Community Director Search (for 25-26 AY)

The Community Directors (CDs) are full-time professional employees who have at least a Bachelor's Degree or equivalent experience and who have extensive experience in the field of Student Housing. This live-in position is responsible for the total administration and operation of a residential community. CDs are expected to create and promote welcoming and vibrant communities that foster personal growth and enhance the student experience. CDs do this through staff and student development, resident outreach, community building, attention to facilities, emergency response, and administrative organization. CDs also advise the hall government and oversee the hall Front Desk or Service Center operations. In addition, the CD is responsible for addressing any community discipline issues through adjudication and intentional conversations. CDs manage communities ranging in size from 350 to 850 residents serving mostly freshman and sophomore students.

We are searching for multiple open positions for the 2025-2026 academic year.

For additional information and to apply for the position please see the vacancy announcement on the Montana State University Staff Job Postings

We will do our best to keep candidates updated about their standing in our process. Please contact Zach Dovenbarger by email [email protected] or by phone at 406-994-6471. We look forward to hearing from you!

Benefits of the Position

1-2 bedroom furnished apartment

Meal plan


Health Benefits

Partial cell phone reimbursement

Departmental laptop provided

Professional Development Opportunities

Washer and Dryer in some Apartments

1 pet allowed in the apartment

Live-in partners welcome on-campus in the apartment

Tution waiver up to 6 credits

Professional Development Opportunities

Supervision experience

Overall building management experience

Strong relationships and friendships with coworkers

Opportunity to improve many skills (communication, confrontation, time management, conflict management)

Networking skills with other campus entities and other professionals at other universities

Constructive feedback

Opportunity to grow within the department

Extensive responsibility

Resident focused

Leadership advising

Terms of Employment

Professional staff are on 12 month contracts and are expected to work over academic breaks unless using earned time away. 

Community Directors:

Salary: starting $43,888, 12 month contract; furnished apartment (laundry or laundry allowance included); 7-day meal plan; full MSU benefits including vacation, sick time, insurance and retirement; staff tuition waiver (6 credits).

This position is exempt, full-time (40 hour week) with weekend and evening commitments that constitutes a portion of standard working hours.

Full time professional staff accrue sick leave based on hours worked. Employees must completed a waiting period of ninety (90) calendar days of continuous employment to be eligible to use sick leave. 

Full time professional staff accrue vacation at a rate of 15 days per year not to exceed 120 hours per year (use primarily when residential community demands permit and with supervisor approval). Employees must complete a waiting period of six (6) calendar months of continuous employment to be eligible to take annual leave. 

Employment is contingent upon satisfactory results for a criminal background investigation. 

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Online application available: January 2025
    • Application can be found here:
    • Search “Community Director” 
    • The application requires a resume/CV, cover letter and three (3) references.
  • Priority Application Date
    • Applications will continue to be reviewed on a rolling basis
  • First Round Interviews (via phone): 
    • Candidates must have an active application in order to receive a first round phone interview. University Student Housing will conduct first round interviews of candidates that meet minimum work requirements. These interviews will be 30 minutes long and provide a chance for us to get know candidates and the candidates to get to know us. 
    • All on-campus interviews will be determined from first round interviews. 
  • On-Campus Interviews (via WebEx or on campus): 
    • We will invite finalists to “on-campus” interviews. An on-campus interview is a full-day experience and consist of two interviews, informal meetings with students and staff, campus tour, a presentation, and a wrap-up with members of the director team. For the presentation, candidates will be given a prompt 1 week in advance and asked to prepare a short response (no more than 25 minutes). We want candidates to have a good understanding of who we are and what they can expect in the role. 
  • Final Offers: University Student Housing may choose to make rolling offers
    • Generally speaking, most community placements are made in late spring and after most interviews are concluded. Staff members are hired for the department and then placed based on the department’s needs and the skill set that the CD brings. We aim to hire candidates who could work anywhere within our system, and may modify placements each year based on department needs and desired professional development. 
  • Anticipated Start Date: June 1  

CDs are on-call an average of 10-12 days per semester. CDs and our elevated student staff, Assistant Community Directors (ACDs), are on-call for the entire campus. CD On-Call Shifts are 5pm-5pm, 7 days a week. CDs serve as primary and are supported by ACDs in a secondary role, who's on-call shifts are from 5pm-8am (weekdays) or 5pm-5pm (weekends or when offices are not open the next day).

