Cable Television:
Cable television is just another example of why life on-campus at MSU is the good life. As a resident, you will receive at least 45 cable channels in all of the public and common areas of the residence halls. Cable Channel Guide,
Computer Kiosks:
Computer kiosks are available to hall residents 24 hours a day/seven days a week! Each computer is connected to the campus network. Residence hall students will have access to the Internet and email at no charge.
Custodial Staff:
A professionally trained custodial staff cleans each hall’s public areas. Restrooms are cleaned daily, and hallways, lounges, and lobbies are cleaned on a routine schedule. Student Custodians clean on Saturdays and Sundays, as well as national holidays, to keep residence halls looking their best. Students can find cleaning equipment on each floor or at the hall Front Desk to help keep their own rooms clean. RHA also provides vacuum cleaners at each hall Front Desk.
Fitness Facilities:
The residence halls have limited fitness facilities at Montana State University. Fitness facilities are located in South Hedges, Johnstone Center, Hapner, Hannon, and Langford. The Langford and Hapner fitness room were recently remodeled.
Hall Front Desk Services:
Each hall has a main desk that serves as a vital information and service center for the hall community. Hall front desks are open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week during the regular academic year. There are spare keys, kitchen equipment, various sports equipment, video games, and tools available for checkout, as well as a photocopy service, mail delivery and pickup, UPS and Federal Express delivery. A full-time professional Program Coordinator staffs the desk between 8am and 5pm Monday through Friday. Hall residents also staff the desk.
Internet / WiFi:
MSU ResNet is a campus network that gives students a direct and wireless network connection to the Internet and campus resources at a rate of 300 times faster than a conventional modem. ResNet benefits include: no time limit, free technical support six days a week, and Ethernet access to campus network services.
Key Check-Out/Replacement:
If you misplace your key, you may temporarily check out a spare at the hall Front Desk. If it is determined that you have lost your room key, you will be required to fill out a work order and pay a re-key charge before you can have a new key.
Kitchen facilities are located in every residence hall. Check with your hall Front Desk concerning usage policies. RHA generally provides some cooking equipment, accessible through the Front Desk.
Laundry Facilities:
Washers and dryers are located in laundry rooms found either in a central location or on individual floors of the hall, depending on the building. The machines are reserved for resident use only. Ironing boards are available in the laundry rooms or on floors throughout the building and many desks have irons available for use at no charge. The machines are easily accessed by using your student CatCard.
Most of the residence halls have loftable furniture already provided in the room with the exception of Johnstone Center and the Quads.
We'd like to keep your hall and room in good condition and will do our best to remedy any problems brought to our attention. If you are aware of any needed repairs or safety problems, let your RA know as soon as possible. If, after a reasonable time, the problem has not been resolved, check back with your RA.
Recreation Facilities:
Intramural fields can be found outside of the high-rise residence halls, and recreational fields are located directly in front of Langford Hall. Most hall front desks have sports equipment available for check-out. RHA also funds a game room in some of the residence halls.
Renters Insurance
University Student Housing has a preferred vendor for students and families that are interested in signing up for renters insurance. MSU has partnered with GradGuard to provide a low-rate renters insurance plan for students while they live in the residence halls that can be transferred to their next rental off-campus if they choose. For more information, visit the Renters Insurance webpage.
Residence Hall Association:
The Residence Hall Association (RHA) is an organization made up of the students who live in our halls. The main responsibilities of the RHA are planning activities, keeping supplies at each hall Front Desk, and giving input into policies and procedures for University Student Housing.
There is limited storage space available for seasonal outdoor equipment at Yellowstone, Hyalite, and Hapner halls.
Summer storage:
There is no summer storage on campus for students. Students can store their belongings with an off-site storage company if they are planning to return to MSU for the Fall semester. Please visit our office if you would like more information about off-site Bozeman area storage companies.