Read through the login steps and ensure your dependents have been added to YOUR account prior to attempting to register. The registration portal link is at the end of this page.

Even if you have had an account in previous years, you may need to create a new account as we have a new registration system. Do not create duplicate accounts or accounts for campers. Email [email protected] with questions.

Pricing & Registration Dates

Registration: $215 per week, per camper

Registration opens Feb 28th at noon!

BSYC operates as a non-profit and receives no University funding
  • Payment is due in full at time of registration.


Steps to Login

Students, MSU Staff and Faculty

  • Login to the Campus Recreation Portal using your pre-defined MSU Net ID and password provided by the university.
  • Do not create a new account even if this is the first time you are visiting our website. This is the same login used to sign into your MyInfo account. This is NOT the ID number shown on your Cat Card.
  • Once logged in, click "Youth Programs” in the left navigation column or below using the programs icons.

Non-Affiliates (you are not currently a student or staff member) 

  • Create an account on the Campus Recreation Portal by clicking "Sign-In" then “Sign-Up”.
  • Fill out required information.
  • If not automatically logged in, click "Sign-In" and login with your new account.
  • Once logged in, click "Youth Programs” in the left navigation column or below using the programs icons.

Adding Dependents (necessary to register for BSYC)

  • Login using the directions above as either an affiliate or non-affiliate.
  • Click in the top right corner and go to "Profile" in the drop down menu.
  • Select “+ ADD FAMILY MEMBER” to add your dependent(s) and enter the required information. This will have to be done for each dependent you would like to add to your account.
  • DO NOT create a separate account for your dependent.


 Cancellation & Refund Policies 

  • A full refund will be given for a cancellation with two weeks notice. 
  • No refund will be given with less than two weeks notice. 
  • Weeks may be transferred if space allows; weeks will not be prorated.


Dismissal From Camp

Occasionally a camper may be dismissed from camp for behavioral reasons. This action will take effect only after the Camp Director has consulted with the camper and their parents. If a camper is dismissed for disciplinary reasons, there will be no refund for unused camp days.