University Student Apartments Eligibility
Prospective tenants must have the primary role of student at Montana State University and must remain a degree seeking student. Students must be registered for and complete a minimum of 9 undergraduate credits or 6 graduate credits during each semester of occupancy.
Priority is given to graduate students. When availability permits, single undergraduates who have earned more than 72 credits are eligible to reside in housing designated for single graduate students.
Students meeting eligibility requirements with families may reside in University Student Apartments only with those whom the student has or shares a legal responsibility: partners/spouses, dependent children, dependent parents, and/or dependent extended families, and students with disabilities who require an MSU approved live-in personal care attendant.
How to Apply
Prospective tenants will submit a University Student Apartments housing application in the Housing Portal. Please be prepared to submit the following as part of your application:
- If you are applying for a family unit: the names, relationships, and birthdate of
each family member who would be residing with you.
- Please note: University Student Housing will require documentation to prove relationship with the student for each family member before a housing offer is made.
- Choose your preferred housing options from the options provided. The options will be different based on applying as a single student or with a family.
- Provide a preferred move-in date. This does not guarantee that University Student Housing will be able to provide housing on that date but provides the Assignments Coordinator with a time frame to offer available housing.
- Whether you would prefer a furnished or unfurnished unit. We have limited furnished units available.
- Provide University Student Housing with any information about specific housing needs based on medical/disability conditions.
- Consider Renter’s Insurance from Montana State University’s preferred vendor. Renter’s Insurance is not required but highly encouraged.
- Submit a $300 deposit to complete the application.
Housing Deposit Refund Policy
- The full $300 deposit will be refunded if the application cancels their housing application prior to an offer of housing.
- $250 of the deposit will be retained by the University if the applicant cancels their housing application after an offer of housing has been made. ($50 refund)
- $250 of the deposit will be retained by the University if the applicant fails to respond to an assignment offer or outreach by University Student Housing staff. ($50) It will be important to check for emails from University Student Housing as you wait for a housing offer.
- Once a student is assigned to a unit the $300 is retained as a security deposit. It will be returned at the end of tenancy unless deductions for rent, cleaning charges, replacement, repairs, utilities, and other outstanding University receivables are applied.
I’ve applied. Now what?
- The Assignments Coordinator uses your preferred date of occupancy to start seeing
if an offer of housing can be made. This typically starts about 2 months in advance
of your preferred date of occupancy.
- If you are applying for a family unit, please be sure that you can provide documentation to University Student Housing to prove relationship.
- If an offer of housing can be made, the Assignments Coordinator will reach out by
email or phone to make an offer.
- If you accept the offer, you will be asked to complete paperwork in the Housing Portal to complete the process. You will accept the unit, rental rates, and date that rent begins to be charged as well as sign the contract. Please give yourself time to thoroughly read through these.
- If you decline the offer, you will be asked to provide reasoning, to update your expected arrival date, etc.
- Upload your Eligibility Documentation in the Forms section of the Housing Portal (Move In and Eligibility Document Upload). Housing offers cannot be made until a student is eligible with University Student Housing.
- Housing assignments are a fluid process and applications are prioritized:
- By original application completion date
- If the applicant applied for Family or Single housing
- If they are a graduate or undergraduate student
- Expected arrival date
- Space availability while considering the applicant’s housing preferences