We are pleased to offer music participation awards for ALLMEMBERS of the SotW. Marching band scholarships are paid in the form of a tuition reduction (waiver) and credited for the spring semester following successful participation in the band. 

Scholarship Requirements

  1. Successful completion of the season in compliance with all the policies of the band. No missed field performances.
  2. Enroll in marching band as a class [MUSI 155-01].
  3. Timely communication of any circumstance that might alter your scholarship eligibility. (The financial aid program for a university student can be quite complicated. Specific circumstances will be discussed with individuals as the need arises).

Detailed Scholarship Schedule

  1. Base Scholarship for all members: $1500
    • Awarded: in the Spring semester following participation in marching band.
    • Requirements: Successful completion of the season and in compliance with all of the policies of the band. Being enrolled in marching band as a class. No missed field performances.
  2. Longevity Bonus: +$500
    • Awarded: in the following fall semester (unless you are graduating)
    • Requirements: Successful completion of the prior season (as described above) PLUS participation during the spring semester in musical activity on your primary instrument (generally an MSU ensemble, but other options may be available, depending on individual needs)
  3. Leadership Bonus: +$250 (section leader) OR +500 (officer/manager)
    • Awarded: during the semester of leadership
    • Requirements: Section leaders and captains are determined through interview/audition process in the spring semester

Deferrals and Special Credits

Students may defer their scholarships for up to one academic year following successful completion of the marching band. Returning band members who are graduating in the fall semester may request to receive their full award paid during the semester of graduation. Scholarships are non-transferable and are not allowed to be used for summer courses or if enrolled for fewer than 12 credits. Some exceptions may apply, but are at the discretion of the director and limited by the financial rules of the university.

Under no circumstances can scholarships be returned or renegotiated once they are applied to a student account. It is entirely up to the student to make timely requests to defer or credit his/her scholarship in a manner differing from the Detailed Scholarship Schedule above.

Scholarship Reductions

In the case of a band member who IS able to complete the season, but NOT able to attend all performances or in some other way not able to meet the expectations for participation in the band (as described in the band policies), a reduction will be applied to that student's base scholarship. The intention of a reduction is to allow a student to remain a successful member of the band despite encountering serious personal, academic, or similar difficulties (or opportunities) during the season--NOT as a punishment. A student's scholarship should ultimately reflect the amount of positive contribution made to the band.

In all cases of a scholarship reduction, the director will consult with the student to describe the conditions of the reduction, determine the amount of the reduction, and, if applicable, develop an individual plan for success that may, or may not, include a path to regain lost scholarship dollars. The ultimate decision to award or reduce a student's scholarship rests entirely with the director (in consolation with the Director of the School of Music).

Any absence from a field performance will result in a 20% reduction of a band member's base scholarship. In addition, a reduction may be applied to a student's scholarship for excessive absences from rehearsals, "pep" performances, and/or other band activities. Please consult the band's page on grading for details. As stated above, reductions are handled on a case-by-case basis. Exceptions may apply.

Notice on Tuition Waivers

Some of our members are not eligible to receive their marching band scholarship in the form of a tuition waiver. This might apply to you if you are receiving a tuition reduction or outright waiver from a source other than the marching band. Note--student loans are NOT a tuition waiver. If you think that you may not be eligible, please review your awards until you have a detailed understanding of how you are paying for tuition. We can help guide you from this point. Please understand that we do not have access to your financial records beyond the information you provide us.

Reduced Cash Equivalent

All members will have the option to disclose their financial standing to the band and request that their scholarship be applied as a "reduced cash equivalent." The equivalent value is dependent upon the number of students who make this request. Those members who do not disclose their financial standing will be automatically awarded their scholarship in the form of a tuition waiver (as per the Detailed Scholarship Schedule).

The 2024-25 reduced cash equivalent is 100% of bonuses and a base award fof $1000.