March 6, 2025

Timely Warning: Aggravated Assault

This Timely Warning is being issued in compliance with the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act (Clery Act). The purpose is to provide preventative information to the campus community to aid members from becoming victims of a similar crime.

The University has received several reports of alleged drugging incidents which have occurred over the last few weeks. These reported events have occurred at informal social gatherings in the residence halls and at fraternity and sorority life events.

Montana State University’s top priority is the safety and wellbeing of all members of the campus community, and we encourage you to consider the following:

  • Keeping your drink with you and being cautious about accepting drinks from others can help avoid dangerous situations.
  • If you suspect that your drink has been tampered with, it’s crucial to call 9-1-1 immediately and seek medical attention.
  • Staying with friends and watching out for one another helps ensure everyone’s safety and well-being.

Survivors of crimes are never to blame for what happens to them. The responsibility always lies with the perpetrators of the crime. Anyone with information about these incidents is encouraged to contact the University Police at (406) 994-2121. Campus Civil Rights provides resources and reporting options for victims of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, stalking, and protected class discrimination. CCR also helps with academic support and safety options to keep anyone impacted safe and successful. Reports to law enforcement can be made anonymously using the Silent Witness program, accessible through the SafeCats app, or by emailing [email protected]. MSU’s Office of Counseling Psychological Services can also provide resources and services for victims of relationship violence or stalking.


October 23, 2024

Public Safety Advisory: Halloween Safety:

As we approach Halloween, University Police would like to emphasize the importance of staying safe and responsible. Halloween is a time for fun and creativity, and it is critically important that you prioritize your safety and the safety of those around you. Please know that law enforcement patrols in and around campus will be increased over the weekend and days leading up to Halloween. Montana State University’s top priority is the safety and wellbeing of all members of the campus community, and we encourage you to consider the following safety tips for an enjoyable Halloween: 

  • Choose Your Costume Wisely: Whether you are dressing up as a spooky character or a favorite superhero, make sure your costume is comfortable, breathable, and easy to move in. Avoid costumes that obstruct your vision and opt for bright or reflective materials if possible. It may be cold – dress appropriately when traveling outdoors. 
  • Be a responsible host: Minimize the potential for danger and negative consequences if you are hosting a Halloween gathering on or off campus by taking a few steps to keep your guests safe. Stick to your guest list and do not serve alcohol to minors. If police are called—please be cooperative. Safety is everyone’s responsibility.  
  • Travel in Groups: If you plan to go out, stick together with friends and use the buddy system. There is safety in numbers, and it is more enjoyable to celebrate with friends who look out for one another. 
  • If you see something, say something! Call for help if a situation seems questionable or if someone’s safety is at risk. If you witness suspicious or dangerous behavior, call 9-1-1 right away. Montana law provides medical amnesty for those seeking medical treatment related to underage consumption of intoxicating substances, if you or your friend needs help, make the call. 
  • 21 to drink: Alcohol consumption by anyone under the age of 21, providing alcohol to anyone under the age of 21, and drinking in public, regardless of your age, are all illegal in Montana. 
  • Organize an alternative for those who prefer not to go out: Celebrate the holiday together with popcorn and your favorite scary movie or check out the events taking place at the Procrastinator Theater. 
  • Stay in Well-Lit Areas: When walking around campus or the city, stick to well-lit streets and pathways. Avoid shortcuts through dark or unfamiliar areas. 
  • Use Crosswalks and Pedestrian Signals: Always use crosswalks and obey traffic signals when crossing the street. Drivers may be distracted, so it is essential to be alert and visible. 
  • Plan Your Transportation: If traveling to gatherings off-campus or in other areas, maketransportation arrangements in advance. Designate a sober driver, use ride-share services, or utilize Streamline to safely make your way around. This year the Office of Off-Campus Student Life is offering pre-paid ride vouchers through Uber via CatsConnect that can be redeemed Oct. 24-26 and Oct. 31–Nov. 2.  If you do drive, slow down, and pay extra attention to pedestrians, especially on Halloween night when small children will be darting in and out of driveways and sidewalks with great excitement.  
  • Celebrate Responsibly: If you choose to attend Halloween parties, drink responsibly and be mindful of your limits. If you are under 21 years of age, refrain from drinking. Never leave your drink unattended and watch out for your friends. If you think your drink may be spiked, or observe someone spiking a drink, call 9-1-1 right away. 
  • Respect Personal Boundaries: Halloween costumes are not an invitation for unwanted contact, and it is extremely important to respect the personal space and boundaries of others. Consent is always key. Do not engage in sexual activities without affirmative consent from your partner(s). Rape and sexual assault are never the fault of the survivor. Responsibility lies with the perpetrator. No one deserves, asks for, or provokes sexual assault. 
  • We are here to help: If you observe any suspicious behavior, wish to report a crime, or need a safe ride home, please contact University Police at 406.994.2121. 

The Campus Civil Rights office provides resources and reporting options for victims of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, and stalking. Reports to law enforcement can be made anonymously using the Silent Witness program, accessible through the SafeCats app, or by emailing [email protected]. MSU’s Office of Counseling Psychological Services can also provide resources and services for victims of relationship violence or stalking.  

Remember, Halloween should be a fun and memorable experience, and it is essential to maintain good judgment and be considerate of your fellow students and neighbors. By following these safety tips, together, we can ensure that Halloween remains a positive and enjoyable event for everyone. 


September 19, 2024

Public Safety Advisory: Let's Talk Safety

Hey Bobcats, let's talk safety!

We want to keep our campus community safe and take care of each other. Here's a few important reminders.

Alcohol consumption if you're under 21, or giving alcohol to minors, isn't just against the rules--it's illegal here in Montana. Plus, drinking in public spaces is a no-go. If you see a friend who's had too much, be a buddy and call 911.

Drink spiking is serious and is a real danger. It's when someone slips alcohol or drugs into a drink without the person knowing, and it's illegal. The tricky part? It can happen to any drink, even water, and it can be really hard to spot. So, keep an eye on your drink and your friends. If you suspect anything, report it to University Police at (406) 994-2121.

Stay aware of your surroundings, especially as the days grow shorter. Stay alert and aware of what's going on around you. If you ever feel uneasy or need help on campus, don't hesitate to contact University Police at (406) 994-2121 for an escort.

We're all in this together. Let's make our campus a safe, supportive place for everyone!


May 10, 2024

Timely Warning: Sexual Assault

This Timely Warning is being issued in compliance with the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act (Clery Act). The purpose is to provide preventative information to the campus community to aid members from becoming the victim of a similar crime.

Earlier today, Montana State University Police received a report of sexual assault that occurred outside of a residential building within University Student Apartments on Wednesday, May 8, 2024, just after 5:00 p.m. Though limited information is available, the unknown suspect was said to be a male wearing all black and fled on foot after grabbing and groping the victim. Anyone with information about this incident is encouraged to contact University Police at (406) 994-2121.

Montana State University’s top priority is the safety and wellbeing of all members of the campus community, and we encourage you to consider the following:

  • Sexual assault is never the fault of the survivor. Responsibility lies with the perpetrator. No one deserves, asks for, or provokes sexual assault.
  • If you are uncomfortable walking alone call MSU Police for a Safety Escort at 406-994-2121.
  • Consider using the Friend Walk feature in the SafeCats app that allows users to share their location with someone they trust, who can then watch to make sure they arrive at their destination safely.
  • The MSU VOICE Center offers resources and advocacy for survivors of sexual assault, relationship violence, and stalking. Advocates can be reached 24/7 via call or text at 406.944.7069.

The Office of Institutional Equity and MSU VOICE Center provide resources and reporting options for victims of domestic violence, dating violence, and stalking. Reports to law enforcement can be made anonymously using the Silent Witness program, accessible through the SafeCats app, or by emailing [email protected]. MSU’s Office of Counseling Psychological Services can also provide resources and services for victims of relationship violence or stalking.


October 27, 2023

Public Safety Advisory: Halloween Safety:

As we approach Halloween celebrations, University Police would like to take a moment to emphasize the importance of staying safe and responsible during this festive time.  Halloween is a time for fun and creativity and it is critically important that you prioritize your safety and the safety of those around you. Montana State University’s top priority is the safety and wellbeing of all members of the campus community, and we encourage you to consider the following safety tips for an enjoyable Halloween: 


  • Choose Your Costume Wisely: Have good fun! Whether you are dressing up as a spooky character or a favorite superhero, make sure your costume is comfortable, breathable, and easy to move in. Avoid costumes that obstruct your vision and opt for bright or reflective materials if possible. It will be cold – dress appropriately when traveling outdoors.
  • Be a responsible host: Maximize opportunities for your guests to enjoy a positive and memorable event. Minimize the potential for danger and negative consequences if you are hosting a Halloween gathering on or off campus by taking a few steps to keep your guests safe. Stick to your guest list and do not serve alcohol nor drugs to minors. If police are called—please be cooperative. Safety is everyone’s responsibility.
  • Travel in Groups: If you plan to go out, stick together with friends and use the buddy system. There is safety in numbers, and it is more enjoyable to celebrate with friends who look out for one another.
  • Stay in Well-Lit Areas: When walking around campus or the city, stick to well-lit streets and pathways. Avoid shortcuts through dark or unfamiliar areas.
  • Use Crosswalks and Pedestrian Signals: Always use crosswalks and obey traffic signals when crossing the street. Drivers may be distracted, so it's essential to be alert and visible.
  • 21 to drink: Alcohol consumption by anyone under the age of 21, providing alcohol to anyone under the age of 21, as well as drinking in public, regardless of your age, are all illegal in Montana.Avoid situations that might result in bad consequences.
  • Celebrate Responsibly: If you choose to attend Halloween parties and if you meet the age requirement for alcohol consumption, drink responsibly and be mindful of your limits. If you are under 21 years of age, refrain from drinking. Never leave your drink unattended and watch out for your friends. If you think your drink may be spiked, or observe someone spiking a drink, call 9-1-1 right away.
  • Plan Your Transportation: If travelling to gatherings off-campus or in other areas, make transportation arrangements in advance. Designate a sober driver, use rideshare services, or utilize Streamline to safely make your way around. If you do drive, slow down, and pay extra attention to road conditions and to pedestrians, especially on Halloween night when small children will be darting in and out of driveways and sidewalks with great excitement.
  • Respect Personal Boundaries: Halloween costumes are not an invitation for unwanted contact. It is extremely important to respect the personal space and boundaries of others. Do not engage in sexual activities without affirmative consent from your partner(s). Consent is always key. Rape and sexual assault are never the fault of the survivor. Responsibility lies with the perpetrator. No one deserves, asks for, or provokes sexual assault.
  • If you see something, say something! Don’t hesitate: Call for help immediately if a situation seems questionable or if someone’s safety is at risk. If you witness suspicious or dangerous behavior, call 9-1-1 right away.
  • We are here to help: If you observe any suspicious behavior, wish to report a crime, or need a safe ride home, please contact University Police at 406.994.2121.


In order to emphasize our community’s wellbeing, law enforcement patrols in and around campus will be increased over the weekend and days leading up to Halloween.

The Office of Institutional Equity and MSU VOICE Center provide resources and reporting options for victims of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, and stalking. Reports to law enforcement can be made anonymously using the Silent Witness program, accessible through the SafeCats app, or by emailing [email protected]. MSU’s Office of Counseling Psychological Services can also provide resources and services for victims of relationship violence or stalking.  

Have fun on Halloween and do your part for it to be a fun and memorable experience. Above all, maintain good judgment and be considerate of your fellow students and neighbors. By following these safety tips, together, we can ensure that Halloween remains a positive and enjoyable event for everyone. 


October 12, 2023

Public Safety Advisory: Pi Kappa Alpha Interim Suspension:
Montana State University issued a timely warning on September 28, 2023, after receiving two reports of sexual assault at the Pi Kappa Alpha fraternity.

Since then, the University has received new information alleging that Pi Kappa Alpha violated University policies on the evening of October 6, 2023. These alleged violations include hard alcohol usage, hazing, and bystanding, resulting in a concern for student safety.

Based on this information, the Pi Kappa Alpha Fraternity has been placed on interim suspension while the University continues to gather information about these incidents. During the interim suspension, the fraternity cannot hold parties or other social gatherings and must maintain an alcohol-free status.  

Montana State University’s top priority is the safety and wellbeing of all members of the campus community, and we encourage you to consider the following: 

  • If you do not feel comfortable intervening in a situation, notify someone who can.
  • Never take an open drink from someone you do not know.
  • When you go out, ensure that someone you trust knows where you are, and watch over your friends if you go out in a group.
  • If you consume alcohol, do so responsibly and know your limits.
  • Rape and sexual assault are never the fault of the survivor. Responsibility lies with the perpetrator. No one deserves, asks for, or provokes sexual assault.
  • The most common type of sexual assault occurs between individuals known to one another. Sexual assault occurs in all communities and people of all genders can be survivors.
  • Sexual assault is any sexual activity that occurs in the absence of consent. If you engage in sex, be sure you understand your partner’s limits, and communicate your own limits. Do not engage in sexual activities without affirmative consent from your partner(s). Affirmative consent occurs by continual, enthusiastic “yes” by all partners engaging in sexual activity.
  • The MSU VOICE Center offers resources and advocacy for survivors of sexual assault, relationship violence, and stalking. Advocates can be reached 24/7 via call or text at 406.944.7069.
  • The Montana DPHHS Sexual Violence Prevention and Victim Services Program can be found here.
  • If you or someone you know is a survivor of a sexual assault or any other crime, please call University Police at 406-994-2121 or 911 in an emergency.

