On October 10th and 11th, 2006, a series of public forums were held to present the latest developments with the "campus master planning" project as it has evolved through the input from the previous public and departmental forums. The on-going goal has been to establish a consensus vision for the physical development of the campus environment for the next 25 to 50 years that is comprehensive, creative useful and most importantly— inspiring.
The culmination of the design team's summer's work incorporated input and refinements from previous public and departmental forums into two plans. Neither plan was presented as "the correct plan", but rather contained distinct similarities along with their differences. Participants were requested to give further input and to convey which portions of the plans might best honor and preseve the Universities history, while striving to support and advance its future aspirations.


Bike & Pedestrian Circulation

  • Enhance pedestrian travel where-ever possible. Trails system that can facilitate those on foot, on bikes or want to stop and rest. Fully landscaped and built to encourage use. I think these amenities could be added immediately and drive future development.
  • Have all buildings accessible by bike and pedestrian.
  • Would recommend opening parking garage (North of Garfield).
  • The front entrance to EPS has convenient sheltered bike parking. Incorporate that into future buildings especially those close to bike paths would be great.
  • Make Campus bike-friendly as well as pedestrian-friendly.
  • Third floor skyways with people movers keep view of mountains and make practical transit times between classes.
  • The Central Mall is inviting for pedestrians/flow. Can we connect more of campus like this.
  • Do not forget about current research facilities south of the Football Stadium (WTI & Others) in the Clotfelder Buildings. Provide pedestrian and bicycle facilities on Seventh south of Kagy Blvd. to access the MSU Campus.
  • Close Eleventh or make tunnels under Eleventh or go over Eleventh with skywalks.
  • Like the plan as purely pedestrian with a shuttle system.
  • I like the different paving denoting if an area is bike or pedestrian.
  • Separation of bike paths and pedestrian paths is important. Nothing is worse than walking down the Mall and hearing a bicycle coming up behind you. I am sure it's equally frustrating for the bicycle users.
  • Bicycle accessibility on Campus is important especially because Bozeman tends to be a "green" community where bikes are frequently used to get to and from Campus.
  • I like the pedestrian focus of Plan A.
  • Make the Campus accessible to bikes along with pedestrians.
  • Eleventh Street gets slowed down during the times of class getting let out (pedestrians). With more housing on the west side of Eleventh, is there a plan to have a tunnel or bridge over eleventh?
  • We need bike paths running next to all of the sidewalks on Campus. Right now they are mixed and it is very dangerous.
  • I like the pedestrian /multi use idea on the east side of Nineteenth, but I think better transportation is needed west. Focus on bikes and long boards.
  • Maintain a quiet pedestrian atmosphere by using shuttles.
  • MT-DOT needs to be involved in the development of cross-overs at Nineteenth
  • More than one cross-over needs to be planned.
  • We should be integrating bike paths into the University.
  • The concept of a fully pedestrian campus presents a big challenge for people to move from one side of campus to the other. There are limitations imposed by class schedules.
  • Multi-use of pathways need to be considered at ALL times.(bikes, boards and pedestrians)



  • All new housing should be exceptionally energy efficient and capture the best technology for sustainable building procedures.
  • It would be shameful for MSU to overlook the forthcoming opportunity to become a sustainable development leader. Traditional building equals no opportunity for learning, teaching or research, plus it is completely uninspired.
  • Important to keep sustainability in the forefront of all planning.
  • The current plan does not look like it takes much current and future technology into consideration.
  • Any thoughts on solar panels on rooftops? "Green" building materials, Water gardens, water recycling systems.
  • Move to a "green" campus that’s the most sustainable use of space.
  • Reduce the amount of impervious surface by using innovative techniques to reduce storm water run-off.
  • Encourage the use of "green" rooftops (especially Ag & Bioscience) to reduce storm water run-off.
  • Look up David Orr's Sustainable Building Design on Ohio Campus. Exemplary environmental sciences building that acts as a "teacher" of sustainable design principles.
  • Like the idea of leading the sustainable building movement.
  • Make sustainability part of MSU's image.
  • Solar Decathlon - Green Building Competition - Have the curriculum itself focus on sustainability. Green Architecture and alternate energy sources. - Research Department - Civil Engineering - Architecture!
  • Green roofs!!
  • Recycle - Give Roskie to Ag to use as a Silo.
  • Concerns regarding storm water run-off at Catron Creek. Sustainable designs need to be explored and parking areas with porosity.
  • Building standards will be developed as companion documents to the final plan to define acceptable finishes and sustainability.
  • Build it right - Build it Good.
  • Buildings need to be flexible, as usage may change at some point in the future.
  • Very few buildings are currently built to last 100 years.


