Officer Responsibilities
The President shall be an ex officio member of all committees, shall see that the other Officers of the Chapter perform their duties, shall be responsible for any course of action that the Chapter takes, shall be responsible for planning and conducting meetings, and shall see that each Officer and committee chairman is provided with a written list of specific duties for which each is responsible (Officer Guidelines). A copy of the Officer Guidelines shall be placed in the President's Book and saved on the Chapter's computer. The President shall serve a two-semester term.
Vice President
The Vice President assists the President in all society business, conducts meetings in the President's absence, shall be responsible for reserving meeting rooms, shall be responsible for compiling the Chapter's resume book, shall plan and promote the Member/Candidate social, and shall have as a special duty the advancement of the technical and professional education of the active members. The Vice-President shall serve a two-semester term.
Recording Secretary
The Recording Secretary shall be responsible for gathering information from other Officers to create agendas for all meetings, shall be responsible for recording and maintaining a record of the minutes taken at all Chapter meetings, shall be responsible for maintaining the roll and record books of the Chapter as obtained from the Secretary of the Association, shall be responsible for keeping, in a suitable holder, the issues for the last three years of THE BENT and THE BULLETIN for use of the members of the Chapter. If Recording Secretary is not in attendance at a meeting, the President shall appoint an alternate to record the minutes. The Recording Secretary shall serve a two-semester term.
Corresponding Secretary
The Corresponding Secretary serves as the Secretary of the Advisory Board, shall carry on such other correspondence of the Chapter as the President may direct, and shall be responsible for completing all paperwork required by the Association. The Corresponding Secretary shall serve a two-semester term.
The Treasurer shall be responsible for all financial matters including reimbursements, dues collection and tracking, and bill payments and shall be responsible for completing the end of the year financial report and submitting it to the Association. The Treasurer manages two accounts: the Chapter's own checking account and the college supplied foundation account. The Treasurer shall serve a two-semester term.
The Historian shall be responsible for attending Chapter meetings, socials and service projects and taking pictures (or if the Historian cannot attend, shall be responsible for ensuring pictures are taken) and shall be responsible for collecting Chapter project reports from other Officers and preparing the Annual Report, due to the Association by June 1. The Historian shall serve a two-semester term.