Please email lindsey.albertson[at] if you would like a copy of any of these papers. * denotes an undergraduate student author; = denotes equal contributions of authors
Harvey, G. L., Z. Kahn, L. K. Albertson, M. Coombs, M. F. Johnson, S. P. Rice, and H. Viles. 2025. Global diversity and energy of animals shaping the Earth’s surface. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 122:e2415104122. [View as PDF]
Glassic, H. C., J. R. Junker, C. S. Guy, D. R. Lujan, L. M. Tronstad, M. A Briggs, L. K. Albertson, T. O. Brendan, T. Walsworth, and T. M. Koel. 2024. An invasive predator substantially alters energy flux without changing food web functional state or stability. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 34:e4240. [View as PDF]
Verhille, C. E., M. J. MacDonald, B. Noble, G. Demorest, A. Roche, K. Frazier*, and L. K. Albertson. 2024. Thermal tolerance of giant salmonflies (Pteronarcys californica) varies across populations in a regulated river. Conservation Physiology 12:1-15. [View as PDF]
- Johnson, M. F., L. K. Albertson, N. P. Everall, G. L. Harvey, R. Mason, A. Pledger, S. P. Rice and C. R. Thorne. 2024. Accounting for the power of Nature: Using flume and field studies to compare the capacities of bio-energy and fluvial energy to move surficial gravels. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 49: 2612 - 2627. [View as PDF]
- Johnson, M. F., L. K. Albertson, A. C. Algar, S. Dugdale, P. Edwards, J. England, C. Gibbins, S. Kazama, D. Komori, A. D. C. Maccoll, E. A. Scholl, F. O. Roque, R. Wilby, and P. Wood. 2024. Rising water temperature in rivers: Ecological impacts and future resilience. WIREs Water 11:e1724. [View as PDF]
- Tronstad, L. M., D. R. Lujan, M. A. Briggs, L. K. Albertson, H. C. Glassic, C. S. Guy, and T. M. Koel. 2024. Novel technique for suppressing an apex invasive predator minimally alters nitrogen dynamics in Yellowstone Lake, Wyoming, USA. Hydrobiologia 851: 2215 - 2236. [View as PDF]
- Albertson, L. K., L. S. Sklar, B. B. Tumolo, W. F. Cross, S. F. Collins, and H. A. Woods. 2024. The ghosts of ecosystem engineers: Legacy effects of biogenic modifications. Functional Ecology 38:52-72. [View as PDF]
- Glassic, H. C., D. Chagaris, C. S. Guy, L. M. Tronstad, D. R. Lujan, M. A Briggs, L. K. Albertson, T. O. Brendan, T. Walsworth, and T. M. Koel. 2024. Yellowstone cutthroat trout recovery in Yellowstone Lake: Complex interactions among invasive species suppression, disease, and climate change. Fisheries 49:55-70. [View as PDF]
- Bertagnolli, A. D., A. J. Maritan, B. B. Tumolo, S. F. Fritz, H. C. Oakland, E. J. Mohr, G. C. Poole, L. K. Albertson, and F. J. Stewart. 2023. Net-spinning caddisflies create denitrifier-enriched niches in the stream microbiome. ISME Communications 3:111. [View as PDF]
- Tumolo, B. B., L. K. Albertson, M. D. Daniels, L. S. Sklar, and W. F. Cross. 2023. Facilitation strength across environmental and beneficiary trait gradients in stream communities. Journal of Animal Ecology 92:2005-2015. [View as PDF]
- Glassic, H. C., C. S. Guy, L. M. Tronstad, M. A Briggs, L. K. Albertson, D. R. Lujan, and T. M. Koel. 2023. Decomposition rates of suppression-produced fish carcasses in a large, deep, high elevation lake in North America. Fishes 8:385. [View as PDF]
- Sanders, C. H., S. P. Rice, P. J. Wood, and L. K. Albertson. 2023. River bank burrowing is innate in native and invasive signal crayfish (Pacifastacus leniusculus) and is driven by biotic and abiotic cues. Biological Invasions 25:3425 -3442. [View as PDF]
- Tumolo, B. B., L. K. Albertson, W. F. Cross, G. C. Poole, G. Davenport*, M. D. Daniels, and L. S. Sklar. 2023. Resource modification by ecosystem engineers generates hotspots of stream community assembly and ecosystem function. Ecology 104:e4052. [View as PDF]
- Glassic, H. C., C. S. Guy, D. R. Lujan, L. M. Tronstad, M. A Briggs, L. K. Albertson, and T. M. Koel. 2023. Invasive predator diet plasticity has implications for native fish conservation and invasive species suppression. PLoS ONE 18:e0279099. [View as PDF]
