Last Updated: June 2024

The 5-Year Benchmarks include:

  • Year 1 Status: Completed!

    (due 10/1/2023): NAS will submit a plan for the integration of their Cultural Standards and situate an Oversight board.

            Read: Year 1 Accreditation Report 

            Learn about our Cultural Oversight Board 

Year 2 Status: In Progress
(due 10/6/2024): NAS will develop processes and procedures to integrate Cultural Standards into curriculum and across NAS.

  • Year 3

To be completed Oct. 2025: Develop Assessment plans and generate assessment data. Develop succession plans and/or hiring protocols.

  • Year 4

    To be completed Oct. 2026: Revaluate/Reassess
  • Year 5

    To be completed Oct. 2027: Site visit to reaffirm and confirm remaining 5 years of accreditation