The Office of Institutional Equity and MSU VOICE Center provide resources and reporting options for victims of domestic violence, dating violence, and stalking. Reports to law enforcement can be made anonymously using the Silent Witness program, accessible through the SafeCats app, or by emailing [email protected]. MSU’s Office of Counseling Psychological Services can also provide resources and services for victims of relationship violence or stalking. 

September 28, 2023
Timely Warning: Sexual Assault:

This Timely Warning is being issued in compliance with the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act (Clery Act). The purpose is to provide preventative information to the campus community to aid members from becoming the victim of a similar crime.

Montana State University received two reports of sexual assault at the Pi Kappa Alpha Fraternity on Friday, September 22nd, 2023. Other than the location, these two incidents appear unrelated and do not involve any of the same individuals.

Montana State University’s top priority is the safety and wellbeing of all members of the campus community, and we encourage you to consider the following:

  • Rape and sexual assault are never the fault of the survivor. Responsibility lies with the perpetrator. No one deserves, asks for, or provokes sexual assault.
  • The most common type of sexual assault occurs between individuals known to one another. Sexual assault occurs in all communities and people of all genders can be survivors.
  • Sexual assault is any sexual activity that occurs in the absence of consent. If you engage in sex, be sure you understand your partner’s limits, and communicate your own limits. Do not engage in sexual activities without affirmative consent from your partner(s). Affirmative consent occurs by continual, enthusiastic “yes” by all partners engaging in sexual activity.
  • If you do not feel comfortable intervening in any situation, notify someone who can.
  • Never take an open drink from someone you do not know.
  • When you go out, ensure that someone you trust knows where you are, and watch over your friends if you go out in a group.
  • If you consume alcohol, do so responsibly and know your limits
  • The MSU VOICE Center offers resources and advocacy for survivors of sexual assault, relationship violence, and stalking. Advocates can be reached 24/7 via call or text at 406.944.7069.
  • The Montana DPHHS Sexual Violence Prevention and Victim Services Program can be found here.
  • If you or someone you know is a survivor of a sexual assault or any other crime, please call University Police at 406-994-2121 or 911 in an emergency.


The Office of Institutional Equity and MSU VOICE Center provide resources and reporting options for victims of domestic violence, dating violence, and stalking. Reports to law enforcement can be made anonymously using the Silent Witness program, accessible through the SafeCats app, or by emailing [email protected]. MSU’s Office of Counseling Psychological Services can also provide resources and services for victims of relationship violence or stalking.

September 21, 2023
Drink Spiking Public Safety Advisory:

Montana State University (MSU) received reports from individuals stating their drinks may have been spiked while at various events on campus over the weekend (9/15/23-9/17/23). Drink spiking is when an individual(s) puts alcohol or drugs into someone's drink without their knowledge or permission. Drink spiking is dangerous, illegal in the State of Montana, and a violation of the Code of Student Conduct. The MSU Police Department is asking members of our community to please be situationally aware of your surroundings and to report any suspicious activity you observe. Additionally, the MSU VOICE Center offers advocacy and violence prevention education, please call the 24/7 crisis line at 406.994.7069 to learn more. 

If you think your drink may be spiked or observe an individual spiking a drink, take action right away by calling 9-1-1. If you observe any suspicious behavior or wish to report a crime, please contact the MSU Police Department at 406.994.2121 for non-emergencies. 


April 23, 2023
Campus network returns to use Monday morning:

Yesterday, University Information Technology (UIT) was pleased to inform the campus of the detection, quarantine and remediation from the cyberattack registered on Montana State University's network Thursday morning. Today, we are announcing that MSU students, faculty and staff can expect a return to normal operations for the vast majority of campus network services before the start of class on Monday morning. Unless otherwise notified by UIT, users can reconnect their devices. UIT has worked diligently over the weekend to make the return to business Monday morning as easy as possible. Starting Saturday, UIT staff teams accessed every computer in every office and every building on campus to aid in the remediation and return to normal operation. If you have any question about using a university computer or a personal device on the network or if you experience any issues, please contact the Help Desk via email at [email protected]. An updated FAQ page is available at this link: Montana State University activities and events will continue as scheduled on Monday. Thank you for your patience and collaboration during this process.

April 22, 2023
Progress update on network and services restoration:

Significant progress has been made in the last 24 hours by University Information Technology (UIT) to restore Montana State University's network. Utilizing Microsoft security software, UIT is able to detect, quarantine and remediate the virus cyberattack made on our network Thursday morning. The UIT team began deploying this solution to campus early Saturday morning and will continue work throughout the weekend. This is an important step in reactivating the university's network to a normal state. UIT staff are working to facilitate the transition for students, faculty, and staff to resume normal network use on Monday. An FAQ page is available at this link: Please do not use university computers, even at home, until they are on campus and connected to our wired or MSU-Secure wireless networks. This will facilitate the automatic installation of Microsoft's solution and protect those devices. Internet access from campus is still unavailable at this time. Continue to regularly check your email and cell phone this weekend for updates as UIT teams will be working around the clock until the system is restored. Montana State University activities and events will continue as scheduled on Monday. Your ongoing cooperation is greatly appreciated.


April 21, 2023
Update on Network and Services Restoration:

Montana State University is moving into the identification and remediation phase of our recovery from the cyberattack experienced yesterday. Throughout the day we have been working in establishing multiple new domain controllers built from the ground up to try to prevent reinfection. Our University Information Technicians have applied sources of server hardening to give us a solid foundation that we will now be able to run tools to restore the system. In the interim, please continue not using MSU-owned computers or MSU wired and wireless internet networks. You may access MSU services such as email, D2L or MyInfo from non-MSU networks. Campus events will continue as scheduled. We will continue to provide regular updates as we continue to make progress in restoring our network system.


April 21, 2023
Network Interruption Update:

Good morning and thank you for your continued patience with our network disruption as Montana State University works to restore services after a large-scale cyberattack. University Information Technology and law enforcement teams working with Microsoft through the night have restored service to D2L, our learning platform that faculty instructors use to provide class materials and assignments to students. Services have also been restored to MyInfo, MSU’s resource that provides essential information pertaining to personnel as well as classes and grades, among other services. While D2L and MyInfo are operational, students, faculty and staff may encounter difficulties in accessing them through the Montana State University internet connection. Please know we are aware of this situation and working to correct it as quickly as possible. With the speed and rate of progress we have registered so far, we believe that all core systems, as well as functionality to university laptops and desktop computers, will be restored today. Until that work is completed, please refrain from using university laptops or desktops. We will notify via Everbridge email, phone and text as soon as it is safe to turn on your university computer equipment. Montana State University remains open, and all activities and events will continue as previously scheduled. Today, in-person classes will proceed as scheduled. All offices will be open and fully staffed. All employees should report to work normally. Please regularly check your email for updates. We will keep you informed as this situation evolves. We thank you for your continued cooperation as we restore our network system to full service.

April 20, 2023
Network disruption update:

Thank you for your patience with our network disruption today. Montana State University was the target of a large-scale cyberattack. At this time, experts from University Information Technology and law enforcement agencies are working to restore services to the campus as quickly as possible. Montana State University remains open, and all activities and events will continue as normal. In-person classes will proceed as scheduled on Friday. All offices will be open and fully staffed. All employees should report to work normally. Please regularly check your email for updates. We will keep you informed as this situation evolves. We thank you for your cooperation as we restore our network system to full service.


November 17, 2022
Public Safety Advisory: 

On Saturday, the Bobcats will host the Grizzlies for the annual Brawl of the Wild football game at Bobcat Stadium. This brings with it parties, drinking and other situations that could pose a risk to members of the MSU campus community. 

The university would like to remind students, faculty, staff, and community members to stay aware and stay safe over Cat-Griz weekend. 

  • Be mindful of the weather. Dress warmly enough for conditions and drive carefully on snow and ice.
  • There is likely to more traffic in and around Bozeman during Cat-Griz. Be aware of road conditions and visibility at this dark time of year, especially if you are walking or biking.
  • Always wear your seatbelt when driving or riding in a vehicle. Law enforcement will have a major presence around campus and around Bozeman, and DUI enforcement will be stepped up.
  • If you do go out, go out in groups and keep an eye on each other. If possible, let someone else know your plans ahead of time.
  • Do not leave your drink unattended or take an opened drink from someone you do not know.
  • If you will be drinking, plan ahead to have a sober designated driver.
  • If you notice someone who is intoxicated, stay with them and get them to a safe space.
  • Trust your instincts and take care of one another.

If you are attending the football game, please also review the Bobcat Code of a Champion, which is a set of principles that help us provide athletic events that are safe, clean, welcoming and enjoyable for all fans. For students, remember that behavior in the stadium is also subject to the Code of Student Conduct. 

Important Resources 

  • University Police - Call 911 for emergencies. For non-emergency matters, dial 406–994–2121.
  • Safe Cats app - MSU’s app featuring multiple safety-related service, including Friend Walk, Silent Witness and more. Available for Android and iOS.
  • VOICE Center - 406–994–7069 (call or text 24 hours a day) - A confidential resource that supports survivors of sexual assault, relationship violence and stalking, as well as their families and loved ones.
  • Office of Institutional Equity - 406–994–2042, [email protected] - OIE takes reports of concerns about discrimination and sexual violence.
  • CARE Program - If you’re worried about a friend, you can refer them to the MSU CARE program.
  • Counseling and Psychological Service - Schedule online, by calling 406–994–4531 or visiting 211 Swingle.

About Public Safety Advisories 

Public Safety Advisories are emailed to notify students, faculty and staff of situations that do not pose immediate threats to life safety but may require awareness to reduce the risk of being victimized.


November 3, 2022
MSU Alert: Montana State University received multiple reports of sexual violence and sexual misconduct at fraternity social gatherings that occurred over this past Halloween weekend (10/28/22-10/30/22). The purpose of this email is to advise students who attend large parties and events that they should be mindful of the safety risk. 

MSU Police and the MSU Office of Institutional Equity are seeking additional information concerning sexual assaults at any events over the past week. If you or anyone you know has information about these incidents, please contact MSU Police at 406-994-2121 or the Office of Institutional Equity at 406-994-2042. Reports can also be made via the OIE reporting form

Individuals who have experienced sexual violence can learn more about their rights and available resources at Rights and Reporting.

The MSU Police Department is making this notice as a reminder to students that being drunk does not excuse sexual assault. Forcing sexual contact on another person without consent is against both the law and MSU policy. Someone who is passed out, unconscious, or incapacitated because of drugs or alcohol is unable to give consent, and sexual contact without consent is sexual assault. Rape is never the victim's fault.

MSU Police would like to remind you to never take an opened drink from someone you do not know and to never leave your drink unattended. Additionally, always go out with friends, and when you do go out, look after each other. If you notice someone is intoxicated, stay with the intoxicated person and get them to a safe place. Trust your instincts and take care of one another.
August 30, 2020
MSU Alert: On Aug. 30, 2020, at about 1 a.m. near the Hawks Ridge apartments, a group of women were approached by a man driving a pickup truck. The man offered the females a ride to a party outside the city. 

When the females entered the pickup truck, the driver then refused to allow the females to exit the vehicle. The vehicle headed north on 19th Avenue and then west on Garfield Street before eventually coming to a stop. The females escaped the suspect vehicle to the safety of friends in the area.
The vehicle involved in this incident is described as a champagne-colored Dodge pickup truck with Montana plates. The truck may also have a silhouette of mountains across the tailgate.
The driver of the vehicle is described as a male in his early 20’s wearing a black or blue mesh baseball cap.
If anyone has information related to this incident or other suspicious activity on campus, please contact University Police at 406-994-2121 or anonymously at [email protected]. In case of an emergency dial 911. 


February 18, 2020

Public Safety Advisory Update: The piece of war memorabilia, an inert Bulgarian landmine, was removed unventfully from the vehicle by the Lewis and Clark County Sheriff's Office Bomb Squad. The device will be properly disposed of by the bomb squad. 

Parking Lot 1 has been reopened. 



February 18, 2020

Public Safety Advisory: Out of an abundance of caution, MSU Police have cordoned off Parking Lot 1 east of Jefferson Hall and north of Yellowstone Hall and some of the surrounding area to investigate a piece of war memorabilia that a student ordered through the internet and was keeping in a vehicle. The risk to the public is extremely low. 

The memorbilia is an inert Bulgarian landmine. An online vendor was selling these landmines with the explosives and primers removed. Law enforcement and the U.S. Postal Service were prompted to begin an investigation after one of these devices was dropped in transit through the main in Minnesota and began to vibrate. This prompted law enforcement and the U.S. Postal Service to investigate where these packages had been sent, which led to the student purchase at MSU. 

Again, law enforcement believe these devices pose little risk, but out of caution MSU Police is working with other law enforcement to collect the device and have it disposed of properly. 

At the present time, MSU Police have cordoned off Parking Lot 1 and surrounding area. An explosive disposal unit from Helena will collect the device early this afternoon, where it will ultimately be taken to Malmstrom Air Force Base outside of Great Falls for disposal. 

MSU Police hope to have Parking Lot 1 and the nearby area open by early afternoon. 


July 31, 2019

MSU Alert: This is a message from Montana State University Police. ALL CLEAR. The situation is all clear. Everyone is safe. You may resume normal activities. 



July 31, 2019

MSU Alert: Montana State University police responded at approximately 1:26 a.m. Wednesday to a report of an attempted armed robbery in Gallatin Hall, a residence hall on campus. The reporting party told dispatchers that they heards a scuffle outside their room and went out to find several males wrestling over a black handgun. The assailant then fled out a rear door, along with two others who were also present. 

The three males left Gallatin Hall in a red Dodge Ram pickup truck with a grill guard heading west down Garfield Street toward 19th Avenue. They are currently at large. 

Stay safe on campus. Remember to lock your residence's doors and avoid engaging with people you don't know. Avoid traveling alone at night, and be sure to report suspicious activity to police. 

