Grant Writing Bootcamp
Grant Writing Bootcamp, launched in 2013, is designed to help grant-interested faculty produce a quality, successful proposal, with valuable information and support from grant-successful facilitators. Participants have the opportunity to interact with grant-successful senior faculty, to work with peer support in writing groups, and to use a team of proposal support personnel who have the submitter's individual needs in mind.
Don't have time right now to take a 10-week bootcamp? Visit our Recorded Workshops library
Spring 2024
Grant-Writing Bootcamp: From Idea to Proposal
Fridays every two weeks starting January 26, 2024|| 9:00 – 11:30 am
- In the off week, we will organize groups to work together on the homework from 9:00 – 10:00 am
Facilitated by Nicole Motzer, Director, Office of Research Development and Nika Stoop, Assistant Director of the Center for Faculty Excellence
APPLICATIONS ARE CLOSED for 2024. We will open for applications in the fall of 2024 for Spring 2025 bootcamp.
Go through the grant-writing process from beginning to end while working on your own grant proposal. With feedback from peers and experts, these 5-sessions over 10 weeks are designed to help novice grant writers understand the requirements of a grant opportunity, collect and create the many parts of a proposal, organize and write about their project, connect with MSU resources, and submit a grant proposal at MSU.

- Participation is limited to 20 people.
- Preference will be given to faculty who already have a grant opportunity in mind and can attend ALL sessions
- You will receive a confirmation that we have received your application.
- Successful applicants will be notified by September 8th.
Faculty who have participated describe it as “…a fabulous workshop and learning opportunity.” They say that it “…helped me solidify my ideas and get specific feedback about the research part of my proposal.”
Attending this workshop allows faculty to achieve these CFE faculty learning outcomes:
- Securing internal and external funding to support scholarly work
- Increasing awareness of strategies designed to improve productivity, relationships, and stress/time management for a lasting life and work balance
- Developing relationships to promote research and scholarly excellence, and encourage collaboration across disciplines
Grant Writing Bootcamp Facilitator Guide
Want to run your own Boot Camp? Check out the Facilitator's Guide that provides background on the development of the course, timelines for planning and scheduling, and outlines of the sessions. The Guides provides detailed information about the resources needed with links to examples and templates to make your Boot Camp a success.
To request a copy, contact [email protected]
Analysis of Impact
We looked at a one-year pre-post test of the impact of Bootcamp on women faculty in STEM’s research capacity was reported in the peer-reviewed journal Bioscience (Smith et al., 2017). Over the span of one year (and contrasting results with a comparison sample who were not part of the intervention) showed women participating in Grant-Writing Bootcamp significantly increased the number of external grants submitted, number of proposals led as PI, number of external grants awarded, and amount of external funding dollars awarded.
Smith, J.L., Stoop, C. D., Young, M., Belou. R., Held, S. (2017). Grant-Writing Bootcamp: An Intervention to Enhance the Research Capacity of Academic Women in STEM. BioScience. 67 (7): 638-645. DOI: