ecology 2016   trends in ecology   Behavioral Ecology  shark seal risk   Wild dog with pupliones and cub CSP cover


  • Creel, S. et al. 2025. Prey depletion, interspecific competition, and the energetics of hunting in endangered African wild dogs, Lycaon pictus. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
  • Bresnan C, Creel S, Edwards CW, Gooley RM,  Heidebrink S, Koepfli, K-P McShea, WJ, Pukazhenthi B, Stutzman J & Shamon H.  2024. The role of relatedness, age and origin in shaping social networks for two bison (Bison bison bison) herds in north-central Montana. Canadian Journal of Zoology
  • Creel, S., M.S. Becker, B. Goodheart, A. Kusler, K. Banda, K. Banda, M. Vinks, C. Dart, S. Matsushida, R. Kabwe, W. Donald, L. Zyambo, P. Indala, A. Kaluku, C. Chifunte, & C. Reid. 2024. Changes in African lion demography and population growth with increased protection in a large, prey-depleted ecosystem.  Conservation Science and Practice,
  • G Spong,L Bertola,A Mertens De Vry,N Dussex,B Shiffthaler,J Paijman,M Hofreiter,R Forbes,G Kerley, K Everatt,M Becker,S Creel,S Bourgeois,M Drouilly, andF Mamugy.  2024. SNP panel for non-invasive genotyping of leopard (Panthera pardus). Bioarxiv
  • Goodheart, B., Creel, S., Schuette, P., Droge, E., Becker, J., Banda, K., Kusler, A., Matsushima, S., Banda, K., Kabwe, R., Donald, W., Reyes de Merkle, J., Kaluka, A., Chifunte, C. and Becker, M.  2024.  Spatial risk effects from lions compound impacts of prey depletion on African wild dogs. Ecology and Evolution 14: e70401.
  • Creel, S., Reyes de Merkle, J., Goodheart, B. Mweetwa, T., Mwape, H., Simpamba, T. & Becker, M.S. 2024. An integrated population model reveals source-sink dynamics for competitively subordinate African wild dogs linked to anthropogenic prey depletion. Journal of Animal Ecology 93: 417 - 427  
  • Redcliffe, J., Creel, S., Goodheart, B., Reyes De Merkle, J., Matsushima, S., Mungolo, M., Kabwe, R., Kaseketi, E., Donald, W., Becker, M. and Chifunte, C. 2024. Using triaxial accelerometry to detect hunts and kills by African wild dogs. Frontiers in Ecology and EvolutionVolume 12 - 2024
  • Reyes de Merkle, Johnathan, Scott Creel, Matthew S. Becker, Ben Goodheart, Thandiwe Mweetwa, Henry Mwape, Egil Dröge, and Twakundine Simpamba. 2024.  Long‐term data reveal fitness costs of anthropogenic prey depletion for a subordinate competitor, the African wild dog (Lycaon pictus). Ecology and Evolution 14, no. 6: e11402.
  • Becker, M.S., Creel, S., Sichande, M., de Merkle, J.R., Goodheart, B., Mweetwa, T., Mwape, H., Smit, D., Kusler, A., Banda, K. and Musalo, B., 2024. Wire-snare bushmeat poaching and the large African carnivore guild: Impacts, knowledge gaps, and field-based mitigation. Biological Conservation 289: 110376.
  • Creel S, Becker M, Reyes deMerkle J, and Goodheart B. 2023.  The evidence for and urgency of threats to African wild dogs from prey depletion and climate change.  Biological Conservation 285: 110209 
  • Creel S., Becker M., Reyes de Merkle J, Goodheart B. 2023.  Hot or hungry? A tipping point in the effect of prey depletion on African wild dogs.  Biological Conservation, 282:110043
  • Creel, S., Becker, M., Goodheart, B., Reyes De Merkle, J., Dröge, E., M'soka, J., Rosenblatt, E., Mweetwa, T., Mwape, H., Vinks, M. and Mukula, T., Habitat shifts in response to predation risk are constrained by competition within a grazing guild. Frontiers in Ethology, 2: 1231780.
  • Banda, K., Creel, S., Sichande, M., Mweetwa, T., Mwape, H., de Merkle, J.R., Bwalya, L.M., Simpamba, T., McRobb, R. and Becker, M.S., 2023. Effects of de-snaring on the demography and population dynamics of African lions. Biological Conservation, 286, p.110273.
  • Rosenblatt E, Donovan T, Muroch J, Creel S and Gieder K. 2023. Advances in wildlife abundance estimation using pedigree reconstruction. Ecology and Evolution 13:e10650
  • Nams, V. .... Creel S. et al. 2023. Spatial patterns of two large African cats: A large scale study on density, home range size, and overlap, of both lions and leopards.  Mammal Review,
  • Goodheart B, Creel S,  Vinks M,  Banda K, Reyes de Merkle J,  Kusler A, Dart C, Banda K,  Becker; MS, Indala P, Simukonda C,  Kaluka A. 2022. African wild dog movements show contrasting responses to long and short term risk of encountering lions: analysis using dynamic Brownian bridge movement models. Movement Ecology 10:16
  • Creel S. 2022. A retrospective view of early research on dominance, stress and reproduction in cooperatively breeding carnivores. Hormones and Behavior 140, 105119 (special issue: Hormones & Hierarchies)
  • Hammerschlag N, Fallows C, Meÿer M, Seakamela SM, Orndorff S, Kirkman S, Kotze D & Creel S. 2022

    Loss of an apex predator in the wild induces physiological changes in prey.  Biology Letters 18:

  • Goodheart B, Creel   S,  Becker MS, Vinks M, Schuette P, Banda K, Sanguinetti C,  Rosenblatt E, Dart C,  Kusler A,   Young-Overton K,  Stevens X,  Mwanza A,  Simukonda C. 2021. Low apex carnivore density does not release a subordinate competitor when driven by prey depletion. Biological Conservation, 261: 109273
  • Rosenblatt E, DeBow J, Blouin J, Donovan T, Murdoch J, Creel S, Rogers W, Gider K, Fortin N, Alexander C, 2021. Juvenile moose (Alces alces) stress and nutrition dynamics relate to landscape characteristis, climate-mediated factors, and survival. Conservation Physiology, 9:1 coab048,
  • MA Vinks, SCreel, P Schuette, MBecker, E Rosenblatt, CSanguinetti, KBanda, B Goodheart, K Young, X Stevens, C Chifunte, N Midlane, C Chifunte. 2021. Response of lion demography and dynamics to the loss of preferred larger prey. Ecological Applications31(4), e02298.
  • MA Vinks, S Creel, E Rosenblatt, MS Becker, P Schuette, B Goodheart, C Sanguinetti, K Banda, C Chifunte, C Simukonda. 2021 Leopard Panthera pardus density and survival in an ecosystem with depressed abundance of prey and dominant competitors. Oryx, doi:10.1017/S0030605321000223
  • S Creel, J Merkle, T Mweetwa, MS Becker, H Mwape, T Simpamba & C Simukonda. 2020 Hidden Markov models reveal a clear human footprint on the movements of highly mobile African wild dogs.   Scientific Reports10(1):17908.doi: 10.1038/s41598-020-74329-w.
  • E Dröge, S Creel, M Becker, A Loveridge, L Sousa , D Macdonald. 2020,  Assessing the performance of index calibration survey methods to monitor populations of wide-ranging low-density carnivores.  Ecology and Evolution
  • B Shea, J Mourier, C Benson, C DaSilva, D Donovan,  J Romiero, M Bond, S Creel, A Gallagher 2020. Effects of exposure to large sharks on the abundance and behavior of mobile prey fishes along a temperate coastal gradient. PLoS ONE 15 (3): e0230308.
  •  M Vinks,  S Creel, P Schuette, W Matandiko, E Rosenblatt, C Sanguinetti, K Banda,  B Goodheart, M Becker, C Chifunte, C Simukonda. 2020. Testing the effects of anthropogenic pressures on a diverse African ungulate community.  Ecosphere,11(3):e03067. 10.1002/ecs2.3067
  • S Creel, G Spong, M Becker, C Simukonda, A Norman, B Schiffthaler, C Chifunte. 2019. Carnivores, competiton and genetic connectivity in the Anthropocene.   Scientific Reports 9, 16339  doi:10.1038/s41598-019-52904-0

  • E Rosenblatt, S Creel, P Schuette , M Becker, D Christianson, E Dröge, J M’soka. 2019.  Do protection gradients explain patterns in herbivore densities? An example with ungulates in Zambia’s Luangwa Valley. PLoS ONE 14(10): e0224438

  • S Creel⁠, M Becker, E Dröge⁠, J M'soka⁠, W Matandiko⁠, E Rosenblatt⁠⁠, T Mweetwa⁠, H Mwape, M Vinks, B Goodheart⁠, J Merkle⁠, T Mukula⁠, D Smit, C Sanguinetti⁠, C Dart, D Christianson⁠, P Schuette. 2019. What explains variation in the strength of behavioral responses to predation risk? A standardized test with large carnivore and ungulate guilds in three ecosystems.  Biological Conservation 232: 164-172.

