Council on Undergraduate Research

The Council on Undergraduate Research (CUR) has a number of resources for students including a resource center, and presentation and research opportunites.

USP with the Center for Faculty Excellence

The Undergraduate Scholars Program in coordination with the Center for Faculty Excellence offers workshops on poster development, presentation skills, and how to get the most out of your research experience. Check our homepage calendar for any upcoming workshops!



MSU Renne Library

MSU's Renne Library offers multiple services to help with your research. Find out how to share your final research paper through Scholarworks, and have a permanent link to your published work to use on resumes.

Research Cyberinfrastructure

Research Cyberinfrastructure (RCI) serves as a central resource for the Information Technology (IT) and Cyberinfrastructure (CI) systems, services, and support to help with your research. They can help you with any high performance computing needs such as machine learning, simulations or modeling, artificial intelligence, or character recognition.

Core Facilities

Visit MSU's Core Facilities for a full list of research resources that are shared by the campus community. Note that some of these services charge fees. Contact individual facilities to learn more. 

Presentation Resources

Guide for Posters (PPT)
Poster Template (PPT)
Presentation Guide (PPT)
"Main point-centered" poster format (YouTube)
Tip Sheet (Word doc)
Worksheet - Intro (Word doc)
Worksheet - Results (Word doc)
Worksheet - Discussion and Conclusions (Word doc)