If anyone has any information related to this incident, please contact the MSU Police Department at 406-994-2121. For emergencies, call 911.



July 11, 2019

MSU Alert: This is a message from Montana State University Police. ALL CLEAR. The situation is all clear. You may resume normal activities. 



July 11, 2019

MSU Alert: Continue to shelter in place. Remain inside locked rooms with closed windows and blinds. If not on campus, stay away. 



July 11, 2019

MSU Alert: Officers are responding to a situation on the campus. Seek shelter inside a room with locking door. Close blinds and windows. 



March 7, 2019

MSU Alert: Roof Collapse Fitness Center

This is a message from the Montana State University Police. A roof collapse has occurred in the south gym at the fitness center. Fitness center and Shroyer Gym are closed until further notice. Please avoid the scene. 


September 16, 2018 

MSU Alert: Wild Animal Spotted on Campus

Be advised there has been a report of a black bear spotted on campus. Do not approach and use caution when walking on campus.

Report animal sightings to university police at 994-2121.



August 22, 2018

MSU Timely Warning: Phone/Email Scam

Montana State University Police are asking people to be aware that scammers are once again targeting our community.

The scammers are sending email messages claiming to have hacked people’s phones through an unsecured Wi-Fi connection. The scammers then state that if the person doesn’t pay ransom through bitcoin, they will release private video footage of the person. The scam is particularly believable because the scammer claims to have recorded people by hacking into the camera on their phones; however, we have no reason to believe that these claims are in any way legitimate. 

Any person who receives such a message should not click on anything or reply to the sender, and they should block the email address. Money should not be sent to those individuals under any circumstances. If someone has or does pay money, a fraud report should be filed with the MSU Police Department or local law enforcement and the FBI at



April 3, 2018

MSU Timely Warning: Counterfeit check scam

Montana State University Police are asking people to be aware that scammers are once again targeting our community.

The scammers are using counterfeit checks which are mailed to the potential victim with instructions to deposit the check and immediately send cash or gift cards back.  The scam is particularly believable because the envelope or check may indicate it is from Montana State University or one of its departments.

Be advised, Montana State University and its departments will never send anyone a check and demand they deposit it and immediately send money back. Any person who receives such a check should dispose of it without depositing it or sending money. If someone has or does send the money, a fraud report should be filed with the MSU Police Department or their local law enforcement agency and the FBI at



February 24, 2018

MSU Timely Warning: Sexual Assault

Earlier today, the Bozeman Police Department released the following statement. Montana State University is forwarding the statement to keep the campus community informed:

On Feb. 24, 2018, at approximately 1:30 a.m., patrol officers responded to the area of South Church Avenue and East Story Street for the report of a sexual assault that had just occurred. The victim indicated an unknown male suspect physically restrained her as she walking on Church Avenue. The suspect subsequently touched the victim in a physical manner before the victim was able to force the male away. The male was last seen running northeast through the Peets Hill parking lot. Officers immediately responded and initiated a comprehensive search of the area. However, the suspect has not been located. The suspect is described as an approximately 30-year-old Caucasian male, approximately 5 feet 9 inches tall, with red or brown hair and possibly a beard. The male was wearing a black hooded sweatshirt and black sweat pants. No other persons were injured during the assault and this appears to be an isolated incident.

The Bozeman Police Department encourages all citizens to walk or travel in groups, avoid distractions that decrease your awareness level (i.e. talking on a cellphone or wearing headphones) and to report all suspicious activity to 911 immediately.

This incident is currently under investigation by the Bozeman Police Department, Detective Division. Anyone with information regarding this incident is encouraged to call Detective Sergeant Joseph Swanson at 406-582-2951, Crimestoppers at 406-586-1131 or email [email protected].

Persons with information that helps solve this crime may remain anonymous and could be eligible for a reward.



January 22, 2018

Dear Students,

On 1/22/18, at approximately 3:21 p.m., a student reported that he had not received a payment owed to him by the university due to his direct deposit information having been changed without his knowledge or approval. MSU Police recommends that all students check their direct deposit information in QuikPay to confirm it is accurate. Keep your MyInfo password secure at all times as well.  When banking information is changed, you will receive an automated email confirmation. Please notify MSU Police at (406) 994-2121 if you ever receive a banking change confirmation but did not authorized the change.



December 15, 2017

MSU Timely Warning: Email Scam

Dear Students, Faculty and Staff,

Today, the FBI asked Montana State University to notify students of a new, but ominous-sounding, email scam that is being circulated. The email scam states that the recipient has been identified for assassination unless they pay .8 of a Bit Coin to an account. The email goes on to warn the recipient to not contact law enforcement.

MSU Police and the FBI strongly urge those receiving this email to not pay and to immediately contact law enforcement. MSU Police and the FBI do not believe the email represents a credible threat of violence, but rather an attempt to coerce money from individuals. Individuals can contact MSU Police at 994-2121 or the FBI's on-line reporting portal at to report receiving such an email. 



November 17, 2017

MSU Timely Warning: Phone Scam

Montana State University Police are asking people to be aware that phone scammers are once again targeting our community.

The scammers are using automated calls asking for information to subscribe to a medical alert service. The scam is particularly devious because the caller ID on victims' telephones shows as “Waded Cruzado,” the president of Montana State University.

This is known as "caller ID spoofing" and occurs outside of the university's technological control. Students who have been called have reported that the scammers speak with a foreign accent and can be extremely aggressive.

Be advised, President Cruzado does not endorse commercial products and will never request payment or personal information over the telephone. Any person who receives such a call should not transfer any funds or provide any personal information. A fraud report should be filed with the MSU Police Department and the FBI at Additionally, a report should be filed with the FCC at if the caller used “caller ID spoofing.”



November 14, 2017

MSU Timely Warning: Robbery

The Montana State University issues Timely Warnings and Immediate Notifications in compliance with federal law for crimes that have already occurred which the university considers to be a serious and continuing threat to its community.

On November 14, 2017, at about 03:39 a.m. the MSU Police Department took a report of a robbery.  The victim reported that on November 14, 2017, at about 03:29 a.m. he was walking on South 6th Avenue near West College Street when he was attacked.  The suspect grabbed the victim and placed him in a choke hold from behind.  Once the victim gave the suspect his belongings, the suspect threw him down and fled.  The suspect is described as a white male, approximately 6’1”, medium build.  The suspect was wearing blue jeans and a black hoodie with a red “anarchy” symbol on the left chest.  No other description is available. The male was last seen running northbound on South 6th Avenue.

If anyone has information related to this incident or other suspicious activity on campus, please contact the MSU Police Department at 994-2121.




November 13, 2017

MSU Timely Warning: Interim suspension of SAE fraternity

Nov. 13, 2017 — Montana State University is warning students of the dangers of attending parities at the Sigma Alpha Epsilon (SAE) fraternity.

On Nov. 9 at 11:58 p.m., University Police responded to a noise complaint at an off-campus party at 810 S. Seventh Ave., also known as the SAE fraternity. University Police cited several students at this event and transported one individual to jail for an outstanding warrant.

One student was observed so severely intoxicated that she required immediate medical attention for acute alcohol poisoning. This is the second time this semester that a student required medical attention after consuming alcohol at the SAE fraternity house.

The Office of the Dean of Students is investigating a variety of allegations of misconduct involving this incident and has placed SAE on interim suspension until this investigation is concluded. Staff at SAE’s national office are working closely with the university on this investigation.

MSU officials are warning students not to attend events at the SAE house or events sponsored by SAE during this time. Students who attend any event at the SAE house during this time risk both their personal safety and possible charges under the Student Code. Please contact the dean of students if you have further questions at 994-2826.

MSU uses immediate notification and timely warnings in compliance with federal law for situations thought to pose an immediate threat to campus as well as for certain crimes which the university considers to be a serious and continuing threat to its community.

The MSU Police Department offers crime prevention presentations and provides escorts which are available on campus 24 hours a day for any student, faculty, staff or visitor. The MSU Police can be reached at 406-994-2121. Advocates from the VOICE Center can be reached at 406-994-7069. Anonymous reports can be made to the MSU Police Department at [email protected] and at the VOICE Center.



October 9, 2017 

MSU Timely Warning: Oct. 9 Robbery

On Oct. 9, 2017, at about 7:47 a.m. at South 15th Avenue and West College Street, an individual was robbed by three suspects, at least one armed with a firearm and Mace.

Two suspects are currently in custody. One suspect fled the scene on foot and is still outstanding. Preliminary investigation revealed the suspects may have been known to the victim. The incident occurred off campus, and Bozeman Police are investigating. We have no further information at this time. 



October 4, 2017

MSU Timely Warning: Robbery

The Montana State University issues Timely Warning and Immediate Notifications in compliance with federal law for crimes that have already occurred which the university considers to be a serious and continuing threat to its community.

On October 4, 2017 at about 4:15 p.m. the MSU Police Department took a report of a robbery.  The victim reported that on October 3, 2017 at about 11:30 p.m. he was walking on the sidewalk near the South 12th Street lot and the Animal Bio Science building when he was attacked.  The suspect punched the victim in the face and stole his backpack.  The suspect is described as a college-aged white male, approximately 6’-6’2”, 175 lbs., with long blonde hair reaching down to about the middle of his back.  The suspect was wearing blue jeans and a black jacket that had 3 white stripes going down the sleeves.  No other description is available. The male was last seen running southbound in the area of the Hedges residence halls. The victim stated he punched the suspect back and the suspect may have a facial injury. 

If anyone has information related to this incident or other suspicious activity on campus, please contact the MSU Police Department at 994-2121.



October 2, 2017

MSU Alert: Phone scammers targeting MSU

Montana State University Police are notifying our community to be aware that phone scammers are again targeting MSU students.

The scammers are telling students they have a warrant for their arrest and that they must pay a fine immediately - and electronically - or they will be arrested. They are being told they must pay taxes on a recent tuition payment. The scam is particularly devious because the caller ID on victims' telephones shows the MSU Police Department, the Missoula office of the FBI, or some other Montana law enforcement agency. 

This is known as "caller ID spoofing" and occurs outside of the university system's technological control. Students who have been called have reported that the scammers speak with a foreign accent and can be extremely aggressive. 

Be advised, law enforcement officers will never request payment over the telephone. Any person who receives such a call should not transfer any funds. A fraud report should be filed with the MSU Police Department and the FBI at their website . Additionally, a report should be filed with the FCC at if the caller used “caller ID spoofing.”



July 31, 2017

MSU Alert: Indecent Exposure

On July 31, 2017, at approximately 1:52 p.m. the Montana State University Police Department received a report of a male masturbating in his vehicle while driving down Grant Street in close proximity of the Fitness Center. Upon seeing a female walking down the sidewalk, the male slowed down and masturbated. The female who observed the crime fled into a nearby building.

The male is described as white, middle-aged and heavyset with white hair. He was driving a small, gray Honda and was last seen westbound from the 900 block of West Grant Street.  

Be advised, it is a crime for a person to expose their genitals under circumstances in which the person knows the conduct is likely to cause affront or alarm in order to abuse, humiliate, harass or degrade another; or arouse or gratify the person’s own sexual response.  

The MSU Police Department encourages anyone with information about this incident to contact the MSU Police at 406-994-2121. Anonymous reports can be made to the MSU Police Department at [email protected] and at the VOICE Center at 406-994-7069.

The MSU Police Department offers crime prevention guidance and provides security escorts that are available on campus 24 hours a day for any student, faculty, staff or visitor by calling 406-994-2121. 

MSU issues timely warnings in compliance with federal law for crimes that have already occurred which the university considers to be a serious and continuing threat to its community.



March 3, 2017

MSU Alert: Telephone Scam

Montana State University Police are notifying our community to be aware that phone scammers are again targeting university students in Montana.

In one instance in Missoula, scammers told a student they were with the FBI and would be taking legal action against him.  

In other variations of this scam, students are told they must pay a fine, or “taxes” on a tuition payment, or risk being kicked out of the university or arrested.

The scam is particularly devious because the caller ID on victims’ telephones can show the MSU Police Department, a Montana office of the FBI, or some other Montana law enforcement agency. This is known as “caller ID spoofing” and occurs outside of the university system’s technological control.
Students who have been called have reported that the scammers sometimes speak with a foreign accent and have been extremely aggressive.

Be advised, law enforcement officers will never request payment over the telephone. Any students who receive such a call should not transfer any funds and should file a fraud report with the FBI at their website



November 18, 2016

MSU Alert: Update on Attempted Assault with a Weapon

On November 10, 2016 at 12:15 p.m. the Montana State University Police Department received a report that a male attempted to assault a female in a South Hedges elevator with what she thought to be a stun gun. The female fended off the male and escaped without injury.

The stun gun was later determined to be a camera, with which the suspect intended to photograph up the female’s skirt.

Since then, the suspect has been identified, trespassed from campus and cited for both assault and attempted surreptitious observation.

The Bozeman Police had an open case with this suspect, and also issued him a citation for surreptitious observation.

Be advised, it is a crime for a person to purposely or knowingly cause bodily injury to another or cause reasonable apprehension of bodily injury to another. It is also a crime for a person to purposely or knowingly record a visual image of the sexual or intimate parts of another person in a public place without the other person’s knowledge when the victim has the reasonable expectation of privacy.   

The MSU Police Department offers crime prevention presentations and provides escorts which are available on campus 24 hours a day for any student, faculty, staff or visitor.

MSU issues timely warnings in compliance with federal law for crimes that have already occurred which the university considers to be a serious and continuing threat to its community.



