Extraordinary Ordinary Women of Montana State
Dorothy Aasheim was one of the founders of Women’s Week, a program through MSU Extension,
for which she was so proud. She was involved for 42 years and took over 100 courses.
Kiah Abbey graduated from Montana State University in 2014 and served as ASMSU president
during her junior year. Her work to ensure equity for women, LGBTQ+ folks and parenting
students was unprecedented. Her work with Forward Montana continues to engage students
in the political process through education and voter registration.
Crystal Alegria is a Montana State University alumna (sociology & anthropology in
1995 and history in 1998). She educates students and the public through her work with
Project Archaeology and the Montana Site Stewardship Program.
Minerva Allen is a member of Montana State University’s Council of Elders, providing
her wisdom and advice to two MSU presidents. Allen is a pillar in her Lodge Pole and
Fort Belknap reservation community, an educational leader at Aaniiih Nakoda College,
a creative poet and writer.
Brooke D. Anderson, an accomplished American diplomat, has served as an ambassador
at the United Nations, chief of staff and counselor for the White House National Security
Council and most recently as senior adviser to the U.S. Secretary of State on the
Iran nuclear negotiations.
Patricia Anderson worked at Montana State University for 34 years where she advised
many student groups. After years of living with bias against women in the workplace,
she filed a suit against the university and won a judgment against MSU in 1990 for
a pattern of discrimination in pay practices.
Sandra Bailey has served as a professor and family and human development specialist
for Extension since 2001. She has provided leadership to programs provided by Montana
State University Extension that have improved the lives of countless Montanans, providing
vital outreach and education to women (and men) across the state.
Victoria Barnick is a fourth-generation Montanan from Ringling who worked in the health
care and informatics arenas. She created a scholarship opening doors to and providing
support for Montana’s female and Native American students studying the sciences.
Camie Bechtold is a senior associate director of athletics and an advocate for women
at Montana State University. Serving as the first staff member co-chair of the PCOSUW,
she works hard to improve the lives of student athletes and women in particular.
Marjorie Haymond Beckman taught wastewater treatment at MSU-Northern. As one of the
first women on the Glasgow school board, she championed equal opportunities for women,
including changing the dress code to allow girls to wear pants to school. She was
a life-long educator, caregiver, mentor and role model.
Ann Bertagnolli, a Montana native, is a Montana State University professor and the
Montana INBRE program coordinator. She has been the lead for a program that is the
backbone of a statewide biomedical research network that now involves 15 academic
institutions, including seven tribal colleges.
Cass (Bauer) Bilodeau played basketball at Montana State University from 1990-94 and
graduated with a degree in nursing. To date, she is the only Bobcat to play in the
Tricia Bader Binford is Montana State University’s winningest and longest serving
head coach for women’s basketball. From 2015-2018 alone, her teams broke 24 records.
Their successes occurred, most impressively, alongside valuing academics, community
service and family.
Phyllis Bock, as the first ASMSU attorney, did much to advance women in the workplace,
serving as a beacon of hope for thousands of students. Bock exemplifies the best of
humanity – compassion, caring and a deep commitment to advancing the underrepresented.
Dorothy Bradley was elected to the Montana Legislature in 1971 as the only woman in
the House of Representatives. In 1993, she was hired as director of the University
System Water Center at Montana State University.
Corale Brierley fell in love with microbiology during her time at Montana State University.
She went on to be inducted in 1999 into the U.S. National Academy of Engineering for
"innovations applying biotechnology to mine production and remediation.” Few women
are inducted into the academy even to this day.
Joan Broderick is the first Women in Science Distinguished Professor at Montana State
University, an internationally known researcher in chemistry, a gifted teacher and
an inspirational and valued mentor.
Tammie Brown-Butler headed up the Residence Life Program for over 30 years at Montana
State University, leading MSU to become the 1998 School of the Year, and overseeing
the growth of students living in residence halls from 1,900 to nearly 3,900 students.
