Important Information Regarding Medical Records

Students will not be allowed to register for classes until all MSU immunization requirements are met and Student Health Services (SHS) Medical Services checks and clears the records. It is critical that students take care of meeting these requirements as far in advance of Orientation/Class Registration as possible. 

Required immunizations include two MMRs (measles, mumps, rubella) and completion of MSU's Tuberculosis Screening Form. Forms can be found at the Student Wellness website.

You can submit these forms through the Patient Portal or mail the printed forms as early as possible to:

MSU SHS Medical Services
P.O. Box 173260
Bozeman, MT 59717-3260. 

Immunizations records can also be faxed to (406) 994-2504 or emailed to [email protected].

If you have questions regarding immunization and health record requirements, please contact the SHS Medical Services at (406) 994-2311 or via email at [email protected].

More Information:

Health & Immunization Forms

MSU Student Patient Portal

Student Health Services Info