Campus Character

  • When people arrive at Montana State, their tours may be brief. I think by way of Plan "A", they'd see more but maybe feel congested in certain areas. Plan "B" has a down home ambience and also offers room for commercial ventures.
  • The oval on College Street is an excellent idea. Good placement of academic quads along College Street.
  • Can the Athletic building be lowered into the ground to keep skyline intact?
  • I dislike the sprawl required to preserve Ag space buffer. I suggest growth from the center and leave exterior edges.
  • Campus Character: There needs to be many more nooks for studying. Right now we have the library and SUB only. Small oasis type areas with tables so groups can meet and study.
  • Make campus smoke free to encourage sitting outside
  • Traphagen needs expansion and return to original planned length.
  • Current Heating Plant could make a wonderful lobby area for a future Engineering Complex.
  • Campus entries- Which will be primary. Is it possible to have several with consistent qualities? - Nineteenth & College / Eleventh & College / Eighth & College
  • Save Taylor Hall - Renovate it for better use.
  • Resist the temptation of leasing MSU land for commercial activities. We have plenty of uses for the land - Keep Ag lands for Ag.
  • Spending money on a big indoor football practice building is a waste. If it is built, why not put it south of the Fieldhouse. Better yet, cover part of the stadium. It is empty and used all but 6 to 7 days a year.
  • A new practice football facility should also allow times for Club Sports, Field Sports, Ultimate, Rugby, Lacrosse, Soccer etc.
  • Kill the big Athletics Building!!
  • Dedicated statue or fountain by flagpole.
  • Keep the SOB Barn - It is a good connection to our heritage.
  • A 24/7 Study Lounge that creates a study atmosphere.
  • Keep lighting to a minimum. ALWAYS use IDA - approved light fixtures with fully shielded housing. We have a rapidly worsening light pollution problem.
  • Put a main entrance near Museum of the Rockies, Sports Complex and new Performing Arts Complex.
  • Dislike - Indoor practice field - Enclose the field we have. It is used very little for the amount of space it takes up.
  • Like - Green way of Plan B with stream restoration.
  • Like - Ideas of Sustainable Building.
  • Like - Idea of Art Museum (paint/sculpture, etc)
  • There needs to be a center point of Campus that everyone gathers at for events and discussions.
  • Architecture in plans looks like a bunch of boxes! Realize they are markers though.
  • Prevent unorganized growth.
  • Campus plans contain a framework to keep us from making some of the mistakes made in the past.
  • Rectify current space deficit.
  • Campus History tells us where we came from, but we still need to move into the future.
  • Tennis courts are still there. Don't place large athletic building near.
  • Place a gateway at Wilson and Kagy.
  • Buildings on plans, except for those which currently exist are merely building site markers, not specific buildings.
  • Need a Visual Arts Center - Museum/Gallery connected to performing arts.
  • Possibly create parking garages on opposing side of Nineteenth connected by an overpass (cross-over) use at either end of Nineteenth (Kagy or Lincoln and also at College) to create formal gateways into campus
  • College Street needs to be given an upgraded image - would improve the image of the entire University.