Janis Bruwelheide, professor emerita of education, was an early advocate of distance
education and created the Borderless Access to Training and Education program, which
converted a campus-based undergraduate K-12 school library media program into an ongoing
self-sustaining graduate online program serving thousands of teachers throughout Montana
and beyond.
Michelle Bryan teaches in the University of Montana Law School, specifically in the
natural resources and environmental law program, where she focuses on using the law
to solve complex issues surrounding our shared landscapes and resources. She believes
that “as women and Native peoples are treated, so too is the earth.”
Frieda Bull taught mathematics in the Montana State University mathematics department
from 1907 to 1954, at a time when mathematics was a field occupied almost entirely
by men.
Since beginning work at Montana State University in 1985, Corlann, or “Corky” as everyone
called her, made significant contributions to the careers of women at the university,
local community and state levels by making their working environments more equitable,
diverse and safe.
Anne Camper started at Montana State University by earning her bachelor’s degree in
microbiology in 1975. She then received the first MSU doctorate in civil engineering,
was the first woman named a Montana University System Regents Professor and was selected
a fellow of the National Academy of Inventors.
Vicki Heebner Carle was the first Bobcat women’s basketball player to be inducted
into the Montana State University Athletics Hall of Fame. She is listed among the
top 10 in nine different categories in the Bobcat record book.
Erin Cech graduated from Montana State University in 2005. Her work as a leader for
women in engineering was notable and led to roles such as ambassador for the College
of Engineering and a seat on the Women in Engineering Advisory Council.
Kay Chafey served as professor and associate and interim dean for the College of Nursing.
She established the Caring for Our Own Program that recruits and retains Native American
nursing students to serve in their home communities.
Gladys Branegan Chalkley was an early innovator in the Department of Home Economics,
developing curriculum, infrastructure and outreach programs that included international
relationships. Chalkley initiated three state educational groups: the Montana Association
of University Women (1931), Montana Home Economics Association (1920) and the Montana
Dietetics Association (1934).
Lynette Chandler-Stein (Aaniiih) was an internationally recognized educator and leader
of her people in language preservation and revitalization. She founded the White Clay
Language School to revitalize the Aaniiih Language, thus changing the course of Aaniiih
Ardy SixKiller Clarke established the first Center for Bilingual and Multicultural
Education at Montana State University in 1981 and served as director for 24 years
until she retired. Over that time, she provided over 450 scholarships to Native American
students and women and worked with 27 tribal groups in the Northwest.
World traveler, administrative innovator and educator both in the classroom and out,
Bertha Clow is known for her concern about proper nutrition, domestically and internationally,
and her portrayal of these issues through her photography.
Elouise Cobell (Blackfeet) took the federal government to court, challenging the United
States' mismanagement of trust funds belonging to more than 500,000 Native Americans
– and won a $3.4 billion settlement in their favor. For her work, she was awarded
a MacArthur Foundation genius award and an MSU honorary doctorate in 2002.
Sarah Codd is a professor of mechnical engineering and an extraordinary role model
for women in the sciences. She works hard, plays hard and racks up successes for
herself and her students along the way.
Betty Coffey was an early champion of diversity and inclusivity for women in STEM.
As a computer scientist and the first female tenured faculty member in the College
of Engineering, she continues to inspire inclusive teaching and service at MSU all
these years later.
During her tenure, Cathy Conover oversaw Montana State University's integrated marketing
plan, published the university's new flagship magazine, Mountains and Minds, and represented
MSU at the Montana Legislature.
Since January 2010, Waded Cruzado has served as the 12th president of Montana State
University and its first woman president. During that time, she has significantly
reshaped the face and future of the state's first land-grant institution.
As one of the first women in her field, Harriette Cushman held the position of Extension
poultry specialist at Montana State College from 1922 until 1955. She worked tirelessly
to build a profitable poultry industry that proved to be an economic success during
the Depression.
