MSU Core Qualities Assessment Plan and Reports

MSU Core Program will be assessed on a 5 year cycle with each MSU Core Quality assessed once in the first three years and then the substantive content related to the rationale for the various Core Perspectives will be assessed in year four and Core Qualities assessed directly.  

  • 2019-20 Assessment of “Thinking and Problem Solver”

  • 2020-21 Assessment of “Effective Communicator”

  • 2021-22 Assessment of “Local and Global Citizen”

  • 2022-23 Assessment of substantive content of Q, W, D, CS, R and Inquiry courses and Evaluation of the Core Program as a whole (this evaluation may include focus groups and/or surveys of students about their experiences in the MSU Core).

  • 2023-24 Assessment of student Core Quality achievement as measured by faculty perception survey in upper division R and Capstone courses.