
The Montana State University Teaching Excellence Action Committee offers a Certificate of Teaching Enhancement to graduate students, full and part-time tenure track and non-tenure track faculty working at the University. The certificate provides evidence of the individual’s involvement in activities such as workshops, seminars, training sessions, tutorials, etc., that are oriented to the enhancement of teaching. 

Faculty can earn the certificate after:

  • completing 12 (twelve) units of teaching enhancement activities and
  • after submitting documentation of how they have incorporated what they learned into their classes. 

See below for a description of how these units are awarded.  The certificates can be included in annual review and promotion and tenure materials as well as in applications for teaching awards.


  • To receive credit for Teaching & Learning sponsored activities, interested faculty should sign the Record of Attendance that will be distributed at these events. 
  • To receive credit for listening to podcasts, log in and listen to the podcast. Your attendance will automatically be recorded.
  • To receive credit for other activities, faculty should complete Request Center Credit Form.  Forms should be submitted for each activity immediately after attendance rather than all at one time.

After completing 12 (twelve) units, faculty should submit a three- to five-page description of how their teaching has improved as a result of attendance to[email protected]

Deadline to submit the reflection is April 15the each year.

How do I know how many sessions I have attended?

You can see the list of classes that you have registered for and attended by visiting the MSU Employee Training Registration Tool. After logging in with your NetID, scroll down to “Your Completed Trainings” to see a list of your trainings.

Unit Calculation Guidelines

  • Lunches/short workshops—Worth 1 (one) unit

  • Half-day activities—Worth 2 (two) units

  • Full-day activities—Worth 4 (four) units

  • Non-sponsored activities—A maximum of 6 (six) of the 12 required units may be earned by attending activities not sponsored by The Center for Faculty Excellence (held either at MSU or outside the university)

  • Podcasts – Three podcasts are worth 1 credit.  
  • Technology workshops—A maximum of 6 (six) of the 12 required units may be earned by attending hands-on technology workshops, Canvas, Clickers, or Panopto

  • Recorded videos—A maximum of 3 (three) of the 12 required units may be earned by viewing videos of Teaching & Learning sponsored events that have been posted at the Teaching & Learning website event page

  • Teaching Online Program—Successful completion of The Center for Faculty Excellence's Teaching Online Program (TOP): Basic Level 1 is 2 credits; Basic Level 2 is 3 credits; Advanced is 3 credits click here for more details about this opportunity

  • Type of workshops—Only those workshops directly pertaining to teaching (as opposed to those associated with research, for example) may be used to earn units toward the Certificate of Teaching Enhancement                                   

Updated 02/11/2025