Geospatial Skills Camp for Rural Montana Youth
The MSU Science Math Resource Center was awarded funds from the Air Force Office of Scientific Research to create Geospatial Skills Camps for Rural Montana Youth. Read the project abstract
for MSU and other previously funded projects on the Air Force Office of Scientific Research K-12 STEM website.
Application deadline has passed (Jan. 29, 2025) and applications are currently under review. Please reach out to [email protected] if you have a strong interest in applying and would still like to be considered.
Watch the recording of our informational Webinar hosted on Jan. 22. 2025
About MSU's Geospatial Skills Camps for rural Montana youth
The camps are designed to serve rising 9th and 10th graders in rural Montana communities, and will include topics such as:
- maps for analysis and navigation;
- collecting, analyzing and disseminating imagery from terrestrial, satellite and other sources;
- awareness of the skills and required credentials for piloting UAVs;
- remote sensing;
- basic electronics and circuitry related to sensor development and use; and
- geospatial analysis tools.
Students will learn aboutpotential career pathways and fields of studyrelated to geospatial science and engineering, particularly thoseconnected to the Air Force and other organizationsthat offer employment in rural areas.
Students will be encouraged to relate camp skillsand experiences to
- their individual interests such as robotics, human performanceor aviation;
- community needs, such as natural resources management, precision agriculture or meteorological forecasting;
- and national topics of interest such as security, energy or climate change.
This summer's camps will run June 9-13, 2025 and community organizations to host the camps will be recruited in early spring 2025. For more information, contact us at [email protected].
Applications for community organizations
Applications will be accepted from organizations, not individuals. Organizations must have the capacity to host a week-long camp June 9-13, 2025 (see all details and expectations in the application). Please read the application in its entirety; some materials are required from both the lead educator and the person who is applying on behalf of the organization. Applications are due Jan. 29, 2025.
Applications are currently under review, please reach out to [email protected] if you have a strong interest in applying and would still like to be considered.
Budget worksheet: Excel // Word.doc -- You MUST download and submit this with your online application
You can access PDF/Word document copies of the application below. DO NOT submit these; they are for your information only.
Application in PDF // Application as a Word document
In the news
We've been featured in MSU News! Check out the article about our next funding opportunity here.
We were recently featured on the STEM Outreach and Engagement within the Air Force Office of Scientific Research website! Congratulations to the eight Montana communities that participated in 2024: Boys & Girls Club of the Flathead Reservation; Dawson Community College; Flathead County 4-H; Powder River 4-H; Meagher County 4-H; Plenty Coups High School; Thompson Falls High School; Sidney High School.
Thanks to MSU News for the2024 article about the camp!
This material is based upon work supported by the Air Force Office of Scientific Research under award number FA9550-24-1-0291. Any opinions, findings and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the view of the United States Air Force.