
Once a Notetaking accommodation has been approved, ODS will contact the instructor or previous notetakers to recruit a volunteer notetaker in the class.

If class notes or PowerPoint slides are available on-line from the instructor, note taking may not be indicated.

Please notify ODS by e-mail within 24 hours of dropping a class for which note taking accommodations are being provided.

If there is a problem with reading or understanding the notes, please email [email protected] and we will assist in getting you access.

NOTE: Students are typically required to attend class in order to receive class notes.


  1. Clearly communicate, in writing, to ODS staff the specific classes for which you will be requesting note taking accommodations. Click on this link for the Note Taking Request Form.
  2. Show the course instructor your Accommodation Notification when communicating about your accommodations for their class.
  3. Tell the instructor that ODS may contact them and ask them to read a short statement, soliciting a  note taker if we don't already have one hired.
  4. The note taker will be asked to come to the ODS office and submit the “Note Taker Volunteer Sign-up Sheet.” The form will provide ODS with contact information and will serve to identify the student who is to receive the notes.
  5. Note taker information will not be given to the student unless the note taker grants permission.
  6. Students will access the notes through Accommodate. With the Accommodate system, students are able to login to their Accommodate account and access notes. Below are instructions on how to access your notes through Accommodate and you may view this tutorial
    • After logging into Accommodate click on the "Note-Taker Network" tab on the top icon bar for access to notes uploaded by assigned notetaker
    • You will be able to see your classes listed
    • Click on your class to access the notes for that specific class (you will only have notes for the classes that you requested note taking)
    • Clicking on the documents title will allow you to open the file
    •   Using the keyword function, you will be able to search for keyword for specific set of notes
    • Please note that you must download your notes from Accommodate. You will not be able to access your notes after the last day of classes for the current semester.                                 

      7.   Click on Student Access to Note - Taker Network to download the PowerPoint pdf version of the above  instructions with screenshots. 

       8. It is the student's responsibility to access notes on ACCOMMODATE regularly. ODS will contact students who do not access notes regularly. Services for note taking may be stopped temporarily, pending a meeting with a ODS staff member.

NOTE: If you would like to be a Notetaker, please use the Notetaker Application Form or email [email protected].

Students may be granted permission to record classroom activities including lectures and discussions either with the instructor's permission or as reasonable accommodation for students with disabilities.

Glean is an interactive lecture capture program and study tool designed to make classroom learning more accessible and effective. Currently used by 750 insitutions, Glean has features such as:

  • Importing slides and pictures
  • Audio transcription
  • Marking important information in the lecture to be revisited
  • Quiz Me! feature that creates a transcript into a quiz for studying

...and much more!

Glean is available to students receiving Accommodations through Disability Services. If you are interested in using this program, please call our front office at (406) 994-2824 to schedule an appointment.

Glean Procedure

Students receiving Recorded Lecture with the use of Glean must:

  1. Meet with their faculty and inform them about their Glean accommodation.
  2. Complete the Glean Qualtrics Survey sent to their email. (Please Note: if this step is not completed, the student will NOT receive a Glean license).
  3. Read through the email sent from Glean and accept the Glean invite.
  4. View the Glean Notetaking Demo and FAQ list on Glean's website. Attend a Live tutorial and work through the Skills Portal videos within Glean.
  5. Practice using Glean on a movie or TV show to get familiar with the program.
  6. If you have any issues with this program, please contact our front office at (406)994-2824 or [email protected]

Recorded Classroom Activities Agreement

Students wanting to record lectures, discussions, and other classroom activities must agree to our recorded classroom activities agreement below:

  1. Students will provide their instructor with documentation from Disability Services supporting their accommodation to record Classroom Activities prior to making any recordings.
  2. The instructor may inform other students in the class that classroom activities may be recorded. Any such announcement will not identify the student(s) making the recording.
  3. Students' ability to record classroom activities is solely for their academic benefit and intended to aid them in the personal study. Students agree not to use the recordings for any other purpose.
  4. Students will not share the recordings with any other individual without permission from the instructor or Disability Services.
  5. Students will not copy, upload, or otherwise share recorded classroom activities with anyone, including on the internet or any other medium, without prior permission from the instructor.
  6. Students understand that these recordings are the intellectual property of the instructor and that they do not own any underlying rights in or to the content. Sharing any of these recordings (through any medium) is a violation of the Code of Student Conduct and federal copywrite laws.
  7. Students agree to immediately stop recording class activities at the request of the instructor. This should only be used in cases where the particular classroom activities for that day are likely to include discussions or material that may be sensitive or private in nature and where recording poses a privacy risk or is likely to hinder classroom discussions.
  8. At the instructor's request, Students will delete or destroy the recordings upon completion of the academic term for which the recordings were made.

*Student understands that violating this agreement may result in the withdrawal of the authorization to continue the accommodation for their recording material and/or disciplinary action.

*ALL faculty questions and concerns should be directed back to Disability Services.

Disability Services
Montana State University
P.O. Box 173960
Bozeman, MT 59717-3960

137 Romney Hall
Email: [email protected]

Tel: (406) 994-2824
Fax: (406) 994-3943

8:00 AM - 5:00 PM (M-F)