Fall Move In 2025

General Move In Infomation
Move in days for Fall 2025 are Sunday, August 17, 2025 and Monday, August 18, 2025. Sign ups for move in will be available in the Housing Portal starting at 9am MDT on Monday, July 7, 2025.
The earliest date University Student Housing will accept mail and packages for Fall 2025 students will be August 11, 2025. Please do not mail or ship anything to arrive prior to Monday, August 11, 2025.
Any questions or concerns can be directed to the University Student Housing Office at 406-994-2661 or [email protected].
Move-In Maps and Directions
Information on how to reach your residence hall during move in from Interstate 90 can be found here.
Move-In Time Sign Up Process
- Starting July 7, 2025 at 9am MDT, students who have been assigned a room will be able to sign up for a move-in time slot.
- Students will log into the Housing Portal, select 'Forms' from the gold menu bar at the top of the screen. Mobile users will find 'Forms' in the hamburger menu on the left side of the gold bar. Select 'Residence Hall Forms'. Select 'Move-In Times'.
- Time slots are only created for August 17th and 18th. They start each hour starting at 8am on both days. The last time slot for August 17th is 8pm. The last time slot for August 18th is 5pm.
- If students are moving in on August 17th or 18th, but AFTER the last time slot is available, they do not need to have a time slot. If students are moving in AFTER August 18th, they do not need a time slot. In both cases, students will go to their hall front desk to check in when they arrive on campus.
- Each student will have 2 hours to check in and unload items into their room.
- If students need to cancel or change their move-in time, there will be a cancellation/change link in the confirmation email they receive after they select their move-in time. Changes can also be made by logging back into the Housing Portal and navigating back to 'Move-In Times'.
- Early arrival students (including Orientation 4 students) do not need to sign up for a move in time. We will be emailing approved early arrivals about move in procedures closer to their arrival time. Similarly, they will check into their hall front desks when they arrive.

Early Arrival Requests
Orientation 4 students will be allowed to move in on Saturday, August 16, 2025, but must still submit an early arrival request form. Students need to indicate they are arriving for Orientation 4 in their request. There are no additional costs for Orientation 4 students to move in early on August 16, 2025. If a student requests and is approved to move in before August 16, 2025, there will be a $75/night charge billed to their student account.
Early Arrivals MUST be approved before any student will be allowed to move in prior to Sunday, August 17, 2025. If approved, students will be charged $75/night to their student account. If students are part of an early arrival program, please include the program information in the early arrival request. Some programs are offered at no additional cost to the student. Please be sure to communicate regularly with the program's office regarding dates and what costs they are covering.
Early Arrival requests will be available in the Housing Portal starting April 14, 2025. University Student Housing will begin to review requests in early June and decisions will be sent by email to the student's preferred email address.
If students are approved for an early arrival, they do not need to sign up for a move in time via the Move In Time Scheduler in the Housing Portal. Early arrival students will receive information on their move in time once approved.
Meal plans do not start until Sunday, August 17, 2025

Optional Rentals
Ski & Bike Lockers
All sign-ups/rentals for lockers will happen through the Housing Portal,
Sign ups for Ski & Bike Lockers will be available starting at 9am MDT on Monday, July 21, 2025. Hyalite, Yellowstone, Langford, and Hapner students will receive an email announcing the process and how to add themselves to the waitlists for these options. Ski & Bike Lockers are ONLY available to those students that live in Yellowstone, Hyalite, Langford, or Hapner Halls. Students in these halls will have the ability to rent a ski locker and/or a spot in the secure bike storage area for the academic year.
Rentals are $60 for the entire academic year.
Please note that Langford and Hapner residents only have access to rent a ski locker as there is no secure bike storage in these halls.
Recommended Items To Bring With You

Students are expected to keep MSU University Student Housing furniture in their room and it must be in the same condition at the end of the year as it was at the beginning of the year when the student moved in.
Desk Items
Multi-outlet plug-in strip, envelopes, stamps, highlighters, stapler and staples, rubber bands, paper clips, poster tack, markers, binders, paper, stationery, post-its, tape, glue, pushpins, note cards, safety pins, desk lamp, pencil holder, pencil sharpener, writing utensils, 3-hole punch, ruler, scissors, calculator, calendar.
Shower Items
Shower shoes, bathroom caddy, toothbrush, toothbrush holder, toothpaste, soap, bar soap container, shampoo, conditioner, shaving kit, cosmetics, deodorant, bathrobe.
Laundry Items
Laundry basket/bag, detergent, softener, bleach, Woolite, dryer sheets, hangers, drying rack, iron/clothes steamer, ironing board.
Towels, wash cloths, blankets, sheets, pillows.
Microwave (must be UL-Approved), mini refrigerator (up to 4.5 cubic feet), coffee maker, television, computer, fan, alarm clock, water filter, floor lamp, blow dryer, curling iron.
Please note: Air Fryers, Air Conditioners, Toasters/Toaster Ovens and other appliances are not allowed in the halls. For more information review our Community Standards.
MicroFridge Information can be found on the University Student Housing website.
Pictures, yearbook, wall decorations, rugs, favorite books, music, video games, movies, strands of lights, plants, camera, planner, temporary shelving, keepsakes, boots, waterproof jacket, athletic equipment, windshield scraper, dishes, silverware, water bottle, medicine, batteries, storage bins, furniture, posters, sewing kit, packing tape, first aid kit, food, umbrella, stress ball, tool kit, cards/dice/board games, extension cords.