The process was a coordinated team approach with executive oversight; meeting regularly, both formally and informally, guided by a planning team made up of Facilities Planning, Design and Construction, the School of Architecture, the University Facilities Planning Board (UFPB), the Executive Oversight Committee, and Ayers Saint Gross. Together these stakeholders assessed campus historical context, inventoried existing conditions, established planning principles and over-arching development strategies, evaluated design options, and refined proposed solutions. The process built a strong and inclusive long range development plan.

Stakeholders Categorization

A university’s buildings and landscape reflect the ideals of the institution and affect the quality of life of its community. A campus plan helps to guide the development of the physical environment and honors and preserves the university’s history, while supporting and advancing its future aspirations. As a member of the university community and/or local community, you are a stakeholder in the development of this plan. Over the next 18 months, the university will create MSU’s campus plan for the future. Your opinion counts and is important to its success. We invite you to be a contributor towards its development.

The following eight stakeholder categories have been created with the idea of including all university and local community members' interests within at least one of the categories. Many people may have interests in more than one category. Stakeholder forums will be scheduled throughout the development process, with the first open forums to be held in two-hour block sessions starting on Jan. 25. Each forum will follow the same general agenda. Each two-hour session will generally emphasize the stakeholder category scheduled. Participation from all university and community members is encouraged at each and all sessions. Below are the stakeholder categories to help you choose which forums(s) you would like to attend.


This group includes but is not limited to the following - All students, including full-time, part-time, undergraduate, graduate, those taking a single class, and prospective students. It includes those living in residence halls, apartments both on and off campus, commuters, student government representatives, student organizations and student activities groups, etc.


This group includes but is not limited to the following - All faculty members, including tenured, tenure track, associate and assistant professors, full- and part-time professors, adjunct professors, teaching assistants and all university research personnel, including research assistants, research staff, and post doctorates, etc.

Faculty Council representatives are encouraged to attend the forums for this category.


This group includes but is not limited to the following - All university staff members, including classified, union and professional employees; full-time and part-time employees; student employees and fixed term employees, etc.

Classified Employees Personnel Advisory Committee (CEPAC) and Professional Council representatives are encouraged to attend the forums for this category.

Administration (University and State)

This group includes but is not limited to the following - All university administration members including president, provost, assistant and associate provosts, vice presidents, assistant and associate vice presidents, deans, assistant and associate deans, directors, assistant and associate directors, governor’s office representatives, Board of Regents members, Commissioner of Higher Education, state A/E division representatives, and Montana State Historic Preservation Office, etc.

Presidents Executive Council (PEC) and LRCDP Oversight Committee representatives are encouraged to attend forums for this category.


This group includes but is not limited to the following - All university members associated with agriculture, including administration, faculty, research, and staff, dean of the College of Agriculture, Montana Agricultural Experiment Station personnel, Animal and Range Sciences personnel, Livestock Board members, Vet Molecular Biology, Vet Diagnostic Lab, ARC personnel, state and regional agriculture organizations, etc.

Local Community

This group includes but is not limited to the following - All community members, including City of Bozeman city commissioners; city manager, planning and engineering; community residents; immediate neighborhood residents; Montana Department of Transportation/ Transportation Coordinating Committee members; county commissioners; county planning; adjacent landowners; Department of Fish, Wildlife & Parks; USGS; Bozeman Chamber of Commerce; utility providers; local architects, engineers and associations; and Montana Legislature, etc.

Sports and Extracurricular

This group includes but is not limited to the following - All participants in athletics, sports facilities and recreation services. including athletics director, administration and staff; outdoor recreation director, administration and staff; coaches; trainers; participants in NCAA sports, intramurals sports and club sports; Bobcat Boosters; and supporters of MSU sports, etc.

Alumni, Parents and Friends of the University

This group includes but is not limited to the following - All participants of organizations that are part of and/or support the university, including alumni, MSU Foundation members, Association of Retired Faculty and Parent/Family Association, etc.