Elevator Outage in Reid Hall 

As of August 2024, we anticipate having the elevator back in working order within spring 2025.

Elevator replacement preparation work will begin in summer 2024 while the first and second floors of Reid Hall are closed for a fire suppression installation project. MSU Facilities will be working during the 2024-25 academic year to complete the elevator installation project as soon as possible.

For students needing accessibility support... 

If you are a student needing accessibility support and assistance, whether temporary or permanent, please contact the Office of Disability Services. If you need support from one of the resources in Reid, please be aware of our new satellite space in Reid 140.

Office of Disability Services 

Student Resource Satellite Space 

  • Hours of operation: Monday through Friday from 10am - 3pm
  • This satellite space in Reid 140 is an accessible lounge and space for students to use student-facing resources for EHHD centers and programs (TRIO, LIFE Scholars, Science Math Resource Center, and the Center for Bilingual and Multicultural Education). 
  • Amenities - The space includes two comfy chairs, microwave, mini fridge, two computers, free printing, and a lending library. 

For faculty and staff needing accessibility support...

If you are a faculty or staff member needing accessibility support and assistance, please contact Janet Simon, MSU's ADA Coordinator for Faculty and Staff.

  • Location - Montana Hall 211
  • Phone - (406) 994-2629
  • Email - [email protected] 
  • For more information on disability and accommodations in employment, vist the following link - https://www.montana.edu/hr/disability_accommodation.html 
  • If you are a faculty member who has a student who needs accessibility support and assistance, please have them contact the Office of Disability Services. If you need to move your class to an accessable location for the semester, contact the Office of the Registrar at (406) 994-6650 or [email protected] .

For additional support or questions, please contact the EHHD Dean's Office at (406) 994-1626.