CFE Newsletter
Tuesday, September 21, 2021
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Sections:2021 MSU Faculty Symposium: Inspiring Excellence in Teaching and LearningTuesday, October 5 || 9:00 am – 2:00 pm || Inspiration Hall and WebEx Sponsors: A joint initiative of the President’s Office, Office of Academic Affairs, Center for Faculty Excellence and Academic Technology and Outreach Learn more about the agenda and register here
Formative AssessmentThursday, September 23 || 12:00pm to 1:30pm || SUB 233 & via Webex In this workshop, we will explore what formative assessment is, how it can benefit your student’s learning and success, and review and model some formative assessment techniques and technologies to try out in your courses. New Workshop Series on Inclusive PedagogyWednesdays, Sept. 29, Oct 27, Nov 10 || 1:00 to 2:30 pm || Reid Hall 124 or WebEx Facilitator: Shihua Brazill, Instructional Designer, Center for Faculty Excellence The purpose of the Inclusive Pedagogy workshop series is to engage faculty in creating a supportive learning environment that removes barriers for students. Participants will benefit from attending all three workshops but are not required to attend all of them. In Workshop 1 Inclusive Teaching, participants will learn about evidence-based inclusive teaching strategies. Together, we will discuss and implement specific strategies for creating inclusive learning environments that will support all learners. In Workshop 2 Universal Design for Learning, we will explore ways to incorporate UDL principles to design course instruction, materials, and content that engage all students and remove barriers to learning. In Workshop 3Trauma Informed Pedagogy Panel, participants will learn from a faculty panel about how to implement trauma informed pedagogy into their teaching and interactions with students.
Online Teaching Square - share, learn about, and discuss online teaching practices - starts Sunday, Sept. 26thParticipate in an 8-week Online Teaching Square where you will observe and discuss the online courses and teaching practices of other online instructors from across various disciplines at MSU. See how other online instructors organize their online courses, engage students with online learning activities and assignments, present content online, communicate and interact with students, and design and facilitate online discussion boards. Note that to be eligible to participate, you must be teaching an online course this fall semester during the teaching square timeframe of 9/26 to 11/20. Those who successfully complete the Online Teaching Square earn 4 credits towards the Certificate of Teaching Enhancement. It takes between 3-6 hours total to complete the Online Teaching Square. The Online Teaching Square starts Sunday, September 26th. If you are interested in participating or have questions, please contact Ken Silvestri at 406-994-7835 or [email protected]. Open Enrollment - Complete the Teaching Online Program (TOP) Basic-Level CourseThe Center for Faculty Excellence is excited to announce the opportunity for faculty to receive training and resources for teaching online through the Teaching Online Program (TOP). The basic-level course is ideal for those new to online teaching, those who want a refresher, and instructors who will be teaching an upcoming online course. Learn more here. The MSU Library Revealed: A Learning Series for FacultyJoin library faculty for six workshops in our series, The MSU Library Revealed: A Learning Series for Faculty. Learn how the Library uses its materials budget to acquire print and electronic resources, and how different subscription models are changing the ways that libraries spend money. This session will discuss how the library makes purchasing and cancellation decisions, the rising cost of scholarly resources, and how the MSU Library is evolving its spending to meet the needs of its researchers and students. Workshop 2: The MSU Library Revealed: Accessing and Using Library Resources – Oct 19 & 20 Learn how to access and use library resources through methods like connecting Google Scholar to the MSU Library, installing browser extensions that quickly connect you to library resources, etc. This workshop will also discuss how to search and borrow print items from other Montana academic libraries, alternative access methods for obtaining journal articles the library does not subscribe to, using interlibrary loan, and more. Workshop 3: The MSU Library Revealed: Teaching with Library Resources – Nov 8 & 9 Learn how to teach with library resources. This workshop will demonstrate methods for assisting students in finding the right resources for research, how to embed library resources into Brightspace, and more. Get Started with Gradescope WorkshopFriday, October 8 || 10:30am to 11:30am || Online workshop - please register below for the meeting link. Join us for an online workshop and learn how instructors use Gradescope. The workshop will offer guidance on how to conduct assignments both online and paper-based so that they can efficiently be marked and returned to students through Gradescope. We will also cover the instructor workflow of using Gradescope integrated with D2L Brightspace. In this workshop you will learn how to:
Visit the CFE website for the most up-to-date listing and links for registration. For a full archive of past workshops, visit the Recorded Workshop library Jabs Equity, Diversity, & Inclusion (JEDI): Mind the Gap programWednesday, September 22 || 9:30am to 1:00pm || Jake Jabs Hall, Forum
The Jabs Year of Celebration (YOC) started in the fall of 2021. The three goals for the series are: celebrate the amazing contributions of our highlighted group, inform our College of inequities, and create space to implement change. The year will be filled with speakers, programs, and events to support these goals; our celebration series is inclusive and aims to fold in people of all backgrounds. This year we will focus on Women in Business. Publish and Flourish: Tips for Writing and Submitting Your ManuscriptSeptember 29|| 11:00 am – 12:30 pm MST In this webinar, tips will be provided for how to organize your thoughts as you begin to write a manuscript. Ethical responsibilities of authorship, choice of a journal, and ways to overcome writer’s block will be discussed. Next, strategies for organizing material within the article, and stylistic aspects of each section of the paper, will be addressed. Finally, the manuscript submission process will be explained. Free Speech on Campus: A Sprint Course!Don’t miss the opportunity to attend this short informational course from our “Brown Bag Series”. Have you attended a Free Speech workshop? Would you like more information on what can and cannot be done on campus? Do you have questions or just want to learn more about policies within the university system? For your convenience, throughout the first semester there will be three 1-hour Free Speech Crash Course workshops offered during lunch time, so simply register for the time that works with your schedule and come learn something new about where you work.
To register, please visit the MSU Registration site and search for the course, Free Speech on Campus: A Sprint Course.
In this section, we are posting some short articles with practical teaching tips: CORE Principles of Effective Teaching: Emerging from the Pandemic as Better Educators
Weekly Guidelines for Students in Asynchronous Online Courses
Six Ways to Fall in Love with Teaching Again
If you have a teaching tip related to teaching in a blended or online format to share in this section, please send a description and any related resources or examples to [email protected]
Find graduate student resources here that you can share with your students. Visit The Graduate School resources for faculty and staff website. The Space Public Outreach Team (SPOT) is an organization funded by NASA. SPOT offers free presentations about current NASA missions and research to inspire the youth about new discoveries in space and science. This year’s presentation is called the Sun-Earth connection. Interested students will develop professional training through mentorship by STEM graduate student managers. Once certified, students will get paid $12.50 for their time to be motivational remodels for k-12 students while giving SPOT presentations to schools across Montana.
National Center for Faculty Development & Diversity members receive a weekly motivational email (the Monday Motivator) and access to the full NCFDD Core Curriculum, guest expert webinars, intensive multi-week courses facilitated by national experts, a private discussion forum, monthly writing challenges, and the opportunity to connect with a writing accountability partner. Learn more about how to register. Jessica Calarco, PhD
SKILL #9: How to Engage in Healthy ConflictThu, Oct 14, 2021 12:00pm - 1:30pm MDT Joy Gaston Gayles, PhD NCFDD Programs offered for a fee Spring 2022 Faculty Success Program |
MSU Center for Faculty Excellence |