Fritz, S. F., L. K. Albertson, J. L. Hobgood*, E. J. Mohr, H. C. Oakland, and G. C. Poole. 2023. Macroinvertebrate ecosystem engineering affects streambed retention of microplastics. Freshwater Science 42(2):133-145. [View as PDF]
Cox*, T., M. J. Lance, L. K. Albertson, M. A. Briggs, A. J. Dutton, and A. V. Zale. 2023. Diet composition and resource overlap of sympatric native and introduced salmonids across neighboring streams during a peak discharge event. PLoS ONE 18:e0280833. [View as PDF]
- Briggs, M. A., L. K. Albertson, D. R. Lujan, L. M. Tronstad, H. C. Glassic, C.S. Guy, and T. M. Koel. 2022. Fish carcass deposition to suppress invasive laketrout through hypoxia causes limited, non-target effects on benthic invertebrates in Yellowstone Lake. Aquaculture, Fish, and Fisheries 2:470-483. [View as PDF]
- McCarty, J., W. F. Cross, L. K. Albertson, B. B. Tumolo, and L. S. Sklar. 2022. Life histories and production of three Rocky Mountain aquatic insects along an elevation-driven temperature gradient. Hydrobiologia 849:3633 -3652. [View as PDF]
- Albertson, L. K., V. Ouellet, J. H. Reinert, N. Korb, and M. Jaeger. 2022. Influence of beaver mimicry restoration on habitat availability for fishes, including Arctic grayling (Thymallus arcticus).Aquaculture, Fish, and Fisheries 2:104-115. [View as PDF]
- Lujan, D. R., L. M. Tronstad, M. A Briggs, L. K. Albertson, H. C. Glassic, C. S. Guy, and T. M. Koel. 2022. Response of nutrient limitation to invasive fish suppression: How carcasses and analog pellets alter periphyton. Freshwater Science 41(1):88-99. [View as PDF]
- Albertson, L. K., M. A. Briggs, Z. Maguire, S. Swart*, W. F. Cross, C. W. Twining, J. S. Wesner, C. Baxter, and D. M. Walters. 2022. Dietary composition and fatty acid content of giant salmonflies (Pteronarcys californica) in two Rocky Mountain rivers. Ecosphere 13:e3904. [View as PDF]
- Reinert, J. H., L. K. Albertson, and J. R. Junker. 2022. Influence of biomimicry structures on ecosystem function in a Rocky Mountain incised stream. Ecosphere 13:e3897. [View as PDF]
- Albertson, L. K., M. J. MacDonald, B. B. Tumolo, M. A. Briggs, Z. Maguire, S. Quinn, J. A. Sanchez-Ruiz, J. Veneros and L. A. Burkle. 2021. Uncovering patterns of freshwater positive interactions using meta-analysis: Identifying the roles of common participants, invasive species, and environmental context. Ecology Letters 24:594-607. [View as PDF]
- Briggs, M. A., L. K. Albertson, D. R. Lujan, L. M. Tronstad, H. C. Glassic, C. S. Guy, and T. M. Koel. 2021. Carcass deposition to suppress invasive lake trout causes differential mortality of two common benthic invertebrates in Yellowstone Lake. Fundamental and Applied Limnology 194(4):285-295. [View as PDF]
- MacDonald, M. J., L. K. Albertson, and G. C. Poole. 2021. Ecosystem engineering in the streambed: Net-spinning caddisflies influence hydraulic properties. Ecohydrology 14(2):e2266. [View as PDF]
- Tumolo, B. B., L. Calle, H. E. Anderson, M. A. Briggs, S. Carlson, M. J. MacDonald, J. H. Reinert, and L. K. Albertson. 2020. Toward spatio-temporal delineation of positive interactions in ecology. Ecology and Evolution 10:9026 -9036. [View as PDF]
- Maguire*, Z., B. B. Tumolo, and L. K. Albertson. 2020. Retreat but no surrender: Net-spinning caddisfly (Hydropsychidae) silk has enduring effects on stream channel hydraulics. Hydrobiologia 847(6):1539 -1551. [View as PDF]
- Anderson, H. E., L. K. Albertson, and D. M. Walters. 2019. Thermal variability drives synchronicity of an aquatic insect resource pulse. Ecosphere 10(8):e02852. [View as PDF]
- Anderson, H. E., L. K. Albertson, and D. M. Walters. 2019. Water temperature drives variability in salmonfly abundance, emergence timing, and body size. River Research and Applications 35(7):1013-1022. [View as PDF]
- Tumolo, B. B., L. K. Albertson, W. F. Cross, M. D. Daniels, and L. S. Sklar. 2019. Occupied and abandoned structures from ecosystem engineering differentially facilitate stream community colonization. Ecosphere 10(5):e02734. [View as PDF]