November 10, 2016

MSU Alert: Attempted Assault with a Weapon 

On November 10, 2016 at 12:15 p.m. the Montana State University Police Department received a report that a male attempted to assault a female in a South Hedges elevator with what is thought to be a stun gun. The female was able to fend off the male and flee unharmed. The incident occurred at approximately 11:00a.m.

The suspect is described as a white male, approximately 5’1”-5’2”, weighing 115-125lbs. The male had a shaved head, and a prominent mustache and goatee, wearing a gray shirt, jeans, black jacket, and a blue hat with gray lettering. He appeared to be older than a typical college student, possibly in his mid-thirties. He was last seen heading out the west exit of South Hedges. 

The MSU Police Department encourages anyone with information about this incident to contact the MSU Police at (406) 994-2121. Anonymous reports can be made to the MSU Police Department at [email protected] and at the VOICE Center.

Be advised, it is a crime for a person to knowingly cause bodily injury to another with a weapon or cause reasonable apprehension of bodily injury in another by use of a weapon or what reasonable appears to be a weapon. 

The MSU Police Department offers crime prevention presentations and provides escorts which are available on campus 24 hours a day for any student, faculty, staff or visitor.

MSU issues timely warnings in compliance with federal law for crimes that have already occurred which the university considers to be a serious and continuing threat to its community.



September 10, 2016

MSU Alert: Incident Exposure 

On September 10, 2016 at 3:10 p.m. the Montana State University Police Department received a report that a male had been masturbating in his vehicle while driving down the street approximately 45 minutes prior. Upon seeing a female in her car, the male stopped his vehicle and continued to masturbate while staring at her. After several seconds, the male drove away.

The male is described as a clean shaven white male in his late teens to early twenties with dirty blonde hair, wearing a dark colored shirt. He was driving a medium-sized silvery blue SUV, and was last seen eastbound on the 400 block of W Garfield Street. 

The MSU Police Department encourages anyone with information about this incident to contact the MSU Police at (406) 994-2121. Anonymous reports can be made to the MSU Police Department at [email protected] and at the VOICE Center.

Be advised, it is a crime for a person to expose their genitals under circumstances in which the person knows the conduct is likely to cause affront or alarm in order or abuse, humiliate, harass, or degrade another; or arouse or gratify the person’s own sexual response. 

The MSU Police Department offers crime prevention presentations and provides escorts which are available on campus 24 hours a day for any student, faculty, staff or visitor.

MSU issues timely warnings in compliance with federal law for crimes that have already occurred which the university considers to be a serious and continuing threat to its community.

MSU's Office of Institutional Equity (OIE) responds to reports of discrimination and harassment, including sexual violence.  For more information visit or call 406-994-2042.



September 8, 2016

MSU Alert: Information regarding tuberculosis case

A student at Montana State University in Bozeman has been diagnosed with an active case of tuberculosis.  MSU officials and staff with the Gallatin City-County Health Department are working closely with the Montana Department of Public Health and Human Services (DPHHS) and Bozeman Health Deaconess Hospital to manage the care of the person diagnosed and to minimize risk of additional cases.

The person diagnosed with tuberculosis is receiving care at Bozeman Health Deaconess Hospital and is expected to make a full recovery.  Local and state public health officials are working with MSU and local physicians to implement infection control measures informed by national guidance provided by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and other public health experts.

The person diagnosed lived off campus, not in MSU’s residence halls. Initial test results of the infected person indicate that the risk of transmission is low. The type of tuberculosis involved is treatable with antibiotics. The person diagnosed has a history of recent international travel.

The diagnosed student did work as a student employee for MSU University Food Services. Tuberculosis is a respiratory disease and is not spread through food or the digestive tract.

Tuberculosis is a bacterial infection that is spread through the air when an individual who has active tuberculosis coughs or sneezes. To become infected, another person must directly inhale tuberculosis germs over an extended length of time.

Brief or casual contact with an infected person does not spread the disease. Therefore, people who have not been in close contact with an infected person are not at risk of contracting the disease. 

During the years 2000-2015, an average of 10.4 cases of tuberculosis were reported in Montana annually. This is the second confirmed case of tuberculosis reported in Montana during 2016.

Staff with Gallatin City-County Health Department are working with MSU officials to identify and contact individuals who were in close contact with the infected person to determine if they are in need of testing or treatment. This work will be guided by recommendations from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and consultation with physicians and the Montana Department of Public Health and Human Services.

The time from initial infection to active symptomatic disease ranges from weeks to years. Symptoms include coughing for three weeks or longer, chest pain, weight loss, fever and night sweats. Students with concerns should call the MSU Student Health Service at 406-994-2311. Faculty and staff with concerns should contact their family health care provider.

MSU requires new students to be screened for tuberculosis exposure and requires testing of students who are at high risk. Information about this requirement can be found at (link no longer available).

There is a minimally effective vaccine for tuberculosis, BCG, often given in high risk countries. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention does not recommend this vaccine in the United States.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention provides extensive information about tuberculosis at:



September 2, 2016

MSU Alert: Sexual Intercourse Without Consent Suspect 

MSU Police have identified a suspect in a sexual intercourse without consent case that was reported to have occurred between roughly 12:30am and 1:15am on Friday, Sept. 2 in a house on the corner of of S. Sixth Avenue and Garfield Street.

MSU Police do not believe the community is at any risk from this suspect.  

MSU Police is making this notice as a reminder to students of the following:

Being drunk does not mean a person is being asked to be raped.  Forcing sexual contact on another person without consent is against the law and MSU policy.  Someone who is passed out, unconscious, or incapacitated because of drugs or alcohol is unable to give consent.  Sex without consent is sexual assault.  Rape is never the victim's fault.

Always go out with friends and when you do, look out for each other.  If you notice someone is intoxicated, stay with the intoxicated person and get them to a safe place.  Trust your instincts and take care of on another.

The MSU Police Department offers crime prevention presentations and provides escorts which are available on campus 24 hours a day for any student, faculty, staff or visitor.  The MSU Police can be reached at (406) 994-2121.

MSU has resources available to students who have been impacted by sexual violence.  Students can obtain confidential support at the MSU VOICE Center by calling 406-994-7069 or visiting

Anonymous reports can be made to the MSU Police Department at [email protected] and at the VOICE Center.

MSU's Office of Institutional Equity (OIE) responds to reports of discrimination and harassment, including sexual violence.  For more information visit or call 406-994-2042.

This Timely Warning message was sent via the MSU ALERT E-MAIL system to all students, faculty and staff at MSU Bozeman.  All students, faculty, and staff are automatically enrolled in the MSU ALERT E-MAIL system.



August 14, 2016

MSU Alert: Mountain Lion Sighting on Campus

There has been a report of a mountain lion seen on campus. Do not approach; use caution when walking on campus. Report sightings to UPD at 994-2121



June 22, 2016

MSU Alert: Phone Scammers

Montana State University Police are notifying our community to be aware that phone scammers are again targeting MSU Students. 

The scammers are telling students they have a warrant for their arrest and that they must pay a fine immediately - and electronically - or they will be arrested. They are being told they must pay taxes on a recent tuition payment. The scam is particularly devious because the caller ID on victims' telephones show the MSU Police Department, the Missoula Office of the FBI, or some other Montana law enforcement agency. This is known as "Caller ID Spoofing" and occurs outside of the university system's technological control. Students who have been called have reported that the scammers speak with a foreign accent and can be extremely aggressive. 

Be advised, law enforcement officers will never request payment over the telephone. Any person who receives such call should not transfer any funds. A fraud report should be filed with the MSU Police Department and the FBI at their website . Additionally, a report should be filed with the FCC at if the caller used "Caller ID Spoofing". 



March 26, 2016

MSU Alert: Timely warning of possible aggressive dog

The MSU Police Department received a report of an individual who was attacked by an aggressive dog, possibly a coyote, while walking in the vicinity of College Street and 15th Avenue at 9 p.m. on Saturday, March 26. The individual was not injured, kicked at the animal, and it ran off. MSU Police urge caution when walking at night and maintaining a safe distance from any unleashed, unattended animal. Please report any loose/aggressive animals by calling 911 immediately.



February 26, 2016

MSU Alert: Phone Scam 

Montana State University Police are notifying our community to be aware that phone scammers are again targeting MSU students.

The scammers are telling students they have a warrant for their arrest and that they must pay a fine immediately – and electronically – or they will be arrested or they are being told they must pay taxes on a recent tuition payment.

The scam is particularly devious because the caller ID on victims’ telephones shows the MSU Police Department, the Bozeman office of the FBI, or some other Montana law enforcement agency. This is known as “caller ID spoofing” and occurs outside of the university system’s technological control.

Students who have been called have reported that the scammers speak with a foreign accent and can be extremely aggressive.

Be advised, law enforcement officers will never request payment over the telephone. Any students who receive such a call should not transfer any funds and should file a fraud report with the FBI at their website



February 23, 2016

MSU Alert: Timely Warning of Suspicious Individual Near Campus 

MSU Police Department has received notification from the Bozeman Police Department of a suspicious male near the south side of town. Please read attachment for details.

MSU Police would like to remind you to use caution when walking alone at all times. Stay in well-lit areas & travel in groups. The MSU PD escort service is available 24 hours a day and all individuals are encourage to utilize this service.


ATTACHMENT FROM BOZEMAN POLICE: Media/Public Release February 23, 2016 Bozeman Police Department – alert of suspicious male Over the past few days the Bozeman Police Department has received concerns regarding some suspicious behavior near two south side residences.

On Saturday night, February 20th, a male was seen standing outside a residence in the 1000 block of South Grand. The male had been reportedly seen at a party near the residence the previous evening. On February 22nd, the same male was seen again walking out of the back yard of a residence in that same 1000 block of S. Grand. It was found the male did not live in this residence.

Officers were unable to locate this or any other individual at the time of these reports. The description of the male was that he was a white, college aged male with some kind of pony-tail wearing a green jacket.

Today we were advised that on Wednesday night, February 17th, a male followed a female to her home near 1200 S. Bozeman. The male followed her on a bicycle and stood across the street from her house watching her enter her home. This male was described as being a white-college age male wearing a dark green jacket.

It is undetermined in any of these calls if this is the same male or what the intent of the male is. However, given the repeated calls to these south side areas, we want all citizens to be cautious and report any suspicious behavior immediately. We care about your safety.

We would also remind all residents of the following safety tips: If you see something, say something. Call 911 if you see any suspicious persons or behavior in your neighborhood. Provide the best description you can of the person, behavior or other observation. There may be an explanation or you may help prevent a crime. Travel with a friend. Bozeman is safe! It’s even safer if you travel or walk at night with a friend. Lock your doors. It’s always a good and safer habit to lock your home and vehicle doors when you’re not home or at night. Use exterior security lights. Lights help prevent crime. Media Contact: Deputy Chief Rich McLane (406) 582-2013


October 28, 2015 

MSU Alert: Assault 

UPDATE: On October 28, 2015 at approximately 9:45pm a female was assaulted by a male. MSU PD received the report at approximately 10:55pm.

It was reported the male grabbed the female by her hair and pushed her down in the trees just east of the Duck Pond. The female was able to fight the male off. The male was last seen running north from the Duck Pond. Male is described as white, approximately 6 foot tall, average build, possible acne on the face. Male was last seen wearing an unknown colored hoodie. 



October 28, 2015

MSU Alert: Police Seeking Male Involved in Campus Assault 

MSU Alert: At 9:45 p.m. on Wednesday, Oct. 28, a female was assaulted by a male. The male grabbed her by the hair and pushed her down in the trees just east of the Duck Pond off of 11th Avenue on the MSU campus.  The female fought the male off and he fled.

He is described as white, approximately 6-feet tall, average build, possible acne and wearing a hoodie.

If you have information about this crime, please contact MSU Police at 406-994-2121.




October 23, 2015

MSU Alert: Missing Child

UPDATE as of 4:09 p.m.: The 5-year-old has been found at the Gallatin Valley Mall.


October 23, 2015

MSU Alert: Missing Child

MSU Alert: A 5-year-old child is missing. He was riding a red/black bike and left McIntosh Court in MSU Graduate and Student Housing on the west side of campus. He was last seen headed toward Gallatin Valley Mall. He has brown hair and was wearing a gray shirt and jeans. Please call University Police at 994-2121 if you have any information as to his whereabouts.

October 17, 2015

MSU Alert: Rape

MSU Police received a report of a rape which likely occurred in or around Johnstone Center around midnight Friday night.  The suspect or suspects have not been identified.  The victim could not recall many details and believed she may have been drugged with a food item.

MSU Police remind people not to accept drinks or edibles from strangers, to recreate with friends, and report any suspicious activity to police.  MSU Police provide safety escorts to persons in need.


October 13, 2015

MSU Alert: Bear Sighting

The injured bear has been tranquilized and removed from campus.

This message was sent via the MSU ALERT E-MAIL system to all students, faculty and staff at MSU Bozeman. All students, faculty, and staff are automatically enrolled in the MSU ALERT E-MAIL system.
For emergencies posing an immediate threat, the MSU ALERT TEXT MESSAGING system is also used. Enrollment in the MSU ALERT TEXT MESSAGING system is voluntary, and all students, faculty and staff are strongly encouraged to enroll. The MSU ALERT TEXT MESSAGING system is free and is used to deliver critical information to MSU students, faculty and staff in the event of an emergency. To subscribe, go to: You can also enroll by texting 69310 with the following message: msu alert. (You will receive a confirmation text as a reply.)


October 13, 2015

MSU Alert 3: Stabbing

MSUPD has 2 suspects in custody. Incident is currently under investigation. You may resume normal campus activity.


October 13, 2015

MSU Alert 2: Stabbing

MSU Police update: Assault appears to have happened in family housing. SUB is all clear to resume normal activities.


October 13, 2015 

MSU Alert 1: Stabbing

MSU Police is investigating a student that was stabbed in the SUB. We currently have no further information at this point. Please avoid SUB until further notice. More information to follow.


October 9, 2015

MSU Alert: Telephone Scam

Montana State University Police are notifying our community to be aware that phone scammers are again targeting MSU students.
The scammers are telling students they have a warrant for their arrest and that they must pay a fine immediately – and electronically – or they will be arrested or they are being told they must pay taxes on a recent tuition payment.
The scam is particularly devious because the caller ID on victims’ telephones shows the MSU Police Department, the Bozeman office of the FBI, or some other Montana law enforcement agency. This is known as “caller ID spoofing” and occurs outside of the university system’s technological control.
Students who have been called have reported that the scammers speak with a foreign accent and have been extremely aggressive.
Any students who receive such a call should not transfer any funds and should call the MSU Police Department immediately at (406) 994-2121.
This message was sent via the MSU ALERT E-MAIL system to all students, faculty and staff at MSU Bozeman. All students, faculty, and staff are automatically enrolled in the MSU ALERT E-MAIL system.

For emergencies posing an immediate threat, the MSU ALERT TEXT MESSAGING system is also used. Enrollment in the MSU ALERT TEXT MESSAGING system is voluntary, and all students, faculty and staff are strongly encouraged to enroll. The MSU ALERT TEXT MESSAGING system is free and is used to deliver critical information to MSU students, faculty and staff in the event of an emergency. To subscribe, go to: You can also enroll by texting 69310 with the following message: msu alert. (You will receive a confirmation text as a reply.)


September 22, 2015

MSU Alert: Alleged Assault and Drugging

Timely Warning: University investigating alleged assault and drugging in Hawk’s Ridge condominium complex.
Montana State University is warning students to avoid or use great caution in attending parties in the Hawk’s Ridge condominium development southwest of campus.

The area, commonly known as “The Block” to students, has been the site of numerous parties since the start of school and the university is currently investigating the alleged drugging of drinks, a physical assault in which two men were struck in the head and required medical attention, and underage drinking associated with those parties.

As part of its investigation, the university has placed the SAE fraternity on an interim suspension. While the SAE fraternity house is not in the Hawk’s Ridge condominium complex, several fraternity members are allegedly the hosts of some of the parties in the area. Staff at SAE’s national office are working closely with the university on this investigation.

MSU Police would like to remind you to never take an open drink from someone you do not know. Keep your drink in your possession at all times and do not go to a parties alone.

MSU uses immediate notification and timely warning in compliance with federal law for situations thought to pose an immediate threat to campus as well as for certain crimes which the university considers to be a serious and continuing threat to its community.

The MSU Police Department offers crime prevention presentations and provides escorts which are available on campus 24 hours a day for any student, faculty, staff or visitor. The MSU Police can be reached at (406) 994-2121. Advocates from the VOICE Center can be reached at (406) 994-7069. Anonymous reports can be made to the MSU Police Department at [email protected] and at the VOICE Center.


September 12, 2015

MSU Alert: Possible Date Rape Drugging

On September 11-12, 2015, between 11:01 pm and 12:40 am, the Montana State University Police Department responded to two reports of females that had possibly been given a date rape drug at a party near campus. Neither party reported being sexually assaulted. The investigation is ongoing.

Anyone who experienced something similar this weekend or saw something suspicious at a party is encouraged to contact MSU Police or the Bozeman Police Department.

MSU Police would like to remind you to never take an open drink from someone you do not know. Keep your drink in your possession at all times and do not go to a parties alone.

MSU uses immediate notification and timely warning in compliance with federal law for situations thought to pose an immediate threat to campus as well as for certain crimes which the university considers to be a serious and continuing threat to its community.

The MSU Police Department offers crime prevention presentations and provides escorts which are available on campus 24 hours a day for any student, faculty, staff or visitor. The MSU Police can be reached at (406) 994-2121. Advocates from the VOICE Center can be reached at (406) 994-7069. Anonymous reports can be made to the MSU Police Department at [email protected] and at the VOICE Center.


July 27, 2015

MSU Alert: Assault 

Montana State University Police Department responded to the northwest corner of campus between 12th and 13th Avenues after a report of an assault from the Bozeman Police Department. The victim reported that he interrupted a theft from a vehicle in the alley between 12th & 13th Avenue near College Street.  An altercation ensued and the suspect fled toward campus with a knife.  The suspect is described as a white male with a scruffy beard, black shirt, blue jeans and armed with a knife.  If you observe an individual matching this description, do not approach him and call 911 immediately. Anyone who has seen suspicious activity is encourage to call MSU Police at 406-994-2121 or email its silent witness program at [email protected].



May 20, 2015

MSU Alert: Vehicle Vandalism

Montana State University Police are warning students, faculty, and staff of a possible vandal or vandals who may have been recently loosening the lug nuts on vehicles.Today MSU Police received a report of a possible vandalism of a student's vehicle. Approximately one week ago the driver left campus and noticed a  vibration and noise while the vehicle was in motion. Today one wheel partially detached from the vehicle in Belgrade and it was also discovered that multiple lug nuts had been loosened on a second wheel. MSU Police have not ruled out recent repairs or lack of maintenance as possible causes. The vehicle was parked in the North Fieldhouse Lot and the North Gatton Lot  approximately one week ago. It is uncertain at this time exactly when or how the lug nuts were loosened, the possible vandalism could have occurred as recently as one week ago. MSU Police encourage drivers to make a visual check of their cars and pay attention if they hear an unusual sound coming from their car or the steering of their car behaving erratically – both are warning signs that a vehicle’s tire or tires may have been vandalized. Anyone who has seen suspicious activity in any of the MSU parking lots is encourage to call MSU Police at 406-994-2121 or email its silent witness program at [email protected].



April 30, 2015

MSU Alert: Vehicle Vandalism

Montana State University Police are warning students, faculty, and staff of a possible vandal or vandals who may have been recently loosening the lug nuts on vehicles. Over the past several weeks MSU Police have received two reports of students who have possibly had their vehicles vandalized.  In the first case, a driver was on a highway when the tires began to wobble.  A tow truck was called and it was discovered that multiple lug nuts were loose on the vehicle.  In the second case, the driver took their vehicle to a shop for maintenance and it was discovered that multiple lug nuts were loose on the vehicle.  MSU Police have not ruled out recent repairs or lack of maintenance as possible causes. The first vehicle was parked in the North Fieldhouse lot just prior to the driver noticing the problem on the highway.  The second vehicle was parked in both the Roskie and South Hedges lots prior to the discovery of the loose lug nuts.It is uncertain at this time exactly when or how the lug nuts were loosened, the possible vandalism could have occurred as recently as the last few days or possibly weeks ago. MSU Police encourage drivers to make a visual check of their cars and pay attention if they hear an unusual sound coming from their car or the steering of their car behaving erratically – both are warning signs that a vehicle’s tire or tires may have been vandalized.

Anyone who has seen suspicious activity in any of the MSU parking lots are encouraged to call MSU Police at 994-2121 or email its silent witness program at [email protected].



January 29, 2015

MSU Alert: Phone scam

Montana State University Police are notifying MSU students to be aware that phone scammers are again targeting MSU students.

The scammers are predominantly calling foreign students on the MSU campus. They are telling students they have a warrant for their arrest and that they must pay a fine immediately – and electronically – or they will be arrested by the Bozeman or Missoula Police Department.
Any students who receive such a call should not transfer any funds and should call the MSU Police Department immediately at (406) 994-2121.
The scam is particularly devious because the caller ID on victims’ telephones shows the Bozeman and Missoula Police Department’s name and number. This is known as “caller ID spoofing” and occurs outside of the university system’s technological control.
Six MSU students reported the scam within in the span of a few hours today. In each case, the caller claimed to be a police officer from either the Bozeman or Missoula Police Department.
Last fall, MSU students were similarly targeted, according to MSU Police Chief Robert Putzke.
This message was sent via the MSU ALERT E-MAIL system to all students, faculty and staff at MSU Bozeman. All students, faculty, and staff are automatically enrolled in the MSU ALERT E-MAIL system.



December 9, 2014

MSU Timely Warning: Vehicle Vandalism Update

Montana State University Police are warning students, faculty, and staff of a vandal or vandals who have been loosening the lug nuts on vehicles to the point of the wheels coming off during driving and causing a severe accident.

Today, at approximately 5:47 pm on 12/9/2014 – MSU Police received a report of an individual who appeared to be loosening the lug nuts on vehicles in the vicinity of the South Gatton parking lot on campus. Description of individual is as follows: individual was wearing a dark colored sweatshirt, possibly jeans, and was possibly wearing glasses, and carrying a 4-way tire iron. It has been discovered that two vehicles are in fact missing at least one lug nut and has one lug nut that was loosened.

Both cars were parked in the vicinity of the North and South Gatton lots off 7th Ave and Grant St, north of the Stand Union Building.

MSU Police encourage drivers to make a visual check of their cars and pay attention if they hear an unusual sound coming from their car or the steering of their car behaving erratically – both are warning signs that a vehicle’s tire or tires may have been vandalized.

Anyone who has seen suspicious activity in any of the MSU parking lots is encourage to call MSU Police at 994-2121 or email its silent witness program at [email protected].



December 1, 2014

MSU Timely Warning: Vehicle Vandalism

Montana State University Police are warning students, faculty and staff of a vandal or vandals who have been loosening the lug nuts on vehicles to the point of the wheels coming off during driving and causing a severe accident.

In the past 24 hours – since Sunday morning – MSU Police have received two reports of students who have had their vehicles vandalized. In one case, a driver was on a highway before noticing that four of five lug nuts were missing from a tire and a fifth lug nut was loose. In the second case, a tire came off the car as the driver made a turn on campus.

MSU Police have ruled out recent repairs or lack of maintenance as possible causes.

Both cars belong to female students and both cars were parked in the vicinity of Harrison Street and its accompanying lots between Eighth and 11th avenues. There appears to be no connection between the two students or their vehicles.

Because the students had not driving their cars recently, the vandalism could have occurred as recently as the last few days or more than a week ago.

MSU Police encourage drivers to make a visual check of their cars and pay attention if they hear an unusual sound coming from their car or the steering of their car behaving erratically – both are warning signs that a vehicle’s tire or tires may have been vandalized.

Anyone who has seen suspicious activity in any of the MSU parking lots is encourage to call MSU Police at 994-2121 or email its silent witness program at [email protected]. 



October 18, 2014

MSU Timely Warning: Assault Update

Montana State University (MSU) issues Timely Warning and Immediate Notification in compliance with federal law for crimes that have already occurred which the university considers to be a serious and continuing threat to its community.

MSU police have identified a suspect in today’s earlier reported assault. The first suspect who attempted to enter the shower was identified as a student resident of South Hedges Hall.

The suspect has been arrested, charged with assault, and placed in the Gallatin County Detention Center.

The second suspect who was trying to open doors has not been identified.

If anyone has information related to these incidents or other suspicious activity on campus, please contact the MSU Police Department at 994-2121.



October 18, 2014

MSU Timely Warning: Assault

Montana State University (MSU) issues Timely Warning and Immediate Notification in compliance with federal law for crimes that have already occurred which the university considers to be a serious and continuing threat to its community.


On October 18th, 2014 at approximately 8:45 a.m., the MSU Police Department responded to South Hedges Hall for a report of an assault. The victim reported that a male entered the bathroom and tried to enter the shower twice while she was showering. The victim struck the male and he fled. The suspect is described as a white male, approximately 5'7", 150-160 lbs., 18-19 years old, brown chin length hair, green eyes, clear skin with no facial hair, and a sharp pointed nose. Male suspect was wearing a rasta (red, green, yellow tie-dyed) colored tank top, brown shorts, and flip flops. Suspect male was seen with another male earlier in the morning. Second male is described as white, 5'10" and skinny, shoulder length brown wavy hair, wearing a blue and light blue tank top, a fisherman style hat with loud Hawaiian print, and black board shorts/swim trunks.  The second male suspect was reported knocking on doors, opening an unlocked door and asking to come in.

If anyone has information related to these incidents or other suspicious activity on campus, please contact the MSU Police Department at 994-2121.



October 10, 2014


MSU ROTC cadets will be conducting a Field Leadership Reaction Course at MSU in full Army uniform on Sunday, Oct. 12 from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.  Please be advised that the cadets will be utilizing imitation rifles with orange flagging wrapped around the barrels for this training and will be transporting these imitation rifles in duffle bags to designated locations on campus near Romney Gym and the MSU Practice Fields.

Please do not reply to this message.

This message was sent via the MSU ALERT E-MAIL system to all students, faculty and staff at MSU Bozeman. All students, faculty, and staff are automatically enrolled in the MSU ALERT E-MAIL system.

 For emergencies posing an immediate threat, the MSU ALERT TEXT MESSAGING system is also used. Enrollment in the MSU ALERT TEXT MESSAGING system is free and is used to deliver critical information to MSU students, faculty, and staff in the event of an emergency. To subscribe, go to:  You can also enroll by texting 69310 with the following message: msu alert. (You will receive a confirmation text as a reply.)



September 25, 2014

MSU ALERT: Bike Thefts

Since Monday 9/22 MSUPD has taken approximately 11 bicycle theft reports and one report of an attempted theft. These thefts have occurred near academic buildings and residence halls. There are no suspects at this time and police are conducting increased patrols of bike racks. The vast majority of bikes stolen were not secured with a lock. Of the bikes that did have locks on them the locks were not secured properly either to the bike or bike rack. One report advised of a male subject wearing shorts and a red tank top attempting to cut a lock off of a bike with a hacksaw. He was unable to be located.