Betsy Danforth has been the director of the Women's Center for over 26 years and continues
to work ceaselessly – through organizing programming and supporting the initiatives
of other groups (e.g. LGBTQ+ History Month educational events) – to make MSU a more
inclusive and welcoming place for all students, staff and faculty.
Dillon native Ingrid DeGreef, a software engineering director at Lockheed Martin’s
space division, has been a role model for women in male-dominated fields and a stalwart
supporter of Montana State University’s efforts to support women students and faculty.
Angela Des Jardins, a Bozeman native, chairs the Council of Space Grant Directors,
where she has had an impact on thousands of students studying STEM fields across Montana
and the nation.
As director of advising commons and university studies, Diane Donnelly is first and
foremost an academic adviser. Her energy and enthusiasm for advising, students and
MSU is infectious.
Ariel Donohue’s contributions to a more inclusive campus are countless. Her work
as director of the Diversity and Inclusion Student Commons has led to fundamental
and lasting advancements to Montana State University’s campus climate which are enormously
advantageous for everyone as MSU embraces diversity through education, awareness and
Florence Dunkel’s contributions to teaching, research and community engagement in
the field of entomology are world class. The leagues of students she has inspired
will carry her work into the future. The rising industry of edible insects in Montana
and worldwide is due in part to her outreach.
Dorothy Eck was president of the Montana League of Women Voters and a delegate to
the Constitutional Convention in 1972. As a state senator, she was a relentless advocate
for funding for education and for Montana's university system.
Ann Ellsworth has taught in the Department of Education at Montana State University
since 1990. She is known as a caring, encouraging teacher with high expectations and
a profound commitment to students and mentoring fellow members of the faculty and
Inducted in 2023
Geraldine "Gerry" Fenn was a Montana State University Extension 4-H youth development
specialist. She was a founder of the International Farm Youth Exchange program promoting
intercultural exchange. She also launched the People Partner program providing leadership
opportunities and funding for youth to design and complete community projects.
Marjorie Fowlkes was the first female physician in the Student Health Center at Montana
State University and established the Women’s Health Clinic.
Florence Garcia has served in leadership roles at mainstream universities and tribal
colleges. At each one, she was an advocate for inclusivity, cross-cultural understanding
and cultivating a sense of belonging.
Regina Gee’s research on the Oplontis Project in the Bay of Naples resulted in an
incredible collaboration with Montana State University and the Museum of the Rockies
– connecting the greater Yellowstone area to the Bay of Naples and the eruption of
Vesuvius in 79 A.D.
Nora Chestnutt Gerrity has practiced in both the clinical and hospital setting, caring
for children with severe illness, trauma, disability and alleged abuse. Throughout
her career, she has been an active supporter of women by supporting students in both
medicine and nursing.
Marsha Goetting is an extraordinary professor and Extension family economics specialist,
who travels extensively throughout the state, sharing financial and estate planning
information. She was one of the first female faculty members in the Department of
Agricultural Economics and Economics.

Julia Haggerty runs the Resources and Communities Research Group, a collaborative
lab that researches the socioeconomic impacts of resource development on local communities.
She models integrated approaches that blend theory and practice and is committed to
empowering students to develop research skills that address individual needs, interests
and career goals.
Olga Ross Hannon was a prominent art professor who wanted to "prepare students for
a practical realization of their talents.” She came to Montana State College (now
Montana State University) in 1921 to head the art department for 25 years.
Kerry Hanson was the first out-of-state focused admissions representative for Montana
State University from 1993-1999 when enrollments slowly started to increase. She then
stayed on campus in professional positions within the alumni engagement arm of advancement.
She now leads the current alumni team, as well as the alumni association, a position
she has held since 2013.
Alison Harmon’s educational background is in biology, forestry and nutrition. Those
interests led her to become an excellent faculty member and now the dean of the College
of Education, Health and Human Development.
Suzanne Held has achieved national and international recognition as a scholar for
community-based participatory research and community service. She serves as a leader
on campus for growing the research capacity of all faculty, especially women.
