Regular attendance is required for all members of the "Spirit of the West" Marching Band. Because of the nature of our activity it is exceedingly difficult for our band to perform unless every member is present. For this reason, our attendance policy is in place to ensure the continued success for every student in the SotW.

  1. Rehearsals. We expect all members to attend all rehearsals. While a limited number of absences from rehearsals may be excused (with sufficient make-up), excessive absences may result in the loss of grade points, scholarship dollars, and performance privileges.
    • All band members are required to check-in at the beginning of rehearsal for attendance. This usually involves having their music booked scanned in. Late arrivals/students without music books will be recorded by the records manager on duty.
    • Band members should notify their section leader of an absence BEFORE missing rehearsal. An explanation of the absence is always appreciate, but not required.
    • There are no "free" absences. All absences will require a makeup--to be determined and officiated by the Drum Majors. The Drum Majors will note actives that occur during rehearsals and devise a makeup plan for anyone who is absent. Makeups are required for all absences--including missing band for university-related events.
    • In cases of serious illness/injury or family emergencies, the directors may excuse any number of rehearsals at their discretion. However, students are required to consult with the Office of Student Success before requesting special accommodation, services, or extended time away from the band. Documentation is required.
    • Band members must attend 2 of the 3 rehearsals prior to a field performance in order to perform. Exceptions may be allowed upon the discretion of the directors. Field performances missed in this manner are subject to the details of the "Field Performances" section below.
    • Late arrivals/early departures are recorded by section leaders and are reported in terms of severity. Multiple instances of late arrivals/early departures may be counted as an absence and result in the loss of grade points.
    • Absences will be calculated at the end of the semester and will reduce a band member's final grade and scholarship according to the  schedule found in the grading section:
  2. Sectionals. All band members are expected to attend marching band sectionals for a minimum of 30 minutes per week.
    • Section leaders/representatives will schedule/hold sectionals at a variety of times every week to accommodate the schedules of the members of their section.
    • Sectional time may be used to hold part checks as required, but should primarily be used to rehearse and memorize music and maneuvers that are particularly challenging to the section.
    • Section leaders are responsible for tracking progress and attendance during sectionals over the term. Failure to regularly attend sectionals will result in the loss of a letter grade.
    • Missed sectionals and/or failed part checks may be made-up by attending extra rehearsals led by the drum majors, but only if the band member can demonstrate sufficient musical/marching progress.
    • Section leaders are also encouraged to schedule fun/section-bonding activities in addition to sectionals. However, because these are extracurricular, they cannot be required for a grade.
  3. Course Conflicts. A limited number of returning members may be allowed up to one hour per week of absence due to a conflict with a course required for his/her degree. Requests for course conflicts are due on the last day of class of the prior spring semester. First year band members are not allowed any course conflicts.
  4. “Pep” Performances. We expect all members to participate in several “pep” performances every year.
    • Band members may be released due to conflicts with other course/campus-related events, but not work. Requests for release must be made to section leaders prior to the performance. In instances when a band member is specifically slated to perform, he/she is responsible for locating a suitable substitute before requesting to be released.
    • Failure to appear for a pep performance will result in the loss of 10% of the member's final grade. Multiple such instances will result in the loss of scholarship as deemed appropriate by the directors.
  5. “Field” Performances. All members of the band are required to participate in all field performances.
    • The penalty for being absent from a field performance is severe. Members should expect to drop two letter grades AND forfeit 20% of their base scholarship for an undocumented absence. A second absence will result in dismissal from the band, loss of all scholarship dollars, and  an "F" for the course.
    • Only under extreme circumstances will members be excused from a field performance. In the case of a family or medical emergency, documentation MUST exist from the Office of Student Success specifically outlining why this absence was necessary. In the case of a unique educational-related opportunity, advance notice must be given by August 1st, and must include documentation from a university sponsor that details why this absence is necessary. Lack of documentation will result in the 20% reduction of a student's base scholarship.
    • Absences due to family events or special school/campus opportunities are allowed with no fewer than 21 days notification with no loss of grade points. However, in all cases, a student's base scholarship will be reduced by 20%.
    • Absences due to illness or injury will result in the 20% reduction of a student's base scholarship. Exceptions are for injuries incurred in the service of the band, if a student is dismissed on-site for illness, or with documentation from the Office of Student Success. 
  6. Play-off Games. The band will play at all home play-off games.
    • We will march a field show if classes are still in session--attendance is required of all members
    • For games that occur of over Thanksgiving break or during finals week, attendance requirements will be deterred on a game-by-game basis.
  7. Travel. The band may perform field shows at one or more events per season in addition to home football games. Provided that sufficient notice is provided (generally three weeks), travel is required of all band members. Transportation, meals, and lodging (if applicable) is provided to the band.
  8. Special Circumstances. Occasionally, band members may be released from rehearsals or performances due to special opportunities and/or circumstances. If you anticipate being absent for longer than one week of rehearsals—or for any performances—you MUST contact the director no later than 21 days prior to the absence to request a hiatus from the band. You should expect to be removed from band activities (including drill) for time during and surrounding your absence. Also expect your scholarship to be reduced proportionately for the extent of your hiatus.