George Carpenter fishing in a boat

Congratulations to George Carpenter of Sidney, MT who will be receiving his B.S. in Fish and Wildlife Biology at the Spring Commencement. George will pursue a career in the field, and is currently interning at Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks here in Bozeman. The photo was taken on the Madison River, downstream of Varney Bridge.  

George offered to tell his story as a way to advocate for others who face barriers in the academic and physical environment. George’s life changed dramatically in high school when he received a spinal cord injury in a diving accident on the Yellowstone River.  After spending time at Craig Rehabilitation Hospital getting used to life with a wheelchair, George returned to Sidney and incredible support there. My family and the community of Sidney really stepped up and helped me out in ways I never thought possible, and this made the transition back into high school really  smooth, he said.  

George began college at Williston State and transferred to MSU to study Fish and Wildlife Biology. Despite the inevitable barriers he encountered in Bozeman (think quirky stairs and labs in Lewis Hall, snow covered sidewalks and long distances to cover), he found friends and instructors who treated him with respect and expected that he could make it here. George says he has had an amazing college experience, with lots of fun and good times with his friends as well as challenging academics. His advice for those who follow him: Find your friends and don’t be afraid to ask for the help you need. Use your resources, they’re out there. Stay positive. 

Through Disability Services, George had accommodations for accessible classrooms and labs, notetaking, and an assistant in labs. He has tapered off those accommodations, and now uses his phone to take notes, drives himself to field classes, and works independently in labs. He is the first to credit his instructors and TA’s for their positive support. 

George’s father and sister will be here to watch him wheel across the stage. His mother Jill, his strong advocate and supporter, will have a special seat in the sky for the ceremony. 

George, congratulations. We can’t wait to be amazed by what happens next and wish you well!