MSU Police would like to remind you that all bikes should be locked to a bike rack with a quality cable or U shaped lock.  Please report any suspicious activity observed in the vicinity of bicycle racks immediately to MSUPD. Also, please feel free to take advantage of our free bike registration which tracks serial numbers that greatly aids in stolen bike recovery.

The MSU Police Department offers crime prevention presentations and provides escorts which are available on campus 24 hours a day for any student, faculty, staff or visitor. The MSU Police can be reached at (406) 994-2121. Advocates from the VOICE Center can be reached at (406) 994-7069. Anonymous reports can be made to the MSU Police Department at [email protected] and at the VOICE Center.

This Timely Warning message was sent via the MSU ALERT E-MAIL system to all students, faculty and staff at MSU Bozeman. All students, faculty, and staff are automatically enrolled in the MSU ALERT E-MAIL system.

For emergencies posing an immediate threat, the MSU ALERT TEXT MESSAGING system is also used. (It was not used for this notice.) Enrollment in the MSU ALERT TEXT MESSAGING system is voluntary, and all students, faculty and staff are strongly encouraged to enroll. The MSU ALERT TEXT MESSAGING system is free and is used to deliver critical information to MSU students, faculty and staff in the event of an emergency. To subscribe, go to: You can also enroll by texting 69310 with the following message: msu alert. (You will receive a confirmation text as a reply.)



September 24, 2014

MSU Alert: Telephone Scam Alert

Telephone scammers targeting students at Montana State University-Bozeman, the University of Montana-Missoula and nationally are telling students they must pay a fine immediately by giving payment information over the phone or they will be arrested by the Montana State University-Bozeman Police Department.

“MSU-Bozeman Police does not conduct business this way,” said MSU-Bozeman Police Chief Robert Putzke. “Any students receiving such a call should not share any personal or financial information with the caller and should call legitimate law enforcement immediately.”

The scammers are predominantly calling foreign students on the University of Montana-Missoula campus, but students at MSU-Bozeman, Penn State and in Georgia and Tennessee have also received calls.

The scam is particularly devious because the caller ID on victims’ telephones shows the MSU-Bozeman Police number. This is known as “caller ID spoofing” and occurs outside of the university system’s technological control.

More than 40 students reported the scam within the span of a few hours on Wednesday. Students report the caller sounds like he is calling from a call center as there are other voices in the background. Students have been told a variety of things: they owe back taxes, have an overdue tuition bill, or a fine and if they do not pay they will be suspended from school, deported, or arrested.

Students receiving such calls are urged to call law enforcement on the MSU-Bozeman, UM-Missoula, and MSU-Billings campuses. MSU-Bozeman Police can be reached at 406-994-2121. UM-Missoula Police can be reached at 406-243-6131. MSU-Billings Police can be reached at 406-657-2147.



May 7, 2014

MSU Alert: Two males walking on campus with a rifle. 

University Police received a report of two males carrying a black rifle across 11th Street heading toward the arch near the center mall of campus. Male in hunter orange hoodie. Second male in grey/green jacket ball cap. Officers on scene. Please stay indoors and contact 994-2121 if seen.

Officers are searching buildings. Please lock doors for safety. Watch for updates and info at the MSU website.

MSU Police have checked main campus buildings & found no signs of individuals matching descriptions of earlier alerts. 

Please resume normal operations. Remain vigilant and report any individuals matching previous description to MSU Police 994-2121.

This message was sent via the MSU ALERT E-MAIL system to all students, faculty and staff at MSU Bozeman. All students, faculty and staff are automatically enrolled in the MSU ALERT E-MAIL system.

For emergencies posing an immediate threat, the MSU ALERT TEXT MESSAGING system is also used. Enrollment in the MSU ALERT TEXT MESSAGING system is voluntary and all students, faculty and staff are strongly encouraged to enroll. The MSU ALERT  TEXT MESSAGING system is free and is used to deliver critical information to MSU students, faculty and staff in the event of an emergency. To subscribe, to go: You can also enroll by texting 69310 with the following message: msu alert (You will receive a confirmation text as a reply.)



February 2, 2014

MSU Alert: Woman fends off attack at 15th and Koch.

Bozeman City Police reported that at approximately 1:25 a.m. on Sunday, Feb. 2, 2014, near 15th and Koch, a woman at her vehicle had an unknown man approach her from behind and violently push her against her car and threaten to rape her. The woman struck the assailant in the face. The man then fled the scene. The man headed southbound on S 14th towards Koch. 
The man is described as being white, mid- 20’s, short light brown hair, approximately 5’10” and weighing 160-170 with blue or green eyes. He was wearing a black down coat over a black hooded sweatshirt and was described as having a pock-marked face and possibly a broken or bruised nose.

Call 911 if you see the suspect or have information regarding this attack.

It is unknown if this attack is related to the alleged assault by, and subsequent escape of, Kevin A Briggs, 28 YOA male, at 8 a.m. on Saturday, Feb. 1, 2014.

Briggs was in custody at the Law and Justice Center, 615 S. 16th Ave., while officers were investigating a reported sexual intercourse without consent and assault with a weapon involving a knife. Shortly after 8 a.m.
Briggs escaped the Law and Justice Center on foot.

Briggs is approximately 5'5", medium build with dark hair and blue eyes, wearing a black or gray hooded coat with semi-white stripes, olive green pants and black shoes.

Briggs was last seen wearing a belly belt with handcuffs and leg shackles.

Briggs should be considered dangerous and potentially armed. He is still at large.

Citizens should not approach him but should call law enforcement at 911 immediately if they spot him.

As a reminder: The MSU Police Department offers crime prevention presentations and provides escorts which are available on campus 24 hours a day for any student, faculty, staff or visitor. The MSU Police can be reached at (406) 994-2121.

Advocates from the VOICE Center can be reached at (406) 994-7069.

Anonymous reports can be made to the MSU Police Department at [email protected] and at the VOICE Center.

This Emergency Notification message was sent via the MSU ALERT E-MAIL system to all students, faculty and staff at MSU Bozeman. All students, faculty, and staff are automatically enrolled in the MSU ALERT E-MAIL system.

This Emergency Notification was also previously sent using the MSU ALERT TEXT MESSAGING system. Enrollment in the MSU ALERT TEXT MESSAGING system is voluntary, and all students, faculty and staff are strongly encouraged to enroll. The MSU ALERT TEXT MESSAGING system is free and is used to deliver critical information to MSU students, faculty and staff in the event of an emergency. To subscribe, go to: You can also enroll by texting 69310 with the following message: msu alert.
(You will receive a confirmation text as a reply.)




February 1, 2014

MSU Alert: Police search for escaped detainee near campus: should be considered dangerous

Bozeman Police and MSU Police are searching for Kevin A. Briggs, a 28-year-old white male, who escaped from custody at the Gallatin County Law and Justice Center, 615 S. 16th Avenue, this morning while officers investigated his alleged rape with a weapon of a woman on Tai Lane near campus last night.

Briggs is described as 5’5” with dark hair, blue eyes and of medium build.
He was wearing a black or grey hooded coat with semi-white stripes, olive-green pants and black shoes at the time of his arrest. When he escaped shortly after 8 a.m. today, Saturday, Feb. 1, Briggs was wearing handcuffs, leg shackles and a belly belt.

A photo of Briggs is posted at

He is considered potentially armed and dangerous. Citizens should not approach Briggs, but should immediately call 911.

If you have important information regarding this incident, please call MSU Police at 994-2121. For more information, visit the MSU homepage at




January 12, 2014

MSU Timely Warning: Assault

MSU issues timely warnings in compliance with federal law for crimes that have already occurred which the university considers to be a serious and continuing threat to its community.

On January 12th, 2014 at approximately 6:20 p.m. the Montana State University Police Department responded to Johnstone Center for a report of an assault. The victim reported that an unidentified male grabbed her arm in a stairwell and told her he was going to rape her. The victim was able to run away from the suspect unharmed. The suspect is described as a white male approximately 5’7” in height and wearing a green hoody style jacket.

MSU Police would like to remind you to use caution when walking alone at all times, stay in well-lit areas & travel in groups.

The MSU Police Department offers crime prevention presentations and provides escorts which are available on campus 24 hours a day for any student, faculty, staff or visitor. The MSU Police can be reached at (406) 994-2121. Advocates from the VOICE Center can be reached at (406) 994-7069. Anonymous reports can be made to the MSU Police Department at [email protected] and at the VOICE Center.

This Timely Warning message was sent via the MSU ALERT E-MAIL system to all students, faculty and staff at MSU Bozeman. All students, faculty, and staff are automatically enrolled in the MSU ALERT E-MAIL system.

For emergencies posing an immediate threat, the MSU ALERT TEXT MESSAGING system is also used. (It was not used for this notice.) Enrollment in the MSU ALERT TEXT MESSAGING system is voluntary, and all students, faculty and staff are strongly encouraged to enroll. The MSU ALERT TEXT MESSAGING system is free and is used to deliver critical information to MSU students, faculty and staff in the event of an emergency. To subscribe, go
to: You can also enroll by texting 69310 with the following message: msu alert. (You will receive a confirmation text as a reply.)




MSU ALERT UPDATE January 16,2014


As a result of investigation, MSU Police have identified a suspect in Sunday’s reported assault, in which a woman in the Johnstone Center said a man grabbed her and threatened her. While this suspect was a student at the time of the assault, this person has subsequently withdrawn from the University and has been issued a no-trespass order. This suspect was identified by the victim through a photo line-up. Based upon information developed during the investigation and in consultation with the Bozeman City Attorney’s Office, the suspect has been charged with Disorderly Conduct.

MSU Police would like to remind you to use caution when walking alone at all times, stay in well-lit areas & travel in groups.

The MSU Police Department offers crime prevention presentations and provides escorts which are available on campus 24 hours a day for any student, faculty, staff or visitor. The MSU Police can be reached at (406) 994-2121. Advocates from the VOICE Center can be reached at (406) 994-7069. Anonymous reports can be made to the MSU Police Department at [email protected] and at the VOICE Center.

This Timely Warning message was sent via the MSU ALERT E-MAIL system to all students, faculty and staff at MSU Bozeman. All students, faculty, and staff are automatically enrolled in the MSU ALERT E-MAIL system.

For emergencies posing an immediate threat, the MSU ALERT TEXT MESSAGING system is also used. (It was not used for this notice.) Enrollment in the MSU ALERT TEXT MESSAGING system is voluntary, and all students, faculty and staff are strongly encouraged to enroll. The MSU ALERT TEXT MESSAGING system is free and is used to deliver critical information to MSU students, faculty and staff in the event of an emergency. To subscribe, go
to: You can also enroll by texting 69310 with the following message: msu alert. (You will receive a confirmation text as a reply.)


November 26, 2013

On Tuesday morning, Nov. 26, it was determined that tiles being removed from the first floor of the 
east wing of Sherrick Hall during a Monday, Nov. 25, flooring project contained asbestos.
The building has been closed pending air and surface testing and cleaning.
Test results are expected by approximately noon on Wednesday, Nov. 27.
Cleaning should be completed by then as well. The building will be retested after cleaning.
The floor tile in question is NOT a friable material and the risk of asbestos exposure to anyone in the 
building on Monday or Tuesday is considered extremely low. Friable materials are those that can 
crumble into a fine powder.
Out of an abundance of caution, those areas at risk of asbestos exposure are being tested and 
cleaned. Testing consists of Transmission Electron Microscopy, considered an industry standard.
While the potential for asbestos exposure is limited to the east wing, first floor, the entire building has 
been closed to avoid blocking a fire exit.
The university will communicate the test results once received. The university will also host an 
informational session for anyone who was in the building on Monday, Nov. 26 and Tuesday, Nov. 27 
at a time to be announced.
Updates will be posted at

November 27, 2013

Sherrick Hall reopened Wednesday. Air tests for asbestos returned with negative results
Sherrick Hall has been reopened for regular business on Wednesday, Nov.
27, after air tests showed negative results of an asbestos release.
On Tuesday morning, Nov. 26, it was determined that tiles being removed from the first floor of the 
east wing of Sherrick Hall during a Monday, Nov. 25, flooring project contained asbestos.
The building was closed pending air and surface testing and cleaning.
The floor tile in question was NOT a friable material and the risk of asbestos exposure to anyone in 
the building on Monday or Tuesday was considered extremely low. Friable materials are those that 
can crumble into a fine powder.
Transmission electron microscopy, an industry standard, was used to test air and surface samples in 
the building. The air samples showed no potential asbestos exposure. Of eight surface samples, six 
returned negative and two showed a trace level of asbestos. All areas have been subsequently 
cleaned following industry best practices to remove even this trace amount. These test results 
indicated the potential exposure to people in the building Monday and Tuesday was extremely low.
No further updates are planned on this issue.
October 29, 2013
MSU Timely Warning: Sexual Intercourse without Consent
MSU issues timely warnings in compliance with federal law for crimes that have already occurred 
which the university considers to be a serious and continuing threat to its community.
On October 28th, 2013 at approximately 7:51 p.m. the Montana State University Police Department 
responded to Bozeman Deaconess Hospital for a late report of sexual intercourse without consent 
which occurred on the early morning hours of Saturday, October 26th, 2013, in the North Hedges 
Residence Hall. The victim reported spending time in the room of a male known to her, when he 
sexually assaulted her. Investigation into the incident is pending.
The MSU Police Department reminds all students, staff, and campus visitors to be aware that sexual 
assaults typically occur between individuals that know each other, and that “stranger rapes” are rare. 
Alcohol is the most common “date rape drug” used. If a friend or acquaintance confides in you that 
they have been raped, believe them. Urge them not to shower or wash their clothes, and encourage 
them to go to the hospital for a sexual assault exam kit (even if a person is unsure what they want to 
do at that point, the evidence can be preserved for the future). MSU Police and advocates are 
always available to assist individuals who have been victimized by sexual assault.
The MSU Police Department offers crime prevention presentations and provides escorts which are 
available on campus 24 hours a day for any student, faculty, staff or visitor. The MSU Police can be 
reached at (406) 994-2121. Advocates from the VOICE Center can be reached at (406) 994-7069. 
Anonymous reports can be made to the MSU Police Department at [email protected] and at 
the VOICE Center.
This Timely Warning message was sent via the MSU ALERT E-MAIL system to all students, faculty 
and staff at MSU Bozeman. All students, faculty, and staff are automatically enrolled in the MSU 
ALERT E-MAIL system.
For emergencies posing an immediate threat, the MSU ALERT TEXT MESSAGING system is also 
used. (It was not used for this notice.) Enrollment in the MSU ALERT TEXT MESSAGING system is 
voluntary, and all students, faculty and staff are strongly encouraged to enroll. The MSU ALERT 
TEXT MESSAGING system is free and is used to deliver critical information to MSU students, faculty 
and staff in the event of an emergency. To subscribe, go
to: You can also enroll by texting 69310 with the following message: 
msu alert. (You will receive a confirmation text as a reply.)