Vehicular Circulation & Service Drives

  • I love the move of facilities.
  • I love the half-oval drive on Plan "A".
  • Use parking garages as the gateways through an architectural entrance. Use the opportunity to create bridges over Nineteenth.
  • Still haven't solved the nighttime parking issues at northeast corner. It is a very long way at night (5 blocks) - Plan "A" to Hannon
  • Plan "A" - "U" shaped entry is a good idea, with a visitor center. Current location for visitors in unsatisfactory.
  • Idea: Round-about at College and Eleventh.
  • No pocket parking for students.
  • I don't understand the thoughts of continuing Garfield. Why do we want more cars through campus?
  • Like the Garage locations better on Plan "B" than those on Plan "A"
  • Put gateways, not just parking garages on Nineteenth.
  • Parking garages are ugly -- move somewhat away from entry points
  • I like the shuttle bus system.
  • Parking - accommodate commuters and carpoolers.
  • Encourage round-about's on intersecting streets vs. more lights or stop signs.
  • Please consider portraying "alternative" intersection geometries on your plans (example - round-about's)
  • The shuttle system that forms Denver's Sixteenth Street Mall is very effective at quickly moving lots of people along a long straight space while still maintaining a quiet pedestrian atmosphere.
  • Access/Egress is important. How will it be addressed if there is a Performing Arts Center. Currently, exiting the fieldhouse parking is a mess.
  • Connect Garfield! It will help reduce congestion on other streets.
  • Lets make faculty parking areas. Most of our competing campuses have this feature. Also, my research requires me to come and go often. I need parking close to the Engineering Complex.
  • Place parking structures on the Hapner and Hannon Hall sites.
  • Opening Garfield to Eleventh is a good idea. Slow speed, many crosswalks - the cars will learn.
  • Consider service access. Current practice of service vehicles (both MSU and vendors) on sidewalks is unsafe and damages grounds and facilities.
  • Shift the maintenance fleet to SMALL electric vans. They drive way too fast through the Mall.
  • The loop drop-off is nice. I like the parking garage locations along Nineteenth.
  • As many north-south roads through campus as possible. Try to avoid super blocks larger than the one bounded by Nineteenth, Lincoln, College and Eleventh.
  • Do not put a parking garage on the corner of Nineteenth and Eleventh. They are both very busy streets and a person would never be able to get out of the garage.
  • Better exit/entrance heading from north into Hedges area.
  • Consider not allowing students to bring cars to campus while they live in the dorm (1st year).
  • Dislike the enormous parking lot - suspect centralized parking will create more traffic problems than integrated smaller parking lots. Need traffic plan?
  • Ease of access! - If I can't get there easily - I "ain' t going" especially if it's cold snowy weather.
  • Drop-off and pick-up everywhere is important.
  • Affordable, safe, easy access parking - for visitors too.
  • Garfield going through is a good idea. Why would you dead-end that street?
  • I like keeping Campus more central. Parking lots are a waste of valuable space, keep the plans for parking garages in the future
  • Cleveland Street is designated a collector street in City plans. Is this considered in the MSU vision?
  • Hide parking garages.
  • Like Garfield extending to connect Eleventh and Nineteenth.
  • Did you look at the city's 2020 Plan, Transportation Plan and Bike Route network? The Bike and Pedestrian presentation board and the Park and Residential presentation board appears to have limited coordination with the City Plans.
  • Parking garages can be large and obtrusive - may not want near the entrances of Campus.
  • Large lots with shuttles would be good and help students be on time for classes.
  • Museum of the Rockies very connected by bike paths to surrounding area.
  • Biking on Campus adjacent to pedestrian paths. Show how Campus links to Gallatin Valley Bike paths.
  • Shuttle system for game-day events to Stadium/Fieldhouse from large park & ride lot and exterior garages.
  • Create park and ride with shuttles to major Campus areas.
  • Wind and rain shelters would be needed to make park & ride shuttle system work.
  • We will need the adjust transportation for students when the need for satellite Ag teaching or research facilities arises.
  • Need to be sure each row of the "park & ride" empties out onto the street so as not to create a huge bottleneck at the end of the day.
  • Include illustrations of how "round-about's" will appear and work.
  • The shuttle system needs to have two systems that will serve the housing areas, park & ride and the academic areas, running frequently enough to be efficient and to get people "there" on time.



