lending library shelves

The Science Math Resource Center's STEM Lending Library is filled with books, kits and hands-on resources for use in educational outreach. MSU students, staff and faculty and in-service educators can check out materials. The SMRC staff is happy to make recommendations of appropriate resources for age groups and situations.

We alsowelcome inquiries and new projects from researchers who wish to create and disseminate educational resources for broader impacts and outreach.

The STEM Lending Library is located in Reid 413 (enter through Reid 412).

Resources available

MiniKite KitThe STEM Lending Library contains commercially available kits and curricula, as well as resources that have been developed specifically for Montana State University. Some resources tie directly to MSU research projects.

The list is constantly growing, but below is a sampling:

  • Technologies / STEM toys likeMicroBit,Snap Circuits,Foldscopes - origami microscope andPocketLabs
  • Building toys/materials
  • Children's books to combine with STEM activities
  • Books with STEM activity ideas in science, engineering and math
  • Curriculum sets such as Project WET
  • Ready-to-go kits

Spring 2025 Office Hours

  • Mondays: 1pm - 2pm
  • Wednesdays: 11am - 1pm
  • Thursdays: 2pm - 3pm

Or, call SMRC at (406) 994-7476 or email[email protected]to visit the Lending Library at another time.

If you have questions about kits, appointments, or the lending library in general, please email: [email protected]. For students in EDU 101 with questions about the rural outreach kits, please contact Clara. 

ASPIRE partnership

ASPIRE logoThe Science Math Resource Center and its STEM Lending Library are proud partners of ASPIRE: Advancing Support, Preparation and Innovation in Rural Education, a project of MSU's Center for Research on Rural Education.

Each semester, the SMRC creates hands-on STEM kits that are used by EDU 101 students in their visits to rural schools surrounding Bozeman. Kits often feature topics related to MSU research centers or projects, such as NASA AEROKATS and ROVER Education Network; Northwest Earth and Space Science Pathways; My Home, My Health; and MSU's Applied Quantum CORE.

Topics have ranged from circuitry and reverse engineering to land cover classification and microbes. Kits that are developed for the ASPIRE project are then available to all MSU students for use in education and outreach.

Citizen Science 101

We'd like to extend a big thank you to the Lakeville Nature Conservancy for sharing a useful resource! Citizen Science 101: How Anyone Can Contribute to Scientific Research and Development highlights leading citizen scientists in history, resources for finding potential projects and tips to get involved yourself. 

The Lakeville Nature Conservancy works to improve their community through working with nature and educating the public to be more eco-friendly. Thanks for all the work you do, Ms. Garcia & Katrina, Elizabeth, Julia, and Chris!

We can help with broader impacts and outreach

The SMRC team can also consult with researchers who wish to create and disseminate an educational kit, activity or other STEM resource for broader impacts and outreach. Or, we can house a kit or other STEM resources you have created, thus adding sustainability to short-term grant-funded projects.

Contact Suzi Taylor at [email protected]