Uriah Birchmier
Undergraduate Researcher
I am an upcoming sophomore in the field of chemistry working with Dr. Lachowiec as an undergraduate researcher. I am examining natural variation in Arabidopsis thaliana in regards to HSP90 function.
I was born and raised in Montana so appreciation of nature is something that goes without saying. Outside of lab I enjoy watching movies, listening to music, and solving puzzles. I hope to continue to learn and grow as a person and scholar.