Welcome to the Bobcat Family!

Parent/Family Orientation

Concurrent with your student's Orientation/Class Registration program we offer a special program for parents and families designed to acquaint you with MSU and its programs, facilities and services. Enjoy this opportunity to learn about everything Montana State University can offer your new Bobcat!

The program includes:

  • A variety of sessions with University staff and faculty members
  • A session with the Assistant Dean of your student's academic college
  • Informal discussions with Student Orientation Leaders
  • Sessions detailing resources available for your student's success
  • A social evening with other Bobcat parents and MSU staff
  • A parent & family brunch connecting you with other parents and MSU administrators

Parents may pick and choose which sessions they would like to attend based on interest during the Parent/Family Orientation. A tentative sample schedule will be provided to registered parents ahead of the Parent/Family Orientation session. A final schedule will be provided at check-in.

Parents interested in attending the Parent/Family Orientation can register along with their student online. There is an $85 non-refundable program fee associated with the Parent/Family Orientation. If your student has already registered and you would like to add on the Parent/Family Orientation, please contact the Orientation Office at [email protected]. Please include your student's full name.

During our June and July sessions, parents and family members are welcome to stay on campus. All information and more is available on the MSU Summer Conference Housing website.Unfortunately, since the students will have moved into the residence halls in August, we cannot house family members during the Fall Orientation OF4 program (August).  Family members are also encouraged to explore local lodging options and lodging discounts on our Bozeman Travel Information and Local Guide page. 


Bobcat Parent and Family Program

The Bobcat Parent and Family Program supports parents and families as their students navigate the MSU campus. This includes programs such as Parent & Family weekend in October, activities, webinars, email updates and more. Click here for more information on the Bobcat Parent and Family Program.



Questions? We're here to help.

If you have questions, please don't hesitate to reach out to us! You can email our staff at [email protected], or call us Monday - Friday, 8:00am-5:00pm MT at 1-888-MSU-CATS.