Tuesday, October 5, 2021                         

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Upcoming Announcements Teaching TipsGraduate Student Corner NCFDD Online Faculty Development

2021 Faculty Symposium

2021 MSU Faculty Symposium: Inspiring Excellence in Teaching and Learning

Tuesday, October 5 || 9:00 am – 2:00 pm || Inspiration Hall and WebEx

Sponsors: A joint initiative of the President’s Office, Office of Academic Affairs, Center for Faculty Excellence and Academic Technology and Outreach



New Workshop Series on Inclusive Pedagogy

Wednesdays, Sept. 29, Oct 27, Nov 10 || 1:00 to 2:30 pm || Reid Hall 124 or WebEx

Facilitator: Shihua Brazill, Instructional Designer, Center for Faculty Excellence

The purpose of the Inclusive Pedagogy workshop series is to engage faculty in creating a supportive learning environment that removes barriers for students. Participants will benefit from attending all three workshops but are not required to attend all of them. In Workshop 1 Inclusive Teaching, participants will learn about evidence-based inclusive teaching strategies. Together, we will discuss and implement specific strategies for creating inclusive learning environments that will support all learners. In Workshop 2 Universal Design for Learning, we will explore ways to incorporate UDL principles to design course instruction, materials, and content that engage all students and remove barriers to learning. In Workshop 3Trauma Informed Pedagogy Panel, participants will learn from a faculty panel about how to implement trauma informed pedagogy into their teaching and interactions with students.

Welcoming Tribal College Student Transfers and new Tribal Students

Summary of remaining sessions for 2021 

Co-facilitators from Blackfeet Community College (BCC) are enrolled Amskapi Piikani who are BCC administrators, faculty, former MSU students

All sessions are held from 3:00 to 4:30 pm in Room 108 Plant Biosciences Building

14 October – Creating a welcoming, collaborative environment for learning in classrooms, research laboratories, advising offices; recognizing border crossings tribal students make in a Western culture-organized disciplines; recognizing unique backgrounds and personal, community missions. (special guest: Jason Baldes, enrolled Eastern Shoshone, B.S. and M.S. from MSU College of Agriculture (LRES); director Free-Ranging Buffalo Reintroduction on Wind River Reservation).


28 October – Speaking to power; how to proceed when one’s supervisors don’t understand other ways of knowing or principles of engaging local, Indigenous students. (special guest, ret. USDA NIFA center director, Hiram Larew, who did learn these principles)


4 November – Native Science, Traditional Ecological Knowledge, and Western Science processes. Similarity, differences, complementarity.


18 November – Participants from the Workshop series present one change they will make in the classroom, research lab, advising, or engagement program to improve their tribal student welcoming environment.


The MSU Library Revealed: A Learning Series for Faculty

Join library faculty for six workshops in our series, The MSU Library Revealed: A Learning Series for Faculty.

Workshop 2: The MSU Library Revealed: Accessing and Using Library Resources – Oct 19 & 20

Learn how to access and use library resources through methods like connecting Google Scholar to the MSU Library, installing browser extensions that quickly connect you to library resources, etc. This workshop will also discuss how to search and borrow print items from other Montana academic libraries, alternative access methods for obtaining journal articles the library does not subscribe to, using interlibrary loan, and more.

  • Tuesday, October 19, 10am-11am, Innovative Learning Studio, MSU Library REGISTER HERE
  • Thursday, October 21, 1pm-2pm, WebEx Room REGISTER HERE

Workshop 3: The MSU Library Revealed: Teaching with Library Resources – Nov 8 & 9

Learn how to teach with library resources. This workshop will demonstrate methods for assisting students in finding the right resources for research, how to embed library resources into Brightspace, and more.

  • Monday, November 8, 10am-11am, Innovative Learning Studio, MSU Library REGISTER HERE
  • Tuesday, November 9, 2:00pm-3:00pm, WebEx Room REGISTER HERE

Faculty Excellence Grants – Information Session

Wednesday, October 6 || 1:00 – 2:00 pm || Webex

REGISTER HERE You will be sent the link prior to the event.

Members of the Faculty Excellence Grant Committee will hold an informal session to talk about the Faculty Excellence Grantsthat are due in November.  

Get Started with Gradescope Workshop 

Friday, October 8 || 10:30am to 11:30am || Online workshop - please register below for the meeting link. 

