The Drum Majors and Section Leaders set the standard for effort, attitude, and preparation for the band. They are also responsible for demonstrating, teaching, assessing, and passing along crucial information to the members of the band.

All members of the SotW are expected to contribute to the musical, visual, and overall atmosphere of the band. We always remain productive, positive, accepting, and enthusiasic.


"B" Be Prepared

  • Make sure your equipment is working
  • Dress for the work and the weather
  • Know your call time
  • Pass the SotW Trials
  • Have music and drill in rehearsal (flipbook or notebook)
  • Attend sectionals
  • Stay healthy
  • Learn your part -- Our goal is to have our music memorized and prepared to the fullest extent so that we can provide our audience with a fantastic musical performance. This will require additional practice from everyone in the band—outside of rehearsal time. Whether this is in the form of sectionals or individual practice, the extra time you give your band will make a tremendous difference.

"E" Enthusiasm and Effort

  • We believe that the band belongs to its members. The season can be as fun as you want to make it, so we encourage you to anticipate rehearsals with a sense of excitement and possibility.
  • Remember, it is more fun being great than good
  • “Flip the Switch” and challenge yourself in rehearsal
  • Everything we do from drill to dance is a crucial part of “selling” the show. In fact, we are most often associated with some act that we perform on the field rather than the music we play. Our marching technique and our willingness to cut loose are essential tools for the visual side of what we do.

"S" Speak Little, Learn Much

  • Listen and follow rehearsal procedures. We will perform in the way we practice. Let’s keep our rehearsals energized to ensure that all of our performances are dynamic, entertaining, and musical.
  • No wasted reps—always strive to get better.
  • Make it work—occasionally you will receive only partial information or even contradictory instructions. We hope that you use the opportunity to figure something out that will work. Many of our best moves were developed on the field, in rehearsal, by members of the band in this manner.

"T" Time

  • Time is one of our most valuable resources—look at the schedule and be prepared.
  • We move quickly through music and drill and we always look for inspiration from within the band. Your time with us is short, so make the most of it.
  • Learn and memorize as much as you can in rehearsal to save yourself time later on.
  • It is your time to make the band unique. There will never be another Spirit of the West like this year. The band belongs to you—Own the Band.

Performance Privilege

We believe that performing with the band is a privilege and not a right. Therefore, every member will be held accountable for knowing his/her music, drill, and choreography. Your reward for your preparation, effort, and skill is to step on the turf in Bobcat Stadium and show it off. Likewise, we may revoke performance privileges for unpreparedness, noncompliance, ill health, or for any reason that may contribute to the degradation of the band or impact the educational outcomes of its members.