Una B. Herrick was the first dean of women at Montana State College (now Montana State
University). She was a champion of women and created many lasting MSU traditions,
including the Day of Student Recognition.
Marga Hosaeus was a pioneer and strong advocate for women in athletics and served
as head of the women’s health and physical education department. The Marga Hosaeus
Health, Physical Education and Recreation Complex was named in her honor.
Virginia "Ginny" Hunt was one of the first women’s athletic directors in the nation
and built a thriving women’s athletic program that will stand forever as testimony
to her success. She was recently honored by the National Association of Collegiate
Women Athletic Administrators (NACWAA) as one of its lifetime achievement award recipients.
Kristen Intemann is notably the first woman ever promoted to full professor in philosophy
at Montana State University. She is a dedicated advocate of feminist values and is
the longest standing chair of the women’s, gender and sexuality studies minor, which
she has successfully transformed into a robust and accessible program.
Frankie Jackson was the first doctoral recipient from Montana State University’s earth
sciences department. She has an international reputation as an expert on dinosaur
eggs and eggshells, conducting fieldwork across the American West, China, Spain and
Argentina. She is an ambassador for paleontological education and research at MSU.
Denise Juneau’s story takes her from Head Start to Harvard and from being a classroom
teacher to a national education leader. Juneau has worked as a teacher, lawyer and
director of Indian education before she was elected Montana's Superintendent of Public
Bridget Kevane was instrumental in motivating Montana State University to adopt a
stop-the-tenure clock policy for family care. She is an advocate for Latina women,
training and mentoring them as health advocates for their families.
Ellen Kreighbaum has been a visionary leader for women’s athletics, a teacher, and
researcher in the area of biomechanics. She participated in a sex discrimination law
suit resulting in changes in salaries, promotion, tenure and administrative positions.
Chere LeClair graduated from Montana State University’s School of Architecture in
1991. After obtaining a master’s degree and professional experience, LeClair returned
to MSU to teach in the School of Architecture. She serves as a role model for women
in architecture and advocates for a profession that embraces equity and inclusion.
Ilse-Mari Lee currently serves as dean of Montana State University’s Honors College.
She joined MSU in the fall of 1989 and has taught generations of students in the School
of Music and the Honors College. MSU students appreciate her dedication to teaching
and her unique ability to inspire students to achieve the extraordinary.
Mildred Leigh served at Montana State University for 38 years, first as director of
Hamilton Hall and then as director of the Student Union. Her personality enabled
her to work directly with students and faculty and made the Student Union an important
center of the campus that continues today.
Jane Marguerite Lindsley graduated from Montana State College in the 1920s and became
the first permanent female park ranger.
Marilyn Lockhart’s signature contributions for over 20 years, as a faculty member
and director of the Center for Faculty Excellence, have impacted the lives and careers
of women students, faculty and community members.
Mary Lukin is a Montana State University alumna, a pioneer in Native American education
at MSU and the founding director of a variety of award-winning MSU programs that help
underserved students.
Henrietta Mann is a professor emeritus of Native American Studies, founding recipient
of the Montana State University Katz Endowed Chair in Native American Studies and
founding/active member of MSU's Council of Elders. You can still find her crisscrossing
the United States teaching, speaking and advocating for Native American education.
Michelle Maskiell worked at Montana State University for over 25 years, serving in
various roles including affirmative action officer, assistant vice president for academic
affairs and co-chair of the founding committee for the women’s studies minor. Her
work implementing the program was instrumental in the minor’s success today.
Laura Massey spearheaded the online Early Childhood Education Distance Partnership
(ECEDP) Program at Montana State University to help tribal Head Start teachers complete
their bachelor's degrees. Massey overcame major obstacles in financing and providing
supplies for students. She mentored numerous students and professors and ultimately
provided a similar level of education for participants.
Alma Knows His Gun McCormick, a member of the Apsáalooke (Crow) Tribe and fluent speaker
of its language, has for decades been a leader and community activist for improving
health and wellness across Montana, with a special focus on women’s health.
