RED journey map

RED: Supporting MSU Researchers on Their Journey

Research Development Sponsored Programs Research Compliance Centers and Institutes Core Facilities Economic Development


MSU is the largest research university in Montana and contributes significantly to the regional economy by creating jobs, providing contracts to businesses, and applying research findings. For a fifth straight year, Montana State recorded an all-time high for research expenditures -- the funding put toward scientific discovery and other scholastic and creative pursuits. MSU’s annual report to the National Science Foundation showed that its research activities accounted for roughly $230 million in expenditures during the fiscal year that ended in June 2023. (See Annual Research Expenditure ReportThat figure is a 14% increase over the prior year. MSU is designated as "very high research activity" (R-1) under the Carnegie Classification of Institutions. 



Research Opportunities:

person in helmet sitting on ground



person with wildflowers

Grad Students


man in lab