Join us for an online workshop and learn how instructors use Gradescope. The workshop will offer guidance on how to conduct assignments both online and paper-based so that they can efficiently be marked and returned to students through Gradescope. We will also cover the instructor workflow of using Gradescope integrated with D2L Brightspace. 

In this workshop you will learn how to:

  • Grade face-to-face exams and paper-based assignments with Gradescope
  • Save time with AI-assisted grading and answer grouping
  • Make rubric changes as you grade - changes apply to previously graded work to maintain consistency
  • Write each comment only once - apply previously used comments with a click
  • Use ‘assignment analytics’ to gain insight into student learning
  • Take advantage of the D2L Brightspace integration

Learn more and register here

Recognizing & Referring Students with Mental Health Needs

Tuesday, October 12 || 1:00 – 2:00 pm || SUB Ballroom D

REGISTER HERE  If you would like to attend via Webex, please indicate that in the comments section and the link will be sent to you before the session.

Hosted by Brian Kassar, Counseling and Psychological Services

Faculty, advisors, and teaching assistants are often among the first to notice when students struggle with personal or mental health issues. Here at MSU, 69% of students reported that they would confide in an instructor/TA when these problems interfere with academic progress. Will you know what to do? This training from Counseling & Psychological Services will provide an overview of college mental health and suicide, provide basic referral skills, and discuss campus resources for referral and support.

Academic Misconduct

Tuesday, October 14 || 1:00pm-2:00 pm || SUB 233

REGISTER HERE   Webex link will be sent to registrants before the session

Presenters: Erin Macdonald Peck, Assistant Dean of Students 

  • Matt Caires, Dean of Students
  • Alli Gidley, Safety and Welfare Management
  • Amber King, Assistant Dean of Students

Are you sure you know how to respond to academic misconduct?  If not, this workshop is for you.  Academic honesty, integrity, and appropriate behavior in the classroom is fundamental to maximizing all student learning in your classroom and to MSU’s mission. Please join us to learn about MSU’s procedures that related to academic misconduct and disruptions in the classroom. In this session, there will be case scenarios as well as the opportunity for you to ask questions about situations in your classroom. 


Visit the CFE website for the most up-to-date listing and links for registration. For a full archive of past workshops, visit the Recorded Workshop library


Microsoft Monday logo

Every Monday from noon to 1:00, UIT MarCom staff will be hosting an online information and training session about Microsoft 365. Learn what Microsoft 365 is and what it means to you. 

November → SharePoint & Shared Document Libraries

December → Microsoft Teams

Learn more about Microsoft Monday here

DXI Symposium: October 28-29, 2021

Montana State University will host a two-day 100% virtual symposium on October 28 and 29 that will change the narrative around the culture of dyslexia. This event focuses on the powerful advantages of the dyslexic mind including imagination, spatial awareness and creative thinking.

Learn more about the DXI symposium here

Free Speech on Campus: A Sprint Course!

Don’t miss the opportunity to attend this short informational course from our “Brown Bag Series”. Have you attended a Free Speech workshop? Would you like more information on what can and cannot be done on campus? Do you have questions or just want to learn more about policies within the university system? For your convenience, throughout the first semester there will be three 1-hour Free Speech Crash Course workshops offered during lunch time, so simply register for the time that works with your schedule and come learn something new about where you work. 

To register, please visit the MSU Registration site and search for the course, Free Speech on Campus: A Sprint Course.

All of Us Research Webinar.jpg

The National Research Mentoring Network will be hosting a new webinar in their career development webinar series with NIH's All of Us Research Program.The All of Us Research Program is an ambitious effort to gather health data from one million or more people living in the United States to accelerate research that may improve health.

Tuesday, October 19 from 11 am - 12 pm MT

In this webinar, you'll learn how the All of Us Research Program benefits researchers and how you can access program data online through the Research Hub. There are also many funding opportunities shared within the program.

Register for the webinar now

ABRCMS 2021 Conference

ABRCMS 2021 imageJoin a vibrant community of the brightest minds in STEM at 
the Annual Biomedical Research Conference for Minority Students (ABRCMS), taking place virtually, November 10-13, 2021. With 12 scientific disciplines represented, ABRCMS offers a robust program that spans the biomedical and behavioral sciences. You can be part of this one-of-a-kind event: Don’t miss the opportunity to participate in the go-to conference for scientific and professional development. 