Inducted in 2023
Caroline McGill, a physician from Butte, founded the Museum of the Rockies and has
inspired and enriched the lives of young and old across Montana and the world.
Sheldon McKamey, executive director of the Museum of the Rockies, has dedicated a
30-year career to Montana State University. Her vision and her deep Montana roots
have inspired many positive transformations to MSU’s Museum of the Rockies.
Carmen McSpadden is director of Montana State University’s Leadership Institute. With
over 35 years in Bozeman, McSpadden is fully enmeshed in the Gallatin Valley community,
serving on the board of several local organizations. She is also known for cofounding
an adventure travel company.
Helene Michael earned her bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering technology from
Montana State University in 1985, led a successful career at Boeing and has since
established herself as a great advocate for women in engineering at MSU.
Lindsay Murdock graduated from Montana State University in 2014 with a degree in sociology
and honors. Murdock was co-founder and co-chair of the Equal Pay Task Force and a
student participant in the nondiscrimination policy 703 expansion.
Mary Murphy, the first female Michael P. Malone Professor of History at Montana State
University, is an extraordinary scholar, teacher, colleague and beloved mentor to
women faculty and students.
LeeAnna Muzquiz is a practicing family practitioner with the tribal health department
for the Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes. She was recently named associate
dean of admissions for the University of Washington Medical School. Muzquiz is dedicated
to finding ways to increase the workforce of Native physicians.
Meta Newhouse, a professor in graphic design, has taken her real-world experience
in design and advertising into her classes in the School of Art. She pioneered the
award-winning DSEL program -- working across colleges --prompting students to work
in interdisciplinary teams to solve human-centered problems, creating innovative projects
and products.
In the late 1950s, the head of Montana State’s mathematics department told Celia O’Connor
that “women can’t do math.” But O’Connor proved him wrong, earning her mathematics
degree from MSU in 1963.
Inducted in 2023.
Pat Oriet’s work at Montana State University Student Health is noteworthy as she helped
establish a women’s health education program in the 1970s, allowing women to make
independent choices about their lives that was sometimes met with resistance.
Marje Paisley taught home economics for 20 years and was instrumental in expanding
the Child Development Center and designing both Hannon Hall and Family Housing. She
served as dean of women for 10 years guiding, mentoring and inspiring college women
toward life-long success.
Martha Harwood Maxey Bolles Palffy’s life story is described best as scholar, educator,
historian, businesswoman, entrepreneur, wife and mother. Palffy taught at Montana
State University, designed fine denim and leather western clothing and helped organize
the Native American section of the McGill Museum, now the Museum of the Rockies.
Shyla Patera graduated from Montana State University in 1993. Her determination in
overcoming the many obstacles in her path due to her diagnosis with cerebral palsy
is both astonishing and inspiring.
Mary Ann Pearce, 1976 bachelor‘s degree in chemical engineering, became a leader at
ConocoPhillips, where she headed projects in six states and seven foreign countries.
While a student at Montana State University, she established the student chapter of
the Society of Women Engineers.
Martha Potvin was the first woman to be Montana State’s top academic administrator,
serving as executive vice president for academic affairs and provost from 2011 to
2016. In that office, she helped advance the role of women faculty in STEM and social
and behavioral science disciplines and led numerous efforts to help students stay
in school and graduate.
Inducted in 2023.
Sharron Quisenberry was the first woman dean of the College of Agriculture and Montana
Agricultural Experiment Station director. She was also one of the first female PhD
Extension agents in the country.
Margaret Hiza Redsteer (Crow) has the ability to integrate western science with tribal
environmental knowledge, thus adding a new dimension to climate change research and
the study of desertification. Using these talents, she has been a lead author for
the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.
Gladys Hartley Roehm, professor emeritus of foods and nutrition in the home economics
department, established and supervised the hot lunch program for the state of Montana
through Montana State University.
