Fixing the baseline in 1D spectra

The standard processing command is “abs n” (automatic baseline correction with no-integration).

For 19F and 13C spectra which may still have a rolling baseline, try increasing the number of SI points and then use the processing command “apbk”.

For 15N spectra with very short fid decay data, first copy the processed spectra to 2 (wrp 2) and read that file (re 2). Then process the spectra using the command “cryoproc1d”


Frozen lock screen

Sometimes the lock screen can become frozen. One option to unfreeze the screen is to use the command “restart gui”.


Line vs data points

To view individual data points in a spectra ( i.e. to see the number of data points/peak) instead of line spectra, select “spectra display preferences” then “show data points”.


Load gradient files

To quickly input/load gradient files into a new bruker parameter set when setting up a new experiment. Use the command “gppp”.


HOESY experiments

For hoesy pulse program experiments, it has been suggested to use 5% gradient strength.


Shimming on non-deuterated solvents (no-D shimming)


Option-1 (Bruker)

Bruker has a supplied script for shimming of non-deuterated solvents. The command is “lctshim”. The script looks for the largest peak, set the o1p, sets selwid=0.5 and rga before initiating topshim.


Option-2 (Manual)

Load the experimental parameter set and choose “lock solvent = none”.

Set # scans , # dummy scans and reciver gain (ns=1;ds=0;rg=1).

Turn off lock with “locnuc off”.

Collect a scan (zg) and process spectra (ef;apk;abs n). Find the ppm of the center of the largest peak.

Shim with the command “topshim 1h lockoff o1p=(pk center ppm) selwid=0.5 convcomp”.

Reset ns and ds.

If topshim fails, add ordmax=3 (default is 5) to the above command.


One can write a macro (nod) to speed things up:


topshim 1h lockoff o1pget selwid=0.5 convcomp