  • Droge E, Christianson D, Watson F,  M'Soka J, Becker M & Creel S. 2019. Response of wildebeest (Connochates taurinus) movements to spatial variation in long term risks from a complete carnivore guild. Biological Conservation 233: 139-151.
  • Creel S, Matandiko W, Schuette P, Rosenblatt E, Sanguinetti C, Banda K, Vinks M & Becker M. 2018. Changes in African large carnivore diets over the past half-century reveal the loss of large prey. Journal of Applied Ecology  55: 2908-2916. 

  • Christianson D, Becker MS, Brennan A, Creel S, Droge E, M'soka J, Mukula T, Schuette P, Smit D, Watson F. 2018. Forgaing investment in a long-lived herbivore and vulnerability to coursing and stalking predators. Ecology and Evolution  8: 10147-10155 doi: 10.1002/ece3.4489
  • Creel S. 2018. The control of risk hypothesis: reactive vs. proactive antipredator responses and stress-mediated vs. food-mediated costs of response. Ecology Letters, 21:947-956.  

  • Mweetwa T, Christianson D, Becker M, Creel S, Rosenblatt E, Merkle J, Droge E, Mwape H, Masonde J & Simpamba T. 2018. Quantifying lion (Panthera leo) demographic response following a three moratorium on trophy hunting. PLos One 13(5): e0197030.
  •  Schuette, P, N. Namukonde, M. Becker, F. Watson, S. Creel, C. Chifunte, W. Matandiko , P. Millhouse,, E. Rosenblatt,, C. Sanguinetti, 2018. Boots on the ground: in defense of low-tech, inexpensive, and robust survey methods for Africa’s under-funded protected areas. Biodiversity and  Conservation
  • Hammerschlag N, Meyer M, Searkarmela SM,Kirkman S, Fallows C, Creel S. 2017. Physiological stress response to natural variation in predation risk: evidence from white sharks and seals.  Ecology 98:3199-3210
  • Creel S, Droge E, M'soka J, Smit D, Becker M, Christianson D, Schuette P 2017.  The relationship between direct predation and antipredator responses: a test with multiple predators and multiple prey. Ecology 98:2081-2092
  • Droge E, Creel S, Becker M, M'soka J. 2017. Risky times and risky places interact to affect the response of prey. Nature Ecology and Evolution 1, 1123–1128  DOI:10.1038/s41559-017-0220-9
  • Gallagher A, Creel S, Wilson RP, Cooke SJ 2017. Energy landscapes and the landscape of fear. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 32: 88–96
  • M'soka J, Creel S, Becker MS & Murdoch J 2017. Ecological and anthropogenic effects on the density of migratory and resident ungulates in a human-inhabited protected area. African Journal of Ecology 55: 618-631.
  • Droge E, Creel S, M'soka J & Becker M. 2016. Spatial and temporal avoidance of risk within a large carnivore guild. Ecology and Evolution, 7: 189-199.
  • Creel, S, Creel NM, Creel A, Creel B 2016. Hunting on a hot day: effects of temperature on interactions between African wild dogs and their prey. Ecology 97: 2910-2916.
  • Winnie J, Creel S 2016. The many effects of carnivores on their prey and their implications for trophic cascades, ecosystem structure and function. Food Webs,
  • M'soka J, Creel S, Becker M, Droge E. 2016. Spotted hyaena survival and density in a lion depleted ecosystem: the effects of prey availability, humans and competition between large carnivores in African savannahs. Biological Conservation 201: 348-355.
  • Creel S, M’soka J, Dröge E, Rosenblatt E, Becker M, Matandiko W, Simpamba T. 2016. Assessing the sustainability of African lion trophy hunting, with recommendations for policy. Ecological Applications 6: 2347-2357.
  • Schuette P, Creel S & Christianson D. 2016. Ungulate distributions in a rangeland with competitors, predators, and pastoralists. Journal of Applied Ecology 53:1066–1077.
  • Rosenblatt, E., Creel, S., Becker, M. S., Merkle, J., Mwape, H., Schuette, P., & Simpamba, T. 2016. Effects of a protection gradient on carnivore density and survival: an example with leopards in the Luangwa valley, Zambia. Ecology and Evolution. 6: 3772-3785.