
The Core Curriculum Committee stewards MSU’s Core Curriculum. The committee is responsible for reviewing and making recommendations regarding new Core course proposals and for overseeing the assessment of existing Core courses and learning outcomes. The committee reviews Core learning outcomes assessment and provides the strong foundation upon which Montana State University develops, identifies, and documents quality improvement plans and goals around its general education curriculum.


Steward and advocate for MSU’s Core Curriculum in collaboration with the faculty through ongoing evaluation, assessment and reporting of the appropriateness and effectiveness of general education requirements.

Areas of Responsibility

The Core Curriculum Committee is responsible for the following:

  • Planning and making recommendations for improvement of and innovation in MSU's core curriculum
  • Communication to the students, faculty and staff about the importance and relevance of the core curriculum
  • Overseeing the review of annual program assessment documents for MSU’s core curriculum
  • The review of new Core Curriculum course proposals (based on recommendations from steering committees)
  • Design and development of formats and templates for assessment of core curriculum program learning outcomes (assessment plans and reports)
  • Providing feedback as needed to departments/programs offering Core courses
  • Institutional reporting to Deans’ Council, Faculty Senate and Office of the Provost to inform strategic planning objectives.
  • Two members of the Core Curriculum Committee will serve on the Core Equivalency Review Committee (CERC). CERC reviews student requests for substitution or waiver of Core requirements.

Member Directory 

Tracy Dougher

Dougher, Tracy, Chair

Academic Affairs

Blanchard, Deb 

Academic Affairs

Portrait of Craig Carr

Carr, Craig 

College of Agriculture

Liz Schmidt

Schmidt, Liz

College of Arts & Architecture

Christine Sung

Sung, Christine 

College of Business

Mark Schure

Schure, Mark 

College of Ed., Health & Human Development

John Roudas

Roudas, John 

College of Engineering

David Nidever

Nidever, David

College of Letters & Science

James Martin

Martin, James

College of Letters & Science


Honors College

Portrait of Janet Heiss-Arms

Heiss-Arms, Janet 

Gallatin College

Mary Ann Hansen

Hansen, Mary Anne 


Doug Downs

Downs, Doug

Faculty Senate

Scheldorf , Walter 



Director of First-Year Writing

Portrait of Ken Silvestri

Silvestri, Ken 

Center for Faculty Excellence

Kandi Gresswell

Gresswell, Kandi 


Benes, Lindsay 

College of Nursing

Emily Edwards

Edwards, Emily 

University Studies/Advising Commons


Voting Membership

One faculty member from each of the Colleges of Agriculture, Arts and Architecture, Business, Education and Health and Human Development, Engineering, Nursing, Gallatin and Honors College. Two faculty members from the College of Letters and Science. One faculty member from the Library. One additional at-large member to be nominated by Faculty Senate and selected from the faculty to ensure broad representation across the disciplines. One student member.

Appointed By

All positions are appointed by Vice Provost based on nominations from the Colleges, Library and Faculty Senate. Student representative appointed/elected by ASMSU. If an NTT faculty member is not represented on the Committee then the Vice Provost will select an NTT faculty based on nominations from the Colleges.

Nonvoting Members 

University Studies Representative Director of the Writing Center, Instructional Designer, Center for Faculty Excellence, Division of Student Success Representative