Yohkoh Public Outreach Project


The Yohkoh Movie Theater (YPOP) is designed to bring you images and movies depicting our nearest star, the Sun, as seen by an X-ray telescope that was carried on board the Yohkoh satellite. The YPOP site includes a range of activities for youngsters, parents, teachers and anyone interested in learning more about the Sun.

The Yohkoh satellite was an observatory for studying X-rays and gamma-rays from the Sun. Yohkoh was launched from Kagoshima, Japan on August 31, 1991, and was lost on December 14, 2001. In over ten years of observing the Sun (much longer than the proposed mission life) Yohkoh revolutionized our understanding of solar activity. Yohkoh is a project of the Institute for Space and Astronautical Sciences. The spacecraft was built in Japan and the observing instruments have contributions from the U.S. and from the U.K. The name Yohkoh is Japanese for "sunbeam".

Visit the Yohkoh Public Outreach Project website

Space Public Outreach Team

 Space Public Outreach Team

The Space Public Outreach Team (SPOT) provides FREE presentations about current NASA missions to Montana schools, youth programs, and community groups. Offices at Montana State University in Bozeman and the University of Montana in Missoula send presenters to schools and communities across the state.

Visit the Space Public Outreach Team website

National Student Solar Spectrograph Competition

Montana Space Grant Consortium will be hosting the National Student Solar Spectrograph Competition May 16-18, 2012 in Bozeman, Montana at the campus of Montana State University.

The yearly National Student Solar Spectrograph Competition is MSGC's Education Program for NASA's Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph (IRIS) mission.

Visit the National Student Solar Spectrograph Competition website

Beyond Time


Beyond Time, a free public concert incorporating dramatic images of the sun and music representing the human experience was held June 18, 2010 in conjunction with an international gathering of solar scientists at Montana State University. Eric Funk -- a composer, conductor, musician and MSU faculty member -- conducted and performed with a chamber group in the Reynolds Recital Hall on the MSU campus.

"This concert is intended to bring the sciences and humanities together," Funk said.

MSU News Service press release:"Free concert to coincide with international solar meeting at MSU"


If you have any comments, please contact www@solar.physics.montana.edu
Last modified 10/31/2016 10:07:21