SACNAS 2021 Conference

SACNAS 2021 imageThe largest multidisciplinary and multicultural STEM diversity event in the country, the SACNAS conference is a gathering which serves to equip, empower, and energize participants for their academic and professional paths in STEM. Learn more about SACNAS and register here!



Resources to Help Faculty with the Box Transition to OneDrive

As the university gets closer to its transition away from the storage site Box, University Information Technology would like to remind the MSU community how they can play a part in the successful migration of their data.

  • Clean up your collaborators. To make it easier for UIT to assist individuals, use the Box Shares Report folder to review current collaborators on files and folders. Learn more by visiting Box Transition How-To prepare videos  
  • Reduce the number of files and folders. Delete any unnecessary documents or folders to expedite migration time. 
  • Learn more about OneDrive for Business(OneDrive) and SharePoint Document Libraries.


Teaching Tips

In this section, we are posting some short articles with practical teaching tips:

Killpack, T. L., & Melón, L. C. (2016). Toward inclusive STEM classrooms: What personal role do faculty play? CBE-Life Sciences Education, 15(3), es3.  

  • This article has recommended strategies for meaningful reflection and professional development with respect to diversity and inclusion and aim to empower faculty to be change agents in their classrooms to broadening participation in STEM fields.

Why I Went from Proctored Exams to Open-Book

  • An instructor shares their experience with detailed points and ways for moving from proctored exams to open-book exams.

5 Creative Techniques to Use Productive Silence with Chad LIttlefield

  • Silence doesn't have to be awkward. Used wisely, it can actually be one of the most useful tools in our communication toolbox. 
  • Using just silence, you can change the tone and narrative of the conversation. Silence has the power to quite literally change what people say. 
  • I know - it sounds wrong. The phrase "awkward silence" is as prevalent as it is for a reason. But you can change that. 
  • In today's video, I'm going to show you 5 ways to create and use productive silences. If you block out some time to really watch this video, I know you'll find new ways to create conversations that matter. 

Small Changes in Teaching series

In this series, James M. Lang argues that simple changes in our pedagogy — in things like course design, classroom practices, and communication with students — can have a powerful impact on student learning.

If you have a teaching tip related to teaching in a blended or online format to share in this section, please send a description and any related resources or examples to [email protected]

 Grad Student Corner

Find graduate student resources here that you can share with your students.  Visit The Graduate School resources for faculty and staff website.

The Science of Effective Mentoring in STEMM

image of mentor network

Season Two of The Science of Mentorship, a podcast from the Board on Higher Education and Workforce of the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (NASEM) is now available.

New mentoring relationships can be intimidating. Mentees may not know what to expect of their mentors, or what the goal of the mentoring relationship is. 

For mentoring relationships to be mutually beneficial, both mentees and mentors must establish expectations and boundaries. This is a skill that can take some practice, but helps students reach their full potential in STEMM. In this episode, students share their stories of when they recognized the need for expectations and boundaries in their mentoring relationships, how they established them, and how they responded when their mentor didn’t respect the boundaries in place.

To learn more about the Science of Effective Mentorship in STEMM report, and for a guide to implementing best practices at your institution, visit NAS.edu/mentoring.

Listen to new episodes of The Science of Mentorship

NCFDD ONline Faculty Development

National Center for Faculty Development & Diversity members receive a weekly motivational email (the Monday Motivator) and access to the full NCFDD Core Curriculum, guest expert webinars, intensive multi-week courses facilitated by national experts, a private discussion forum, monthly writing challenges, and the opportunity to connect with a writing accountability partner. Learn more about how to register.


SKILL #9: How to Engage in Healthy Conflict

Thu, Oct 14, 2021

12:00pm - 1:30pm MDT

Joy Gaston Gayles, PhD

NCFDD Programs offered for a fee

Spring 2022 Faculty Success Program
Program Dates: January 16 - April 9, 2021
Priority Registration: September 20 - October 13


MSU Center for Faculty Excellence
114/116 Montana Hall Montana Hall | Bozeman, MT 59717
http://www.montana.edu/facultyexcellence/ | [email protected]  | 406-994-4555



Center for Faculty Excellence

Montana State University
P.O. Box 172560
Bozeman, MT 59717-2560

Michael Babcock
[email protected]

Assistant Director:
Nika Stoop
[email protected] 

Instructional Designer:
Ken Silvestri
[email protected]

Program Coordinator:
Emily Smith
[email protected] 

Phone: 406-994-4555
E-mail: [email protected]
Location: 324 Library