October 7, 2013

MSU Timely Warning: Suspicious Incident in North Fieldhouse Lot
MSU issues timely warnings in compliance with federal law for crimes that have already occurred 
which the university considers to be a serious and continuing threat to its community.
On Sunday October 6, 2013 at 1:00 a.m. an MSU student on walking to her vehicle from the Visual 
Communications Building at 11th and Grant to the North Fieldhouse Lot observed a suspicious male 
walking towards her. Upon entering her vehicle, locking the doors, and proceeding to leave, the 
student reported the suspicious male began pulling on her door handle and banging on the window 
appearing to want to enter the vehicle. The student immediately backed out of her parking space 
and left the scene. The suspicious male subject is described as being 5’ 7”, 180 lbs., long brown, 
curly hair, wearing shorts and a tie-dyed t-shirt. The incident was reported to police Sunday October 
6th, and is currently under investigation.
Anyone observing a suspicious male fitting this description on campus or experiencing a similar 
situation should contact MSU Police immediately @ 994-2121.
The MSU Police Department reminds all students, staff, and campus visitors to be alert and aware of 
their surroundings, use caution when walking alone at all times, stay in well-lit areas, and travel in 
The MSU Police Department offers crime prevention presentations and provides escorts which are 
available on campus 24 hours a day for any student, staff or visitor.
This Timely Warning message was sent via the MSU ALERT E-MAIL system to all students and staff 
at MSU Bozeman. All students and staff are automatically enrolled in the MSU ALERT E-MAIL 
For emergencies posing an immediate threat, the MSU ALERT TEXT MESSAGING system is also 
used. (It was not used for this notice.) Enrollment in the MSU ALERT TEXT MESSAGING system is 
voluntary, and all students and staff are strongly encouraged to enroll. The MSU ALERT TEXT 
MESSAGING system is free and is used to deliver critical information to MSU students and staff in 
the event of an emergency. To subscribe, go
to: You can also enroll by texting 69310 with the following message: 
msu alert. (You will receive a confirmation text as a reply.)

September 16, 2013

MSU Timely Warning: Sexual Intercourse without Consent
MSU issues timely warnings in compliance with federal law for crimes that have already occurred 
which the university considers to be a serious and continuing threat to its community.
On September 15th, 2013 at approximately 1:24 a.m. the Montana State University Police 
Department responded to a report of sexual intercourse without consent which occurred at the 
Sigma Chi fraternity house located at 722 S. Wilson Avenue. The victim reported partying with new 
acquaintances and that alcohol was being consumed at the event. The victim reported being taken 
into a room and sexually assaulted by two unnamed males. Investigation into this incident is 
On September 15th, 2013 at approximately 3:45 a.m. the Montana State University Police 
Department responded to a late report of sexual intercourse without consent which occurred on 
September 13th, 2013 at the Pi Kappa Alpha fraternity house located at 1321 S. 5th Avenue. The 
victim reported partying with a male that she knew. She suspected that she had been drugged and 
assaulted sexually. Investigation into this incident is pending.
The MSU Police Department reminds all students, staff, and campus visitors to use caution when 
consuming alcoholic beverages and/or being in areas where intoxicating substances are used. It is 
recommended that individuals not accept beverages that another person has opened or 
prepared. Always exercise caution when in the company of new acquaintances at social gatherings.
The MSU Police Department offers crime prevention presentations and provides escorts which are 
available on campus 24 hours a day for any student, faculty, staff or visitor.
This Timely Warning message was sent via the MSU ALERT E-MAIL system to all students, faculty 
and staff at MSU Bozeman. All students, faculty, and staff are automatically enrolled in the MSU 
ALERT E-MAIL system.
For emergencies posing an immediate threat, the MSU ALERT TEXT MESSAGING system is also 
used. (It was not used for this notice.) Enrollment in the MSU ALERT TEXT MESSAGING system is 
voluntary, and all students, faculty and staff are strongly encouraged to enroll. The MSU ALERT 
TEXT MESSAGING system is free and is used to deliver critical information to MSU students, faculty 
and staff in the event of an emergency. To subscribe, go
to: You can also enroll by texting 69310 with the following message: 
msu alert. (You will receive a confirmation text as a reply.)

August 28, 2013

MSU Timely Warning – Request for Assistance FBI Offers Up to $5,000 Reward for Information 
Concerning Hate Crime in Bozeman, Montana
The FBI is offering a reward of up to $5,000 for information that leads to the identification, arrest, and 
conviction of the person or persons, who vandalized three churches in Bozeman, Montana. The FBI 
is investigating the matters as a hate crime due to the sheer volume of profane anti-religious graffiti 
and acts of arson discovered inside the churches.
In addition, suspects are facing potential state felony charges associated with arson, burglary, and 
defacing a religious institution.
The incidents, which appear to be related, occurred in March, April, and August 2013, and no arrests 
have been made in any of the three cases. The Bozeman Police Department, the Montana State 
University Police Department and the Federal Bureau of Investigation have been collaborating on 
the investigation and are seeking the public’s assistance with any information on the incidents.
More about the vandalism and arson:
The first incident occurred on March 9, 2013, at the Kirkwood Baptist Church on 309 North 15th 
Avenue in Bozeman. The second incident occurred on April 7, 2013, at the Holy Rosary Catholic 
Church on 220 West Main Street in Bozeman. The third incident occurred on August 15, 2013, at the 
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints on 1316 S 5th Ave in Bozeman.
The churches were broken into during the late evening or early morning hours. Inside the churches, 
anti-religious statements were spray-painted, multiple fires were set, religious items were 
desecrated, and significant property damage occurred.
How to submit tips:
Anyone who has information about the incidents or the person or persons who committed these acts 
is asked to contact the FBI’s Bozeman Office at
(406) 994-0927, the Bozeman Police Department at (406) 582-2010, or the Montana State 
University Police at (406) 994-2121. If you would like to remain anonymous, you may report 
information electronically to MSU Police at [email protected] e-mail tips to the FBI Salt 
Lake City Division, which covers Montana, at Salt Lake City
MSU Police encourages you to take responsibility for protecting yourself and your community.

July 24, 2013

MSU Timely Warning: Sexual Intercourse without Consent
On July 24, 2013 at approximately 4:15 p.m. the Montana State University Police Department 
responded to a report of sexual intercourse without consent which occurred at an unknown 
residence, possibly near campus. The victim reported partying with new acquaintances and that
alcohol and marijuana had been consumed. The victim reported that she became incapacitated and 
woke at approximately 2:00 p.m. to the perpetrator sexually assaulting her. The perpetrator was 
described as a white male, approximately 5’6” to 6’ in height, weighing approximately 220 to 240 
pounds with short “buzz cut” blonde hair. The perpetrator was also described as having a goatee 
and brown eyes. This incident is currently under investigation.
If anyone has information related to this incident, please contact the MSU Police Department 
immediately at 994-2121. For anonymous reporting, email correspondence may be sent to MSU 
Police at: [email protected]
The MSU Police Department reminds all students, faculty, staff, and campus visitors to use caution 
when consuming alcoholic beverages and/or present in areas where intoxicating substances are 
being used. Furthermore, it is recommended that individuals not accept open drinks from strangers 
or in large group environments. Always exercise caution when in the company of new acquaintances 
at social gatherings.
The MSU Police Department offers crime prevention presentations and provides escorts which are 
available on campus 24 hours a day for any student, faculty, staff or visitor.
This Timely Warning message was sent via the MSU ALERT E-MAIL system to all students, faculty 
and staff at MSU Bozeman. All students, faculty, and staff are automatically enrolled in the MSU 
ALERT E-MAIL system.
For emergencies posing an immediate threat, the MSU ALERT TEXT MESSAGING system is also 
used. (It was not used for this notice.) Enrollment in the MSU ALERT TEXT MESSAGING system is 
voluntary, and all students, faculty and staff are strongly encouraged to enroll. The MSU ALERT 
TEXT MESSAGING system is free and is used to deliver critical information to MSU students, faculty 
and staff in the event of an emergency. To subscribe, go
to: You can also enroll by texting 69310 with the following message: 
msu alert. (You will receive a confirmation text as a reply.)

July 16, 2013

MSU Timely warning:
On July 16, 2013, between 9:00a.m. and 10:00 a.m., two different residents of Branegan Court in 
Family&Graduate Housing reported an unknown individual either opening or attempting to open their 
back door while they were inside. The individual left upon finding someone at home at one location 
and left upon finding the door locked at another. Currently, there is no suspect description available. 
This incident was reported to MSU Police at approximately 1:40 p.m. and is currently under 
This incident serves as a reminder for students, as well as faculty, staff, and visitors, to be mindful of 
their surroundings and report anyone or anything suspicious immediately at 994-2121.
MSU Police advises everyone to take measures to protect themselves by following a few crime 
prevention tips: Always lock the doors to your residence or residence hall room, even while you are 
there. If you arrive at your residence and believe someone has entered it, do not go inside but call 
the MSU Police immediately.
If you have information regarding this incident, please call MSU Police at 994-2121. If you would like 
to remain anonymous, you may report electronically at [email protected]. MSU Police 
encourages you to take responsibility for protecting yourself and your community.
This Timely Warning message was sent via the MSU ALERT E-MAIL system to all students, faculty 
and staff at MSU Bozeman. All students, faculty, and staff are automatically enrolled in the MSU 
ALERT E-MAIL system.
For emergencies posing an immediate threat, the MSU ALERT TEXT MESSAGING system is also 
used. (It was not used for this notice.) Enrollment in the MSU ALERT TEXT MESSAGING system is 
voluntary, and all students, faculty and staff are strongly encouraged to enroll. The MSU ALERT 
TEXT MESSAGING system is free and is used to deliver critical information to MSU students, faculty 
and staff in the event of an emergency. To subscribe, go
to: You can also enroll by texting
69310 with the following message: msu alert. (You will receive a confirmation text as a reply.)

June 24, 2013

MSU Timely warning:
On June 24, 2013, between 11:15a.m. and 11:20 a.m., a male individual was seen masturbating in a 
vehicle on 12th street, outside the North Hedges Residence Hall. The male is described as 
Caucasian, in his twenties, with chin-length dark brown hair, and wearing a button-down style shirt. 
The male was in an older model silver Chevrolet sedan with Montana license plates that begin with 
the number 6. This incident was reported to MSU Police at approximately 1:00 p.m. and is currently 
under investigation.
This incident serves as a reminder for students, as well as faculty, staff, and visitors, to be mindful of 
their surroundings and report anyone or anything suspicious immediately at 994-2121.
MSU Police advises everyone to take measures to protect themselves by following a few crime 
prevention tips: Always lock your vehicle and door to your residence. Avoid being in in isolated areas 
by yourself, especially at night. Utilize the MSU PD safety escort service if you are uncomfortable 
walking across campus. Be vigilant in maintaining awareness of your environment. If you observe 
suspicious activity, report it to MSU Police immediately.
If you have information regarding this incident, please call MSU Police at 994-2121. If you would like 
to remain anonymous, you may report electronically at [email protected]. MSU Police 
encourages you to take responsibility for protecting yourself and your community.
This Timely Warning message was sent via the MSU ALERT E-MAIL system to all students, faculty 
and staff at MSU Bozeman. All students, faculty, and staff are automatically enrolled in the MSU 
ALERT E-MAIL system.
For emergencies posing an immediate threat, the MSU ALERT TEXT MESSAGING system is also 
used. (It was not used for this theft notice.) Enrollment in the MSU ALERT TEXT MESSAGING 
system is voluntary, and all students, faculty and staff are strongly encouraged to enroll. The MSU 
ALERT TEXT MESSAGING system is free and is used to deliver critical information to MSU 
students, faculty and staff in the event of an emergency. To subscribe, go to: You can also enroll by texting 69310 with the following message: msu 
alert. (You will receive a confirmation text as a reply.)

