There is a quote from antiquity advising that the best time to fix the roof is when the sun is shining.  Montana State University (MSU) has enjoyed an unprecedented period of enrollment growth, infrastructure improvements, and academic achievement.  In many ways our sun is shining brightly. 

 We believe this period of progress represents an ideal time to take proactive steps to address the question of how to update our approach to alcohol and substance abuse.  We enjoy a unique opportunity to take up these challenges with the care and deliberation needed to situate our campus and community partners in a leadership position with respect to some of the most critical student life issues confronting higher education today.

 The ten recommendations included in this report represent the consensus of a broad-based committee that has closely examined the problem of alcohol and substance abuse in both its local and national contexts.  The recommendations reflect best practices and transformative opportunities to effectively address challenges before they become crises, and to further align our values with our policies and practices.  As we move forward, we invite a deliberative process, a broad dialogue, which will include our students, faculty, staff, university leadership, and community partners in crafting a common purpose grounded in a shared understanding of our challenges, opportunities, and goals.


Serve the MSU community by providing expertise and advice to the President for reducing harm and improving the health & safety of the MSU student experience as related to substance abuse prevention.  PCSAP will-

  • Review and become authorities on current MSU policies and programs that address substance abuse and prevention efforts on campus and in the Bozeman community. 
  • Conduct structured interviews with students, faculty/staff, and community stakeholders on how substance use and abuse impacts the overall institutional mission. Identify high risk groups and activities and develop harm-reduction strategies.
  • Consult with national experts and review research on best practices and programs that work to reduce harm and improve overall wellness on college campuses.
  • Produce a report including recommendations to improve policies and programs at MSU that address substance abuse and prevention efforts.  This report should align any new request for resources with the MSU Strategic Plan and adhere to Federal Guidelines for the Biennial Review as directed by the Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act. 

Topics Reviewed

  • Review of current MSU alcohol programs, education, intervention, and harm reduction efforts
  • Review current data on the number of alcohol and drug violations and related consequences that occur on and off campus. 
  • Local downtown taverns and night time economy issues
  • Law enforcement efforts, limitations, and opportunities
  • Football tailgate and other athletic/community events
  • Fraternity & sorority events with alcohol
  • Student Conduct & Residence Life  
  • Local families and community concerns, Downtown Renters Association & Local Property owners
  • National best practices from an expert on substance abuse; review the NIAAA report on the culture of drinking on U.S. campuses. 
  • Media & Marketing of Alcohol through campus publications
  • Alcohol Sponsorship in MSU events