With changes to the federal funding of research occurring rapidly, please refer to this web page for updates.   You are welcome to reach out directly to Vice President Alison Harmon with your questions:  [email protected]

For Additional Information and Support:

For any additional questions about federal grants, contact your MSU OSP Research Administrator at (406) 994-2381.  Find your administrator here: About Us - Office of Sponsored Programs | Montana State University

For help strategically aligning your research goals with evolving federal priorities and/or locating alternative or temporary sources of potential funding, please contact the Office of Research Development. Sign up for an appointment here:  Office of Research Development | Montana State University

MSU Research Updates

Grant Cancellations and Pauses:  

Currently we have had a small number of grants terminated by the Department of Defense, the Environmental Protection Agency, and by the National Institutes of Health. 

While we have had several grants paused by various funding agencies that have since been re-started.   

MSU Research Guidance for All Researchers and Sponsored Research Faculty: 

Grant Activities and New Proposals: 

  • Carry out your grant-funded work as planned.
  • Ensure that you have completed and submitted all required reports.
  • Most federal sponsors are accepting new proposals at this time. You are encouraged to continue submitting proposals, following existing solicitation guidance.  Check for updates regularly and reach out to your program officer to confirm deadlines. 


Until we can be assured that grant reimbursement will continue, approval of new grant-funded hires will be carefully reviewed.  If you have an urgent hire to make, please communicate with your HR business partner. 


Delay making any non-essential future travel plans.  If the travel is required to conduct your research or is a planned or required activity in your grant, then please conduct that travel.  Any travel that has been approved, booked, and paid for should be carried out as usual. Submit travel approvals promptly and make travel arrangements only when you are certain your funding will persist. 

Stop Work Notices: 

If, as a Principal Investigator (PI), you receive a stop work notice from your sponsor or a message that your grant will be terminated, please be in touch with your MSU OSP Research Administrator as soon as possible and share any relevant documentation.  Please take these ‘stop work’ or ‘pause’ notices seriously. MSU is not able to provide funding to cover any grant expenditures that will not be reimbursed.

Importantly, if MSU personnel or students are affected by a grant closure, you should be in touch with your MSU HR Business Partner immediately-- please do not take any action without contacting Human Resources first. 

IDCs, Facilities, and Administrative Costs: 

We do not have any new information about reductions in Facilities and Administrative (F&A) rates, but we have already seen a reduction in the accumulation of F&As during FY25.  As a reminder, we are taking these actions in preparation for the next fiscal year:

  • All F&A funds should be conserved for the highest and most essential priorities.
  • Internal grant calls for new proposals are paused until further notice. (NOTE: this only applies to grants offered by the VPRED office and does not apply to FEG grants offered by the Center for Faculty Excellence and seed grants offered by the Outreach and Engagement Council.) 
  • Distributions of IRD (Institutional Research and Development) funds are paused until further notice.
  • Previously made commitments to provide start-up resources to new faculty hires will be honored to the greatest extent possible. Faculty can continue to utilize these funds for their priorities unless otherwise directed by the VPR.
  • Note: IPR (Incentive Program for Researchers) is not paid with IDCs and therefore should continue so long as the grant that is paying for a portion of a faculty member’s FTE continues. 

If You are Contacted by the Media: 

Please immediately reach out to University Communications for guidance:

Tracy Ellig, Vice President of University Communications, [email protected]

Mike Becker, Director MSU News Service, [email protected]

Additional Resources About IDCs, Facilities, and Administrative Costs: 

How IDCs (F&As) are allocated at MSU:

Annual Research Review - Office of Sponsored Programs | Montana State University

Resources and IDCs/F&As from APLU:

Research Facilities & Administrative Costs - APLU

Costs of Federal Research Infographic 

Facilities & Administrative (F&A) Costs of Research - 2/5/25

Facilities & Administrative Costs Explainer Video – APLU










Other Links Related to Presidential Actions: 

Executive Orders: Presidential Actions – The White House

Resources on APLU, AAU, & ACE Legal Action Contesting NIH Cuts for F&A Reimbursement Rates. 

Click here for the latest news from APLU. 

Signup for the APLU’s morning news scan here.