Yvonne Rudman was instrumental in starting the woman’s task force that evolved into
the President’s Commission on the Status of University Women. Her global savvy in
the Office of International Programs has created cross-cultural experiences for thousands
of students.
Sara Rushing is an associate professor in political science and has worked in a number
of formal and informal ways (e.g. family advocate for the university, faculty adviser
for the Queer Straight Alliance) to improve conditions for women at MSU and ensure
gender diversity, equity and inclusion on campus.
Ronda Russell has played a leading role in the sustained and diversified enrollment
growth at Montana State University over the past 25 years including record enrollments
for each of the 10 years leading to MSU’s 125th anniversary.
Rita Sand meets Native students where they are, encourages their dreams and helps
pave the path to their success in the university and in their lives.
As the inaugural director of the Montana State University Victim Options in the Campus
Environment (VOICE) Center for interpersonal violence advocacy and education, Christian
Sarver was both incredibly impassioned and effective as she faced a plethora of challenges.
Mary Schweitzer is a great example of someone who saw the value in education, following
a nontraditional path to a Montana State University doctorate in biology, and made
the remarkable discovery of blood cells in a dinosaur fossil.
Nancy Seleski earned her bachelor’s degree in chemical engineering from Montana State
University in 1986 and launched a career at 3M, where she has worked for more than
30 years. An active mentor and advocate for women at 3M, she has also supported MSU’s
efforts to honor outstanding faculty women in the sciences.
Frances Senska became known as the “grandmother of ceramics in Montana,” partly because
of the illustrious list of students who passed through her classroom and also because
of her steady output of beautiful pottery that has come to live in many homes in the
state and abroad.
Anna M. Shannon elevated the Montana State University College of Nursing from a relatively
obscure state university program to national recognition for research and theory development
in rural nursing.
Heidi Sherick graduated from Montana State University and continued her work here
as a strong advocate for women in engineering. She served as both assistant dean for
undergraduate programs and diversity in the College of Engineering and directed the
Engineering Minority Program, underscoring her passion for equity in engineering.
Anna ”Pearl” Sherrick was the founding leader of the nursing program at Montana State
University. She believed Montana’s nurses should have the opportunity to earn college
degrees in order to have well-rounded educational preparation for careers in professional
nursing practice and education.
Alanna Sherstad directs the Montana State University Victim Options in the Campus
Environment (VOICE) Center. Steady and unwavering, Sherstad has empowered countless
survivors who have walked through the doors of the VOICE Center, while simultaneously
building a multitude of bridges with the MSU, Bozeman and Gallatin County communities.
Louise Stone Shunk was a Montana State College alumna and district director for State
Home Demonstration for MSU. She exemplified the core values of the land-grant mission
in her dedication to her family, to education and to the people of Montana.
Gail Small is a long-term, stalwart protector of the Northern Cheyenne Reservation’s
sovereignty, culture, religion and environment – all the foundations of the tribal
way of life.
Jessi L. Smith, former director of the MSU ADVANCE project, helped improve faculty
diversity and inclusion efforts. Under her leadership, Montana State University women
faculty were hired at parity with men, were more likely to actualize their research
potential and able to take advantage of greater work-life intergration.
Elmira Smyrl was a pioneer for women in a field dominated by men. The legacy she left
as a practicing architect, professor and mentor as well as creator of multiple programs
within the Bozeman area is a testament to her character.
As a head coach at Montana State University, Judy Spoelstra brought the MSU women’s
basketball team into Big Sky prominence from 1989-95 and set a precedent of excellence
within the program for years to come.
Sharon Stands Overbull has been a pioneer in public education for over 50 years, working
to increase the retention rate of graduates and overall academic scores to the educational
system on Indian reservations. She is a strong advocate for equality in educational
opportunities for both women and Native Americans.
Tracy M. Sterling serves as head of Montana State University’s Department of Land
Resources and Environmental Sciences, where she not only continues her award-winning
research in weed science, but also excels in education, mentoring and removing barriers
for underrepresented groups across disciplines.
