
Student built satellite powered by the SSEL

Student-built satellite powered by the SSEL

Space Science and Engineering Laboratory (SSEL)

The Space Science and Engineering Laboratory at Montana State University is an interdisciplinary center of expertise with faculty, staff, and facilities for space research and space technologies. The laboratory enables students and faculty in the science and engineering disciplines to conduct space science research through the development of space hardware instrumentation.

Visit the Space Science and Engineering Laboratory website

Image caption (right): Student-Built Satellite constructed in the SSE


Hinode satellite image

The Hinode (Solar-B) Satellite

MSU is involved in data collection and analysis for numerous solar missions, see our research projects.

"The longer it goes, the more data we can take,
the more research we can do, the more students we can train. That's just fun."
Dr. David McKenzie

MSU Scientists help in operation of international solar mission, Hinode


Montana Space Grant Consortium

MSGC logo

The Montana program is one of a national network of 52 Consortia, working to strengthen aerospace research and education in the United States. Members of the Montana Space Grant Consortium consist of institutions of higher education, business, industry and non-profit organizations. The Consortium works with these affiliates and through government and public outreach, to promote a strong science, math and technology base in the state. 

Visit the Montana Space Grant Consortium website


If you have any comments, please contact www@solar.physics.montana.edu
Last modified 11/01/2016 11:27:12