April 30, 2013

MSU Timely warning:
Since April 26, 2013, the MSU community has experienced 7 cases of theft from the Renne Library. 
Unattended laptops and wallets/purses have been stolen. In most cases, the items were unattended 
for less than 10 minutes.
These incidents are under investigation by MSU Police.
These thefts serve as a reminder for students, as well as faculty, staff, and visitors, to be attentive to 
their possessions while in the library.
Also, MSU Police urges individuals to be mindful of their surroundings and report anyone or anything 
suspicious immediately at 944-2121.
MSU Police advises everyone to take measures to prevent property theft by following a few easy 
crime prevention tips. Document serial numbers for all electronics and never leave valuable items 
unsecured or unattended. Be vigilant in maintaining awareness of your environment. If you observe 
suspicious activity, report it to MSU Police immediately.
If you have information regarding these thefts, please call MSU Police at 994-2121. If you would like 
to remain anonymous, you may report electronically at [email protected]. MSU Police 
encourages you to take responsibility for protecting your property and your community.
This Timely Warning message was sent via the MSU ALERT E-MAIL system to all students, faculty 
and staff at MSU Bozeman. All students, faculty, and staff are automatically enrolled in the MSU 
ALERT E-MAIL system.
For emergencies posing an immediate threat, the MSU ALERT TEXT MESSAGING system is also 
used. (It was not used for this theft notice.) Enrollment in the MSU ALERT TEXT MESSAGING 
system is voluntary, and all students, faculty and staff are strongly encouraged to enroll. The MSU 
ALERT TEXT MESSAGING system is free and is used to deliver critical information to MSU 
students, faculty and staff in the event of an emergency. To subscribe, go to: You can also enroll by texting
69310 with the following message: msu alert. (You will receive a confirmation text as a reply.)

February 28, 2013

MSU Timely Warning: Attempted kidnapping at MSU Family and Graduate Housing.
The MSU Police Department is investigating a report of an attempted kidnapping on the MSU 
On Feb. 27, a Bozeman Police Department School Resource Officer notified MSU Police of an 
attempted kidnapping. The officer reported that an elementary-school aged male resident of Paisley 
Court reported that he was approached by an unknown male suspect in a black pickup truck. The 
incident occurred at approximately 9:15 p.m., Tuesday, Feb. 26, near the child’s residence in MSU 
Family and Graduate Housing. The suspect attempted to get the child into the truck by saying, “Hey 
you, come over here. I’ll give you a ride home.” The child refused to get into the truck and fled the 
The suspect was described as over 6 feet tall with a mustache and tan complexion. The vehicle was 
described as a full-sized, four-door 4x4 black pickup truck.
In a similar incident, on Tuesday, Feb. 5, an elementary-school aged female reported that she was 
approached near Hyalite Elementary by a male suspect in a black pickup truck. The suspect asked 
the child to get into the truck. The girl refused and ran to a crossing guard.
If anyone has information related to these incidents or other suspicious activity, please contact MSU 
Police Department at 994-2121.
MSU Police Department reminds all students, faculty, staff and campus visitors to be alert and 
aware of their surroundings, use caution when walking alone at all times, stay in well-lit areas and 
travel in groups.
Parents are encouraged to use this as an opportunity to speak with their children about stranger 
safety and what to do if approached by an unknown person.
The MSU Police Department has escorts available on campus 24 hours a day for any student, 
faculty, staff or visitor. Contact the MSU Police Department to request an escort. Safety escorts are 
a long-term, ongoing program of the MSU Police Department.
This Timely Warning message was sent via the MSU ALERT E-MAIL system to all students, faculty 
and staff at MSU Bozeman. All students, faculty, and staff are automatically enrolled in the MSU 
ALERT E-MAIL system.
For emergencies posing an immediate threat, the MSU ALERT TEXT MESSAGING system is also 
used. (It was not used for this notice.) Enrollment in the MSU ALERT TEXT MESSAGING system is 
voluntary, and all students, faculty and staff are strongly encouraged to enroll. The MSU ALERT 
TEXT MESSAGING system is free and is used to deliver critical information to MSU students, faculty 
and staff in the event of an emergency. To subscribe, go
to: You can also enroll by texting 69310 with the following message: 
msu alert. (You will receive a confirmation text as a reply.

August 08, 2012

MSU Timely Warning:
Over the last several months, the MSU community has experienced 11 cases of burglary and 
property theft from on-campus buildings. The crimes have occurred in Wilson Hall, Brick Breeden 
Fieldhouse, Hannon Hall, and Paisley Court. Indications are that some areas were locked and some
were not. The incidents serve as a reminder for students, as well as faculty, staff, and visitors, to be 
vigilant and to report crimes or suspicious activity. These incidents are still under investigation by 
MSU Police.
MSU Police advises everyone to take measures to prevent property theft by following a few easy 
crime prevention tips. Always lock your door and windows when you leave, even if only for a short 
time, and take your keys with you. If you see an exterior door propped open, remove the prop, 
secure the door, and report the incident to MSU Police. Document serial numbers for all electronics 
and never leave valuable items unsecured. If you observe suspicious activity in your building or 
unfamiliar people at odd times, report them to MSU Police immediately at 994-2121.
If you have information regarding these burglaries, please call MSU Police at 994-2121. If you would 
like to remain anonymous, you may report electronically at [email protected]. MSU Police 
encourage you to take responsibility for protecting your property and your community.
This Timely Warning message was sent via the MSU ALERT E-MAIL system to all students, faculty 
and staff at MSU Bozeman. All students, faculty, and staff are automatically enrolled in the MSU 
ALERT E-MAIL system.
For emergencies posing an immediate threat, the MSU ALERT TEXT MESSAGING system is also 
used. (It was not used for this burglary notice.) Enrollment in the MSU ALERT TEXT MESSAGING 
system is voluntary, and all students, faculty and staff are strongly encouraged to enroll. The MSU 
ALERT TEXT MESSAGING system is free and is used to deliver critical information to MSU 
students, faculty and staff in the event of an emergency. To subscribe, go to: You can also enroll by texting 69310 with the following message: msu 
alert. (You will receive a confirmation text as a reply.

April 2, 2012

MSU Alert: Second rape reported to Bozeman police.
The Bozeman Police Department is investigating a second rape reported to have occurred in the 
early morning hours of March 18, five days prior to the assault of a Montana State University student 
near campus.
According to Bozeman police, the victim of the second rape reported being attacked by a man on 
West Koch Street at 3:30 a.m. The victim described the man as having shaggy brown hair and 
glasses. She told police he was tall with a medium build and wearing sweatpants. The victim was not 
an MSU student or affiliate.
On March 22nd, a man with a similar description raped an MSU student near the corner of Third 
Avenue and Garfield Street around 11:45 p.m. She described the man as 18 to 20 years old with 
shabby brown hair, glasses and no facial hair. He was about 5 feet 10 inches tall and 200 pounds. 
He was wearing MSU sweat pants.
A sketch of the suspect can be viewed at:
Bozeman police are still investigating the attacks.
To report any suspicious activity or any information about these crimes to the Bozeman police, call 
406-582-2000, or MSU police at 406-994-2121.
Anyone wishing to report information anonymously, can email the information
to: [email protected]
MSU police remind all students, faculty, staff and campus visitors to be alert and aware of their 
surroundings, use caution when walking alone at all times, stay in well-lit areas and travel in groups.
The MSU Police Department has escorts available on campus 24 hours a day for any student, 
faculty, staff or visitor. Contact the MSU Police Department at
994-2121 to request an escort. Officers will provide an escort from or to any point within one mile of 
campus. Safety escorts are a long-term, ongoing program of the MSU Police Department.

At approximately 11:45 p.m. on Thursday March 22, 2012, a female student was the victim of Sexual 
Intercourse Without Consent in the area of S 3rd and Garfield.
The female reported that an unidentified male caught up with her on foot as she walked toward her 
residence, physically pulled her to the ground, and assaulted her before fleeing the area on foot. 
Officers from the Bozeman Police Department and MSU Police responded immediately to the area 
but attempts to locate the suspect at the time were unsuccessful.
The suspect is described as a white male in his late teens or early twenties, with curly dark blond to 
light brown hair, 5'10, 200 pounds, last seen wearing a dark colored hooded sweatshirt with 
unidentified writing on the front, and dark blue MSU sweat pants. He is further described as wearing 
glasses and as having no facial hair. Suspect was last seen in the area of 3rd and Grand.
Use caution when walking alone at all times, stay in well-lit areas and travel in groups. Report any 
suspicious activity or any information about his crime to Bozeman Police at 406-582-2000 or MSU 
Police at 406-994-2121.
Anyone wishing to report information anonymously, can email the information to 
[email protected].
The MSU Police Department has escorts available on campus 24 hours a day for any student, 
faculty, staff or visitor. Contact the MSU Police Department at 994-2121 to request an escort. 
Officers will provide an escort from any point originating on campus to any other point on campus or 
a contiguous location to the campus. Safety escorts are a long-term, ongoing program of MSU 
To receive immediate emergency notifications in the future, all students, faculty and staff are urged 
system is free and is used to deliver critical information to MSU students, faculty and staff in the 
event of an emergency. To subscribe, go to: You can also enroll by 
texting 69310 with the following message: msu alert. (You will receive a confirmation text as a reply.

Sept. 22, 2011
MSU Alert:
This is an update to the Physical Assault reported on Thursday, Sept.
15, 2011. A female student originally reported she was grabbed by an unknown male and pushed 
against Howard Hall. A thorough investigation and examination of evidence from the scene, 
including video from the area, indicated the assault did not take place. The student subsequently 
admitted that she completely falsified the original report.
The student now admits that no one grabbed, touched or otherwise contacted her. Even though the 
reported assault did not occur, MSU Police continue to urge everyone to use caution and always be 
alert and aware of your surroundings.
The MSU Police Department has escorts available on campus 24 hours a day for any student, 
faculty, staff or visitor. Contact the MSU Police Department at 994-2121 to request an escort. 
Officers will provide an escort from any point originating on campus to any other point on campus or 
a contiguous location to the campus. Safety escorts are a long-term, ongoing program of MSU 

Friday, Sept. 9, 2011

MSU Timely Warning:
At 11:13 p.m., on Thursday, Sept. 8, 2011, an MSU student reported that she had been sexually 
assaulted by a male suspect near campus in the 800 block of South 7th Ave. The victim reported 
that she was groped by the suspect.
MSU Police and Bozeman Police quickly apprehended David Cantu (not a student). Cantu was 
booked into the Gallatin County Detention Center and charged with Sexual Assault for this incident. 
Cantu was subsequently released on 
bond. Cantu is 18 years old, 5’7” tall, 155 
pounds and is described as having a dark 
complexion and an athletic build.
MSU Police have issued a no-trespass 
order for Cantu for all MSU property.
Anyone observing him on campus is urged 
to immediately call MSU Police at 994-
MSU Police advise everyone walking 
outdoors to take precautions at all times, 
and especially at night. Appropriate precautions include staying alert, being aware of surroundings, 
staying in well-lighted areas and reporting any suspicious or unusual behavior to MSU Police at 994-
An immediate emergency notification via the MSU ALERT TEXT MESSAGING system was not sent 
in this case since the suspect was apprehended. However, to receive emergency notifications in the 
future, all students are urged to subscribe to the MSU ALERT TEXT MESSAGING system. The 
MSU ALERT TEXT MESSAGING system is free and is used to deliver critical information to MSU 
students, faculty and staff in the event of an emergency. To subscribe, go You can also enroll by texting 69310 with the following message: 
msu alert. (You will receive a confirmation text as a reply.)
This Timely Warning message was sent via the MSU E-MAIL system to all students, faculty and staff 
at MSU Bozeman. All students, faculty, and staff are automatically enrolled in the MSU E-MAIL 
system; however, enrollment in the emergency MSU ALERT TEXT MESSAGING system is 
voluntary and all students, faculty and staff are encouraged to enroll as noted above.

September 23, 2010

MSU Crime Alert:
Montana State University Police continue to seek information about three suspects wanted in an assault 
and robbery on campus at 9:15 p.m. Wednesday, Sept. 23.

September 9, 2008

9/9/08, 12:45 p.m. -- Montana State University Police are investigating a report from a female MSU 
student who said she was physically and sexually assaulted in her residence hall room by a man she 
met Saturday Evening. She met him in a local bar and subsequently returned to her room with him. 
The alleged assaults occured about 5 a.m. Sunday. The student described the alleged assailant as 
Hispanic, 5'5" or 5'6", thin, with a gap between his front teeth and wearing a mustache. Anyone with 
information should call the MSU Police at 994-2121.
March 13, 2008
Philip James Gilhousen was arrested by MUS Police on March 11, 2008, and charged felony 
indecent exposure after he was seen running naked near Nelson Story Tower and Julia Martin Drive 
in Family and Graduate Housing.
Gilhousen, 35, is a white male, 6'1", 225 pounds. He has blue eyes and blond hair. He has a large 
tattoo on his right shoulder and a tattoo on his left shoulder. A photo of Gilhousen can be found in 
the attachment with this email.
Gilhousen has a record of convictions for similar and other crimes. He is also a supsect in another 
indecent exposure on the MSU campus.
H is not a current or former MSU student, nor is he an employee of MSU.
This individual has been banned from MSU campus. Anyone seeing him on campus should 
immediately contact the MSU Police Department by calling 911 or 994-2121.
As always, individuals should exercise caution in their daily routine to avoid being the victim of crime.
Residents should remember such safety practices as: locking doors; staying alert and being aware 
of their surroundings; avoid traveling alone when possible; staying in well-lighted places; and 
immediately reporting any suspicious or unusual behaviors to police.


Montana State University Police are notifying our community to be aware that phone scammers are again targeting MSU students.

The scammers are telling students they have a warrant for their arrest and that they must pay a fine immediately and electronically or they will be arrested. They are being told they must pay taxes on a recent tuition payment. The scam is particularly devious because the caller ID on victims telephone shows the MSU police department, the Missoula office of the FBI, or some other Montana law enforcement agency. This is known as "caller ID spoofing" and occurs outside of the university system's technological control. Students who have been called have reported that the scammers speak with a foreign accent and can be extremely aggressive.

Be advised,law enforcement officers will never request payment over the telephone.Any personwho receives such a call should not transferany funds. A fraud report should be filed with the MSU Police Department and the FBI at their, a report should be filed with the FCC at the caller used “caller ID spoofing”.