Jan Strout was the inaugural director of the Montana State University Women’s Center.
Her primary contribution to the MSU community in the early 1980s was to elevate and
intensify the dialogue on the campus around women's issues, as well as those surrounding
race, poverty and violence.
Elisabeth Swanson is associate professor emerita, science education, and was the director
of the Montana State University Science/Math Resource Center from 1996-2012. As an
MSU science educator, she was a prolific and highly successful grant writer, leader
in research and outreach for Montana educators and mentor to many.
Jean Sweeney is a pioneer as a woman in the world of engineering. Sweeney earned a
chemical engineering degree from Montana State University and went on to become a
vice president of the 3M corporation. She has established, with her mother, the Bennington
scholars program to support women engineering students at MSU.
Leslie Taylor served as Montana State University’s chief legal counsel, advising MSU
Presidents Tietz, Malone, Rourke, Gamble and Cruzado. Her guidance assisted MSU leadership
to grow from a small university to a major research institution.
Lucille Smith Thompson was a reference librarian and head of reference at Montana
State University from 1964-1985 and served as a mentor and leader to others during
a time of limited diversity in Montana.
Professor emerita of physics, Sachiko Tsuruta’s career is marked by eminent neutron
star research and strong support for women with her unassuming, committed leadership.
An alumna of Montana State University and current associate director of MSU MilTech,
Nikki Tuss hires, trains and inspires women on a regular basis by developing systems
that instill confidence in MSU.
Jayne van Alstyne was a brilliant and creative individual who fearlessly pioneered
design in a male-dominated field. She was a Montana State University professor from
1949-1955 and 1972-1985. Her legacy continues to inspire MSU design students and all
women in the design profession today.
As an alumna, Cecilia Vaniman became Montana State University’s first woman campus
architect, campus planner and director of facilities planning from 1990-2006. She
was an innovative problem-solver, champion for artwork and historic preservation and
always a supporter of women's issues.
Sarah Vowell, a 1993 MSU graduate and an accomplished author, journalist and social
commentator, has deepened our understanding of American history and politics. For
nearly 20 years, she has been a leader and mentor for programs helping empower young
people through writing.
Inducted in 2023.
Jovanka Voyich-Kane is an alumna and associate professor of molecular biology and
immunology. She has risen to national and international prominence with her research
and has had an incredible impact on the educational and research mission of Montana
As director of general studies for over 20 years, Margaretha Wessel impacted the lives
of thousands. She passionately helped marginalized groups, especially women, overcome
obstacles and guided them in completing undergraduate and advanced degrees and provided
them internships and employment in general studies.
As director of communications and state lobbyist, Marilyn Wessel was responsible for
helping modernize Montana State University’s communications systems. In addition,
she worked tirelessly for gender equity on campus and in the community. She was a
trailblazer for professional women holding positions that were never held by women
Cathy Whitlock is a world-class scientist and educator and the first National Academy
of Sciences member in Montana (male or female). She is also an amazing supporter of
science outreach and mentor of multiple students and faculty.
Jessie Wilber was a professor and former director of the art department at Montana
State University. A highly productive printmaker, she was always praised for her
innovation and willingness to adapt and improve upon her work.
As an associate dean for research and graduate education in the College of Nursing,
Donna Williams acted as a mentor to women, providing them additional financial support
and educational opportunities.
Kath Williams is a Montana State University alumna, current vice president of the
Museum of the Rockies board of trustees and president of Kath Williams + Associates,
a company that has helped MSU meet its sustainability goals. She supports women students
at MSU by providing paid internships in her business.
Franke Wilmer’s multifaceted contributions in academia, politics and the struggle
for human rights have enriched the Montana State University campus and the greater
Montana community.
Melody Zajdel was a professor of English and associate dean for student and faculty
development in the College of Letters and Science. Her work on the inaugural advisory
board for the Women’s Center and as co-creator of the women’s studies program were
invaluable to women’s equality at Montana State University.