image of Charly Allmer  

Admissions Counselor responsibilities include visiting high schools, attending college fairs and meeting with prospective students and families on campus.



Admitted Student Outreach: 

Main point of contact for admitted students with last names: F - L


Wolf Point, Montana

Alma Mater & Major:

Montana State University Billings - B.S. Criminal Justice 

York Univesity - M.A. Organization and Global Leadership

Favorite thing to do in Bozeman:

Bozeman offers lots of opportunities for life outside of your home. Some of my favorite things include floating the Madison River during the summer, attending comedy shows at Last Best Comedy, and going to concerts! I also enjoy watching Shakespeare in the Park during the summer at the duck pond.

Best college memory:

My favorite college memory was when I walked across the stage and got handed my diploma by Chancellor Hicswa and her telling me how proud she was. As a first-generation college student, and the first in my family to graduate with a college degree, this event helped me acknowledge that I’ll make a difference in the world. I felt invincible. Even though I graduated technically the fall semester before, there is nothing like walking across that stage after all my hard work and receiving that piece of paper saying that I did it, and showing my younger brother that he could do it too. 

Words of wisdom:

Try new things, sit at random dining tables your freshman year. That’s how I created new friendships and got to explore a new world of opportunity. College allows for lots of ups and downs, take those hurdles on and learn. My biggest piece of wisdom though, if you are not happy with your degree, change it and find what you are happy with – utilize University Studies!




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