  • Performing Arts Center across from the Museum is a great idea. Ideally combined with an Academic Conference Center and Hotel.
  • I like removing parking from inside the core and placing housing near services.
  • The ARTS should be central to our campus culture - visual arts needs space. Performing arts has Reynolds Recital Hall - visual arts has nothing comparable. Our image - not just science, but ARTS
  • Hotel in the Student Center (SUB).
  • How can we use small local firms as sub-contractors by pooling them in coops to perform non-essential work, i.e. low liability work , also use local suppliers.
  • You are involving architects in this process - I suggest you involve ARTISTS who deal in visual presentation, image, grounding etc.
  • Coordination with Yellowstone Business Partnerships, Regional LEED Pilot Program, which incorporates LEED standards to regional projects i.e. infrastructure, open space, policy.
  • Coordinate with City! "No man (or Campus) is an island" - John Donne
  • Public Art on Campus- Please consult with artists on Campus for strong public art pieces. Implement percent-for-art for funding. Bates Sculpture in front of EPS - very strong sculptural work that relates to surroundings - more like this.
  • If College Avenue becomes more of a Hub, encourage smaller street lanes (9 - 10 feet) to slow down traffic, bike lanes, crosswalks etc. I work at Culbertson and risk my life walking off Campus every day.
  • The plans are exciting - just be sure to connect to Bozeman.
  • For any new construction, I hope you'll use healthy, environmentally responsible building materials. There is a local business specializing in such materials: Refuge Sustainable Building Center.
  • The College of Technology is planning significant expansion in the next 3 to 5 years, based on information gathered from Gallatin Valley Residents with regard to needs for one and two year programs. It will be important to consider these needs in the Master Plan of MSU. I would like to share the results of an Environmental Scan with the designers of the plan to be included in the long term plan for MSU. (Asst. Dean of Bozeman Programs - 994-5523 V. Orazem
  • A performing Arts Center - YES!!!
  • We need a Performing Arts Center
  • Like: Sidewalk café idea with housing above (along College).
  • The arts center is a non-starter.
  • Like walkover at Nineteenth that segways into Café atmosphere.
  • No Performing Arts Center without a Visual Arts Museum. Beall Park Art Center has been folded into the Emerson - we have no accessible venues for the visual arts community on Campus. H. Copeland Gallery should be a student gallery not accessible to public artists.
  • Get Greek Way property back.
  • No more buildings as high as Roskie and Hedges dorms.
  • Terrific work - you have worked so hard and your community is grateful!
  • Can MSU buy back Greek Way if land values allow?
  • Keep connection to Community.
  • Who builds the trails? Bozeman is in the process of upgrading its parks, recreation and trails system - coordinate.
  • The Bozeman community has seen a 5.5 to 6% growth in the last 5 years… if this rate continues it will be extremely important to have coordinated goals.
  • There is anticipated to be a quarter of a million people in the community over the next 10 to 20 years.
  • Projected growth for the University is 30 to 40% over the next 40 to 50 years.