CDs are expected to be within 15 minutes of campus while on-call.

Holidays, school breaks, and high-traffic weekends are assigned “points” and each Community Director is required to earn a certain number of points by “scooping” on-call days. Points days are set in the summer during training and include times during high traffic weekends, thanksgiving break, winter break and spring break when CDs are expected to present. The regular on-call schedule is set by semester during summer and winter training.

Community Directors are expected to be present in their communities in order to establish a strong presence, oversee daily administration, and provide supervision to staff. CDs can request time away during the academic year and approval is based on campus coverage. Below are dates/events that are considered restricted due to staff coverage needs:

  • Fall Training, Move In, Opening (June 1 - September 2)
  • MSU Fridays (TBD)
  • Gold Rush
  • Homecoming
  • Thanksgiving Break
  • Fall Closing (December)
  • Winter Break
  • Spring Training (January 9-20)
  • Spring Break 
  • Spring Closing (May)

University Student Housing sets aside professional development money for the professional staff team as a whole and for each individual. Professional staff work with their direct supervisor to development an individual development plan and request professional development funds from the Associate Director.

There are scheduled trainings and professional development opportunities that professional staff will be expected to participate in throughout the year. There are other opportunities through the department and university that professional staff are encouraged to consider.

University Student Housing has created guidelines and policies for full-time live-in and live-on staff members regarding their apartments and affiliates, dependents, or guests. Additionally, there is an approval process for live-in/live-on staff to have a pet. 

Upon hire, professional staff are expected to disclose if they plan to have a partner, dependent or pet live in their apartment. 

Professional staff receive $40 per month for reimbursement for their cell phones. You will be asked to submit a current cell phone bill and carrier information upon hire.

University Student Housing does not provide parking passes to community directors. CD Apartments do have staff designated parking located directly next to or near the buildings. Professional Staff should purchase a Bobcat parking pass or a University Student Apartments (JMA & USA) parking pass based on placement. More information on parking can be found on the Parking Services website.

Life as Professional Staff

Click on an image to view as a slideshow.

Professional Staff Testimonials:

Dana Beaty - "I came to Montana State University from a small private catholic institution in Helena, Montana. Thinking of the transition to MSU was both intimidating and exciting. When I got to MSU the nerves went away because of the welcoming atmosphere. The transition has been amazing because of the support and mentorship that MSU has to offer. While Bozeman is a bigger a city with a much bigger campus than what I was familiar with, the staff still creates a close and tightknit feeling. MSU has continuously amazed me by the level of support that is present for staff and students."

Lauren Smith  - "I worked at a for profit college in Nashville, TN in Student Services before I came to MSU. It was a huge transition from being in the south to moving out west to a state I had never been to before. I really wanted to work at a public university and wanted to start in Housing since I had previous experience as an RA in my undergrad years. Montana was a new adventure that I was excited to add to my higher education journey."

Bryce Gill - - "The CD position has given me plenty of experience in supervising, building management, and event planning. I have also attended numerous trainings on mental health, diversity, and event planing over the years, in addition to on-the-job experience in these fields. Moving forward, I know the organizational and people skills I’ve gained as a CD will transition into any career."

Enrique Alduenda - "In my role as a CD I have found it extremely rewarding to be a resource for students and those I supervise. Being able to be a part of the success of their professional, academic, and personal journeys has been my biggest accomplishment and joy during my time."

Jenna Severson - - "I love how intertwined in the Bozeman community MSU is. Bozeman is the perfect size in my opinion-- a city with plenty of activities to keep you occupied, but with a small-town feel. One of my favorite parts of the Bozeman community is how friendly and caring people are."

Bryce Gill - - "My favorite things about living in Bozeman are the outdoor activities, local food, and the community events. As someone who loves to climb, hike, and explore the outdoors, Bozeman is a great place to be, with plenty of outdoor activities within 30 minutes of campus. In town, the food is fantastic and there always seems to be something going on."

Josh Bishop - - "The best part about Bozeman is the people and the mountains. If you ask anyone at MSU why they continue to work at MSU, the number one answer you will get is that they stay for the people they work with, friends they have made, and the community. The second most popular answer would be the mountains and outdoors. Bozeman is home to some amazing places to adventure to within 30 minutes of stepping outside your front door."

Housing Overview

Housing Overview Transcript