What is assessment?

Assessment is any effort to gather, analyze, review, and use evidence and information regarding the effectiveness of programs, with the purpose of improving student learning and development. (mix of multiple definitions)

Assessment is making data/evidence driven decisions rather than on instinct or intuition.


Assessment gives us the opportunity to determine how well our programs, opportunities, and services are meeting the needs of our students as well as the overall goals of our institution. In addition, it helps us tell our story by gathering the "evidence" that our programs are working in the way we intended for student success and aligning with institutional priorities.

  1. General statement expressing long-term purposes– GOALS
  2. Define what we expect our students to learn – OUTCOMES
  3. Assess if outcomes are being achieved – INFORMATION
  4. Respond to assessment and integrate results toward continued quality improvements - ACTIONS

Is the program intended to:

  1. Increase student knowledge?
  2. Improve a student's ability to execute a speicific behavior?
  3. Change student attitudes?
  4. Facilitate a student's reflection on a topic?

Assessment of student learning is governed by the Student Outcomes Assessment Policy and directed by the Student Success Advisory Committee on Budget and Assessment (BAAC). 

The Process of Assessing Outcomes

  1. Identify Outcomes: Determing what students, faculty, staff should know, think, and be able to do as a result of a program or service.
  2. Gather Evidence: Creating opportunities for students, faculty, staff to demonstrate what they have learned.
  3. Interpret Evidence: Drawing conculsions based on data source analysis.
  4. Implement Change: Using conclusions to modify the program or service.




Process pyramid, black and white image.

Assessment is good educational practice because it demonstrates what you are already doing, improving your program through continual monitoring of student learning. 


Assessment Report Templates

Maze image, black and white.

All undergraduate programs at Montana State University will submit a report on the previous year's assessment activities annually.


Submitted Assessment Examples

Paper folded, black and white.

See examples of submitted assessment reports.


* Sources used to compile this information.