Open Space/Landscape

  • I prefer no lake (Mandeville Creek).
  • Preserve watercourses. Discourage new pond or lake on Campus.
  • Ag Lands?
  • LOVE the idea of improving Mandeville Creek. Extension Water Quality will help!!! Call A. Kirkpatrick 994-7381
  • Enhance Mandeville stream to the highest degree possible.
  • Move Athletic Building to South - Too large for the current locations shown. Blocks entire view shed looking south if placed as shown on plan.
  • Having green space at Campus entrances is important i.e. pocket parks - corner lot parks.
  • I like the wider green way connection - gives more opportunities for varied usage and more park-like.
  • More visible ties with Agriculture bring Ag closer or tie together better.
  • Like enhancing and restoring waterways, green space, trails etc.
  • On Campus north side: Field between Centerline sidewalk and Eighth Avenue parking - Good for ultimate Frisbee (save if dorms stay there)
  • Pleased to see Ag Lands continue in the plan.
  • The area around Hedges & Roskie is messy and not inviting. Could a green space/quad/park be created here for students to escape to and study in?
  • Less non-native grass and vegetation. More native landscaping. Emphasize a "Montana Look".
  • Like lake on southwest corner of Nineteenth and College. Don't park all around the water as at Ohio State.
  • Open space in front of Main Administration building for a possible protest staging area that is safe for protestors, police and buildings.
  • Discourage Mandeville pond. Campus should work to restore Mandeville Creek by creating riparian buffer zone (less Kentucky bluegrass) and managing parking-lot run-off into Mandeville (to reduce impact on flow regimes and water quality)
  • Walking path with rocks and native plants & trees is great.
  • NO Mandeville Creek pond - increased water temperature will kill fish.
  • Like: Develop and preserve stream corridors.
  • "Ag Lands" are used by students, staff and researchers. They are critical to the Colleges Education Mission. They are MUCH more than animals and hay ground.
  • Like lots of Green Space.
  • Please do not completely close in the Tennis courts with high buildings (open space).
  • Strongly discourage creation of a pond on the Mandeville Creek.
  • Work with Gallatin Local Water Quality District, MT-FWP to coordinate restoration efforts so the Water Quality District can see vision on Mandeville Creek restored from headwaters to confluence with the East Gallatin River. T. Crone - Gallatin Local Water Quality District - 582-3145
  • Please increase the set backs and green areas all along all of the streams.
  • Formal quads are good for academic areas. More natural plantings around streams.
  • Please do not block southern mountain views from campus by building a large athletic facility. A Campus should be celebrating its natural settings NOT its football team.
  • Like the plan to bring Mandeville above ground and make a focal point.
  • We are "Trout-U" - grasp this image by returning Mandeville to its historic spring creek state - Thanks MSU American Fisheries Society Student Sub-unit - [email protected] - President
  • Like: U-shapes entry off of College
  • Like: Faculty/Graduate/Family housing with green space, commercial connection and community feel.
  • Preserve Roskie/Lambert Fields at all costs. These are the students fields.
  • Continue MORE communication with Gallatin Valley Land Trust, Gallatin Local Water Quality District, etc. to develop Mandeville Creek appropriately. Trail is great.
  • If Campus is split east to west, build the strongest connection possible. i.e. Like the plan that calls for the wider connector.
  • Large BIG trees are important in all corners of Campus.
  • Plan "A" - Green way connection is too linear and should avoid being a straight line.
  • For a place that likes to think of itself as University of the YS. I don't see much YS. Increase native plants to replicate the YS ecosystem expand Man. Pond to fish research (native).
  • Seating throughout Campus - INCREASE!
  • What is quality open space? We want to preserve the existing.
  • We may not want to build on green spaces, but building on all of the parking areas is not wise either.
  • The University should not sell anymore land
  • The master plan develops around the Ag lands protecting this land from ever being sold off. Creates a buffer between the community developments and the University lands with Campus owned housing development.
  • Water courses through Campus - development needs to be done sustain ably, with set backs and appropriate permitting.
  • Leave Mandeville as natural as possible. No pond - would cause stream warming. Could possibly become a restored trout stream.
  • Because we are dependent upon tax dollars and donations, inevitably MSU tax dollars will get pressure from surrounding communities to change the current usage of our Ag lands.
  • Place the Athletics practice building in such a way that the tennis courts will receive sunlight
  • Give the SOB barn a more significant /prominent role within the new east-west green way connection.
  • The intent for expansion of private entities is that we will NOT sell any of the land. We would make leases and use these leases as a source of income for the University.
  • We have a lot of land, therefore we need a good framework to ensure proper usage and stewardship of this land. A plan helps us to avoid some of the potential problems.
  • Athletic building's height will be a significant height barrier to the south if laid out east-west. A north-south orientation would be better
  • Views should be preserved. We don't remember the buildings as much as we remember the surrounding views of this campus.