- Albertson, L. K., L. S. Sklar, S. D. Cooper, and B. J. Cardinale. 2019. Aquatic macroinvertebrates stabilize gravel bed sediment: A test using silk net-spinning caddisflies in semi-natural river channels. PLoS ONE 14(1):e0209087. [View as PDF]
- Albertson, L. K., and M. D. Daniels. 2018. Crayfish ecosystem engineering effects on riverbed disturbance and topography are mediated by size and behavior. Freshwater Science 37(4):836-844. [View as PDF]
- Juras, M., L. K. Albertson, J. Cahoon, and E. Johnson. 2018. Incorporating macroinvertebrate biological structures into gravel-bedded fluid dynamics using 3D CFD modeling. Ecological Engineering 119:19-28. [View as PDF]
- Albertson=, L. K., V. Ouellet=, and M. D. Daniels. 2018. Impacts of stream riparian buffer land use on water temperature and food availability for fish. Journal of Freshwater Ecology 33(1):195-210. [View as PDF]
- Albertson, L. K., and M. D. Daniels. 2016. Resilience of aquatic net-spinning caddisfly silk structures to common global stressors. Freshwater Biology 61:670-679. [View as PDF]
- Albertson, L. K., and M. D. Daniels. 2016. Effects of invasive crayfish on fine sediment accumulation, gravel movement, and macroinvertebrate communities. Freshwater Science 35(2):644-653. [View as PDF]
- Albertson, L. K., L. S. Sklar, and B. J. Cardinale. 2015. Reply to comment on ‘A mechanistic model linking insect (Hydropsychidae) silk nets to incipient sediment motion in gravel-bedded streams.’ Journal of Geophysical Research - Earth Surface 120(6):1151-1152. [View as PDF]
- Albertson, L. K., and D. C. Allen. 2015. Meta-analysis: Abundance, behavior, and hydrologic energy shape biotic effects on sediment transport in streams. Ecology 96(5):1329-1339. [View as PDF]
- Albertson, L. K., L. S. Sklar, M. Dow*, P. Pontau*, and B. J. Cardinale. 2014. A mechanistic model linking insect (Hydropsychidae) silk nets to incipient sediment motion in gravel-bedded streams. Journal of Geophysical Research - Earth Surface 119(9):1833-1852. [View as PDF]
- Albertson, L. K., B. J. Cardinale, and L. S. Sklar. 2014. Non-additive increases in sediment stability are generated by macroinvertebrate species interactions in laboratory streams. PLoS ONE 9(8):e103417. [View as PDF]
- Utz, R. M., S. C. Zeug, B. J. Cardinale, and L. K. Albertson. 2012. Trophic ecology and population attributes of two resident non-game fishes in riverine habitat engineered to enhance salmon spawning success. California Fish and Game 98(2):104-124. [View as PDF]
- Albertson, L. K., L. E. Koenig*, B. L. Lewis*, S. C. Zeug, L. R. Harrison, and B. J. Cardinale. 2012. How does restored habitat for Chinook salmon in the Merced River California compare to other Chinook streams? River Research and Applications 29(4):469-482. [View as PDF]
- Zeug, S. C., L. K. Albertson, B. J. Cardinale, H. S. Lenihan, and J. Hardy*. 2011. Predictors of Chinook salmon extirpation in California’s Central Valley. Fisheries Management and Ecology 18:61-71. [View as PDF]
- Albertson, L. K., B. J. Cardinale, S. C. Zeug, L. R. Harrison, H. S. Lenihan, and M. A. Wydzga. 2010. Impacts of channel reconstruction on invertebrate assemblages in a restored river. Restoration Ecology 19(5):627-638. [View as PDF]
- Viola, D. V., E. A. Mordecai, A. G. Jaramillo, S. A. Sistla, L. K. Albertson, J. S. Gosnell, B. J. Cardinale, and J. M. Levine. 2010. Does a competition-defense tradeoff maintain producer diversity? Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 107(40):17217 -17222. [View as PDF]
- Crain, C. M., L. K. Albertson*, and M. D. Bertness. 2008. Secondary succession dynamics in estuarine marshes across landscape-scale salinity gradients. Ecology 89(10):2889 -2899. [View as PDF]
- Macalady, J. L., E. H. Lyon, B. Koffman, L. K. Albertson*, K. Meyer, S. Galdenzi, and S. Mariani. 2006. Dominant microbial populations in limestone-corroding stream biofilms, Frasassi cave system, Italy. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 72(8):5596 -5609. [View as PDF]