2024-2025 Reading List 


General, used in Units 1-4:

University Studies. US101US Exploring Place & Identity (2024-2025), Hayden-McNeill Publishing, 2024.


Unit 1:

Matthews, Kathy L., Linda M. Lyons, and Michael L. Sanseviro. “Successful Skills for Diversity,” Foundations of Academic Inquiry, Seventh Edition, adapted by University Studies, Montana State University, Hayden-McNeill Publishing, 2024.

McCutchen, G. and Riney, E. “Wellness in College,” Success by Design, Fifth Edition, adapted by University Studies, Montana State University, Hayden-McNeill Publishing, 2024.

Rode, Denise L., Kelly J. Smith, and Scott F. Peska. “Creating Goals,” UNIV 101/UNIV 201 NIU Essentials for Success, adapted by University Studies, Montana State University, Hayden-McNeill Publishing, 2024.

Rode, Denise L., Kelly J. Smith, and Scott F. Peska. “Managing Your Time,” UNIV 101/UNIV 201 NIU Essentials for Success, adapted by University Studies, Montana State University, Hayden-McNeill Publishing, 2024.

Sanders, Matthew L. Becoming a Learner: Realizing the Opportunity of Education. Hayden-McNeil MacMillan Learning, 2018.

Wyckoff, William. “Navigating Western Landscapes.” How to Read the American West: A Field Guide. University of Washington Press, 2014. pp. 3-27.

University Studies. “Imposter Syndrome Reading PDF,” edited by Tara Sewell-Lasater, 2024. PDF file.

University Studies. “Self-Advocacy Reading PDF,” edited by Tara Sewell-Lasater, 2024. PDF file.

University Studies. “Time Management and Procrastination Reading PDF,” edited by Tara Sewell-Lasater, 2024. PDF file.

Which includes:

Dierdorff, Erich C., “Time Management Is About More Than Life Hacks” Harvard Business Review, Jan. 29, 2020. https://hbr.org/2020/01/time-management-is-about-more-than-life-hacks. Accessed June 20, 2023. 

Hazard, Laurie, “From Procrastination to Action: Five Tips to Help Procrastinators Get Moving” XanEdu, Apr. 10, 2024. https://www.xanedu.com/blog/five-tips-to-help-procrastinators-get-moving. Accessed April 18, 2024. 

University Studies. “Responding to Critical Feedback and Learning from Mistakes Reading PDF,” edited by Tara Sewell-Lasater, 2024. PDF file.

Which includes:

Terada, Youki. “The Mistake Imperative—Why We Must Get Over Our Fear of Student Error.” Edutopia, Nov. 19. 2020. https://www.edutopia.org/article/mistake-imperative-why-we-must-get-over-our-fear-student-error. Accessed June 29, 2023.


Unit 2:

Adichie, Chimamanda Ngozi. “The Danger of a Single Story.” TED.com, uploaded by TED Global 2009, July 2009, www.ted.com/talks/chimamanda_adichie_the_danger_of_a_single_story.

Deer, S. “Knowing Through Numbers? The Benefits and Drawbacks of Data,” The Beginning and End of Rape: Confronting Sexual Violence in Native America. University of Minnesota Press, 2015, pp. 1-15.

Dhadley, Sunny. “Activating Lived Experience to Create Social Change.” YouTube, uploaded by TEDxWolverhampton, 22 May 2019, www.youtube.com/watch?v=93d-LWVAhWY.

Fish, Rosalie. “Running for Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women.” YouTube, uploaded by TEDx Talks, 30 January 2020, www.youtube.com/watch?v=udaKbOs0zsE.

Headlee, Celeste. “10 Ways to have a Better Conversation.” TED.com, uploaded by TEDx Creative Coast, May 2015, www.ted.com/talks/celeste_headlee_10_ways_to_have_a_better_conversation#t-690034.

Hinton, Anthony Ray. The Sun Does Shine.  St. Martin’s Griffin, 2019.

King, Martin Luther, Jr. “Letter from Birmingham Jail,” Matin Luther King Jr. Papers Project, 2004, www.liberationcurriculum.org. Accessed 11 July 2023.

Knezz, Stephanie N. “Drawing a New Scientist: Why I Come Out to My Chemistry Class.” Journal of Chemical Education 96 (2019): 827-829.

Morrow, Deana F. “Matthew Shepard 20 Years Later,” The Legacies of Matthew Shepard: Twenty Years Later. Helis Sikk and Leisa Meyer, eds. Taylor & Francis Group, 2019.

Native Hope. “Voices Unheard.” YouTube, uploaded by Native Hope, 21 Jan 2023, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BTVuFZuEQWs.

Nguyen, C Thi. “Escape the Echo Chamber.” Aeon, 9 April 2018, aeon.co/essays/why-its-as-hard-to-escape-an-echo-chamber-as-it-is-to-flee-a-cult. Accessed 13 May 2022.

Orange, Tommy. There, There. Vintage Books, 2018.

Saslow, Eli. Rising Out of Hatred. Penguin, 2018.

Schmitz, Rachel M. and Jennifer Tabler. “Here and Queer in Rural America” Vox, Nov. 13, 2021, https://msmagazine.com/2021/11/13/lgbtq-rural-america-queer/. Accessed June 20, 2023.

Weaver, Hilary N. "The colonial context of violence: Reflections on violence in the lives of Native American women." Journal of interpersonal violence 24.9 (2009): 1552-1563.

University Studies. “Hinton Reading PDF,” edited by Tara Sewell-Lasater, 2024. PDF file.

Which includes:

Epstein, Kayla. "This Emmett Till memorial was vandalized again. And again. And again. Now, it's bulletproof." Washingtonpost.com, 20 Oct. 2019. Gale Academic OneFile, link.gale.com/apps/doc/A603298848/AONE?u=mtlib_1_1123&sid=bookmark-AONE&xid=981e73d4. Accessed 5 July 2023. 

University Studies. “LGBTQ+ Voices Reading PDF,” edited by Tara Sewell-Lasater, 2024. PDF file.

University Studies. “LGBTQ+ Voices Vocab PDF,” edited by Tara Sewell-Lasater, 2024. PDF file.

Which includes:

Montañez, Amanda. “Visualizing Sex as a Spectrum: Infographic reveals the startling complexity of sex determination” Scientific American, Aug. 29, 2017, https://blogs.scientificamerican.com/sa-visual/visualizing-sex-as-a-spectrum/. Accessed January 4, 2024. 

University Studies. “MMIP Reading Notes PDF,” edited by Tara Sewell-Lasater, 2024. PDF file.

University Studies. “MMIP Reading PDF,” edited by Tara Sewell-Lasater, 2024. PDF file.


Unit 3:

Sandel, Michael. “Doing the Right Thing,” Justice: What’s the Right Thing to do? Farrar, Strauss & Giroux, 2009, pp. 3-30.


Unit 4:

Sanders, Matthew L. Becoming a Learner: Realizing the Opportunity of Education. Hayden-McNeil MacMillan Learning, 2018.


US101US treats video as "texts" and discusses them in full alongside additional readings and outside sources that are determined and chosen by class discussion leaders (instructors and students) that will not appear here. Additional readings TBD and subject to change.