  • I like the idea of losing Roskie and Miller and also letting the creek run above ground.
  • All new housing - focus on innovative ideas. Give students parents, residents A REASON TO STAY ON Campus and support vendors, sports events, theatre, lectures, etc. Continue to TIE community into Campus.
  • I like clustering housing on the far western edge with a community feel.
  • Family Housing needs to help build a close knit community and comradely. Needs to have Space - SAFE SPACES - for children to play (maybe fenced in - could use buildings to fence in an area).
  • What are walk times from Student Housing to old core of Campus?
  • Residential Community needs to be closer to the core Campus. Why are the Ag lands considered more sacred than inhabitation?
  • Framework plan leaving out students living on Campus. 1. Noise on College Housing Hybrids. 2. Distance from housing to Campus. 3. Nighttime Security.
  • Family Housing in new plan is TOO FAR from Campus. We need to be part of the Campus Community too.
  • Collaborate with City to provide affordable housing for faculty. Build it sustain ably.
  • Replace Langford/Johnstone with new dorms.
  • Like mix of housing and commercial cuts down of traffic.
  • Future housing locations are good.
  • Is there any interest in exploring the co-housing model?
  • Keep student and faculty housing separate - make the family/faculty housing attractive and fit into lifestyle of community (Valley West - like)
  • Remember STAFF when it comes to affordable housing on Campus.
  • Encourage parents/students of Sophomore & Juniors to buy existing condos/housing for investment-rent to other students. Graduates will already have a place to live in town/ or investment money to get started after graduation. MSU does not need to pay for.
  • Faculty and student housing needed
  • Flip-flop Ag land and housing.
  • Integrate undergraduates into the older student body as well. Graduate housing and "newbies" can be intermixed - based on the market needs.
  • Buffer concept allows for less external pressure on the Campus. Price/value of rentals within the Campus housing will be less than the private sector.
  • Create a housing community attached to retail, restaurants, hotel and park trails.


Safety & ADA Issues

  • Extended Cat-Cab hours.
  • Would recommend keeping Eighth Ave. Parking Lot - safety for residents in Northeast.
  • Better Lighting system by sidewalks. Current one shut off when people walk under (aka rape lights)
  • Better lighting could include technology such as LED's to reduce light pollution.
  • Traffic from South is increasing - need to be aware of pedestrian traffic and safety. Use lights and bridges at State controlled Nineteenth.
  • Eleventh will continue to the south - and will continue to be an open street through Campus - safety needs to be addressed..
  • Increase crosswalks on College.
  • College is too fast for pedestrians. Need to collaborate with the City to increase safety.
  • Intersection light is needed at Eleventh and College.
  • Create pedestrian friendly round-about's.
  • Create or at least investigate back-in angle parking - increases safety when pulling out.
  • Nineteenth - how do we deal with crossing issues - crosswalks & lights - bridges.
  • Tunnels under Nineteenth would likely create water issues.
  • On-Campus Handicapped parking need to be addressed - real need.
  • Night-time safety for park & ride on campus needs to be looked at.
  • Main walkways - keep visible and well lit adhere to national standard. Beware of creating spaces where safety becomes a concern (landscape/lighting/architecture). Encourage constant activity throughout Campus 24/7.
  • Don't like the idea of parking garages "dumping" out onto Nineteenth - may be impossible to get out safely.
  • The City of Bozeman and the University collaborate on the "beatification" of streets leading into the University, also need to coordinate traffic lights and crossings.
  • MSU also needs to partnership with the State regarding installation of crosswalk and light at Eleventh and Kagy.
  • Bike paths would need to be plowed/de-iced to allow year around usage.
  • Satellite parking lots sometimes cause safety hazards for students forced to cross these areas on foot. Cars tend to zip-in and zip-out.
