- To investigate the physical facilities implications of MSU’s 5 Year Vision.
- To distinguish between physical and non-physical solution possibilities.
- To investigate what on and off campus stakeholders want the campus environment to
- To investigate current planning challenges, historical planning precedents, and real
planning constraints.
- To illustrate and test potential planning options.
- To establish a consensus vision for the physical development of the campus environment
that is practical, useful, and most importantly inspiring.
- To establish physical planning principles and guidelines to inform the coherent implementation
of the consensus vision over the coming years while allowing sufficient flexibility
to positively respond to specific challenges and opportunities
Planning, Design, & Construction
Montana State University
P.O. Box 172760
Bozeman, MT 59717-2760
Tel: 406 994-5413
Fax: 406 994-5665
Location: Rm 113, Plew
Walter Banziger
[email protected]
Associate University Planner:
Victoria Drummond, AICP
[email protected]