Assessment Citations
Resources used in compiling resources for assessment in Student Affairs.
Abrahams, J. (2007). 101 mission statements from top companies: plus guidelines for writing your own mission statement. Berkeley, CA: Ten Speed Press.
American Association for Higher Education, American College Personnel Association, NASPA. (1998). Powerful partnerships: a shared responsibility for learning. (1st ed.). Washington , DC:
- American College Personnel Association. (1994). The student learning imperative: Implications for student affairs. Alexandria, VA: Author.
- American Council on Education. (1937). The student personnel point of view. (1st ed.) Washington, DC.
- American Council on Education. (1949). The student personnel point of view. (2nd ed.) Washington, DC.
- Bloom B. S. (1956). Taxonomy of educational objectives, handbook I: the cognitive domain. New York: David McKay Co Inc.
- Boren, David L. (2008). A Letter to America. Norman, OK: The University of Oklahoma Press.
- Bresciani, M.J., Zelna, C.L., & Anderson, J.A. (2004). Assessing student learning and development. Washington, DC: National Association of Student Personnel Administrators.
Carey, K. (2009, February 25). Obama draws the line on charter schools. The Chronicle of Higher Education.
- Commission on Higher Education. (1994). Characteristics of excellence in higher education (7th ed.). Philadelphia, PA.
Dean, L.A. (Ed.). (2009). CAS professional standards for higher education. (7th ed.) Washington, DC: Council for the Advancement of Standards in Higher Education.
Flateby, T. (2010, June 10). Doing meaningful assessment to improve outcomes and satisfy accreditation demands. NASPA Assessment and Retention Conference, Baltimore, Maryland.
- Keeling, R.P.(Ed.). (2006). Learning reconsidered 2: Implementing a campus-wide focus on the student experience. Washington, DC: National Association of Student Personnel Administrators.
Kuh, G. D., Douglas, K. B., Lund, J. P., & Ramin Gyurmek, J. (1994). Student learning outside the classroom: Transcending artificial boundaries. (ASHE-ERIC Higher Education Report No. 8.). Washington, D.C.: The George Washington University, Graduate School of Education and Human Development.
- Morgan, D.L. (1998). The focus group guidebook. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.NASPA. (1998). Principles of Good Practice for Student Affairs. (1st ed.). Washington, DC.
- National Association of Student Personnel Administrators (1987). A perspective on student affairs. Washington, DC.
- Palomba, C. A., & Banta, T. E. (1999). Assessment essentials: planning, implementing, and improving assessment in higher education. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
Renner, M. & Taylor-Powell, E. (2003). Analyzing qualitative data. Madison, WI. University of Wisconsin. Retrieved from (
- Strayhorn, T.L. (2006). Frameworks for assessing learning and development outcomes.
Sumner, K., & Jones, D. (2010). Multiple measures of assessment: more data is better. NASPA Assessment and Retention Conference, Baltimore, Maryland.
Other direct esources:
- CAS Standards:
- Adapted from UoI Assessment Handbook, who adapted from Bresciani, Zelna, & Anderson (2004), Morgan (1998), Sanderson (2007), and Sanderson, Ketcham, Alexander (2008).
- Sanderson, R. (2007). Assessment 103 [PDF document]. Retrieved from Sanderson, R., Ketcham, P. & Alexander, J. (2008). The “What,” “How,” and “So What?” of Assessment Measures [PDF document]. Retrieved from http://