Education students (pre-service teachers): You can earn a gift card, materials for your future classroom and
unique qualifications for your resume by learning about an exciting new STEM field.

Quantum science and technologies are emerging STEM fields that have the potential to bring new
careers and businesses to Montana, the nation and the world. You can learn about this exciting
topic in a way that helps you bring basic concepts to your future middle or high school classroom.

No prior knowledge or experience is necessary.

In Spring 2025, the Science Math Resource Center at Montana State University will train future educators from
MSU and tribal and community colleges across Montana in how to bring quantum topics to your future STEM
classrooms. You will also learn about the growing number of quantum companies in Montana and explore our state’s resources. No prior knowledge is required; all background information is included during the experience.

Course materials will be accessible for students to start work mid-February, 2025. You must apply to participate through the link below and start work by the end of February 2025. This is a non-credit, self-paced course. 

Interest Form: Quantum Training Badge for Future Educators

Participant Expectations

  • Attend two virtual or in-person trainings before May 2025 (tentatively in January or February and May)
  • Complete three online training modules before May 2025 (each module has multiple sections and is
    designed to take approximately 1-2 hours)
    • Module 1: What is Quantum
    • Module 2: Quantum in STEM education
    • Module 3: Quantum under the Big Sky
  • Participate in one outreach event with the Science Math Resource Center or in your local community. Examples include:
    • MSU Family Science Day, Thursday, Feb. 6 – Bozeman
    • Museum of the Rockies STEM Night, Monday. March 3 – Bozeman
    • World Quantum Day, Monday, April 14 – Statewide
    • GC360 Event from Gallatin College, Thursday, April 17 – Bozeman
    • Or an approved local STEM education outreach event of your choice

Participant Benefits

  • $300 gift card
  • Up to $200 worth of STEM classroom materials
  • Digital badge to place on teaching resume
  • Printed certificate to show to potential employers
  • Experience working directly with students in outreach events
  • Opportunity to give back to your community

Course Overview


What is Quantum?

Week 1

Section 1: What is Quantum?

Week 2

Section 2: Quantum Science

Week 3

Section 3: Quantum Technologies

Week 4

Section 4: Quantum Computing


Quantum in STEM Education

Week 5

Section 1: Science vs. Engineering vs. Manufacturing

Week 6

Section 2: Quantum-related Standards

Week 7

Section 3: Quantum Frameworks

Week 8

Section 4: Quantum Career Paths


Quantum under the Big Sky

Week 9

Section 1: Quantum under the Big Sky

Week 10

Section 2: This is Quantum (at MSU)



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